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Data Organization Programming Assignment 3

CS 241L - Data Organization

Programming Assignment 3
Total points: 100

This assignment will allow you to practice using the bitwise Boolean operators in C. Each section that
follows will guide you through the steps to complete the assignment.
1 Extract files from tarball:
The necessary files are given to you as a compressed tarball. In order to extract the files from this
tarball use the command: tar -xvf programming assignment 3.tar.gz.
This will create a folder with name ‘Programming Assignment 3’ in your current directory. The
contents of this folder are the following:
• Programming Assignment-3 F22.pdf
• hash handout.c
• hash.out
• visualization.jar
• gettysburgOriginal.txt
• gettysburgAltered.txt
2 Assignment:
Create a directory for this assignment as follows:
$ cd cs241
$ mkdir prog03
$ chmod 700 prog03
$ cd prog03
2.1 The Hashing technique
Hashing is a technique to radically compress data into a single integer. A hash code for a file is equivalent
to the fingerprint of a human being. A fingerprint does not give you much information about the entire
person, but fingerprints can be used to distinguish between two different people. In the same way, a
file (or any source of data) can be associated with a 32-bit hash code. A good hash code should be
a pseudo-random number computed from the given data. To create a hash code, we basically want to
“mash” all the bits of the data into a single int.
Use the visualization.jar file provided in the tarball file, to see how this hashing process works
on String data. This is a java program created in another university (credits provided separately in
canvas) to visualize several algorithms covered in this class. So keep it handy; you will be executing
several algorithms from it.
Instructions to use the visualization for this assignment:
• Open the jar file by double-clicking on it or by using the command java -jar visualization.jar
• Click on Algorithms along the top
• Click on Hashing in the drop-down menu
• Click on the Hash Strings button on the right
• Click on the Pause button in the lower left
• Type the string “alice” (without the quotes) in the TextField to the left of the Insert button
• Click on Insert button
You can now watch the computation of the hash code step-by-step by repeatedly clicking on the
Step button in the lower left. Each of the five characters of “alice” are used, in turn, to contribute to
the final value of the hash code. The process repeatedly adds the 8 bits of the ASCII code of the next
character into the running total. Remember, a char is really just a small number. The running total is
then shifted 4 bits to the left. The 4 bits that are shifted-out of the running total are then XORed into
the running total at bit positions 18-21 (counting bit positions from the right, starting with position
0). This shift-and-XOR is not performed for the last character of the input string. The hash value of
“alice” is 6,827,925.
Notice that the input string “alice” is very short. But this same process can be used on a file
containing billions of characters/bytes (such as a video file).
2.2 Your work on compressing text
Now that you have seen a visualization of the hashing code technique, consider the file
gettysburgOriginal.txt. You can hash (aka compress) this very large (OK, not so very large) input
into a single integer using the command 1
$ ./hash.out ‘‘$(cat gettysburgOriginal.txt)’’
The process of hashing is deeply connected to the concepts of bitcoin, blockchain, and digital signatures. If you change the input data in any way, even if only in a small way, then the resulting
hash code will be completely different. Compare the hash codes of gettysburgOriginal.txt and
gettysburgAltered.txt. The main purpose of blockchain is to be able to create signed contracts that
can’t be forged or repudiated or altered after the fact.
Your work then is to modify the given source code file hash handout.c to carry out this
hash computation. You should only need to write a small amount of code. Place your code in the
section indicated in the file hash handout.c Do not modify the source code in any other way. If at any
time when you are running your program, and you are “stuck” (the program has entered an infinite
loop, or is unresponsive) you can “bail out” and halt the execution of the program using ^C (i.e., hold
the control and c keys simultaneously). For testing purposes, compile your file with the command:
$ gcc -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall hash handout.c
You should be sure to include YOUR NAME in a comment at the top of your source code file, and
make sure your code follows the code standards for this course (check out the standards in canvas in the
cs241 codingStandards2020.pdf file). Rename your modified hash handout.c file to a name that uses
your last name and the initial of your first name, like this: <lastName initialFirstName> hash handout.c
Submit this renamed file for grading to Canvas in the place of this assignment.
1The hash.out program is provided in the tarball of this programming assignment and has been tested using the cs
machines from Lab B146. You can use it for testing purpose. It accepts a single argument as input so any string with
white space should use quotes.
3 What to submit:
Submit a tarball to Canvas with name <Your-Student ID> 3.tar.gz containing the following files:
<lastName initialFirstName> hash handout.c
A file hash gettysburgOriginal.txt containing the hash value of the content of the file
A file hash gettysburgAltered.txt containing the hash value of the content of the file
The command for this is:
tar -czvf <Your-Student ID> 3.tar.gz <lastName initialFirstName> hash handout.c
hash gettysburgOriginal.txt hash gettysburgAltered.txt
the command should be written in a single line, we added a new line for readability.
4 Grading Rubric:
If any of your C programs do not compile with the -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall options without errors
or warnings the points given for the assignment will be zero. Otherwise the following rubric will be
+ 10 pt: Your C files follow the class coding standards.
+ 20 pt: The hash value of the contents of the file gettysburgOriginal.txt is correct.
+ 20 pt: The hash value of the contents of the file gettysburgAltered.txt is correct.
+ 50 pt: Your program correctly computes the hash value of a file only available to the grader.

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