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Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment 1 SOLVED

COMP 352: Data Structures and Algorithms
Assignment 1
Written Questions (50 marks): Please read carefully: You must submit the answers to all the
questions below. However, only one or more questions, possibly chosen at random, will be corrected
and will be evaluated to the full 50 marks.
Question 1
Consider an array A[1..n] of random length and random positive integer values. We define a subarray
of A as a contiguous segment of A. We denote the subarray from position k to position l (both included)
as A[k..l]. The subarray A[k..l] is an ascent if A[j] ≤ A[j + 1] for all j where k ≤ j < l. In other words, an ascent
is a nondecreasing segment of A.
Develop well-documented pseudo code (not java code) that compute the maximal length of an ascent
in A. For instance, given an array A =[5; 3; 6; 4; 6; 6; 7; 5], your algorithm should display:
The maximal length of an ascent would be 4, and A[4..7] = [4; 6; 6; 7] is the longest ascent in the array
(Notice that this is just an example. Your solution must not refer to this particular example). Your
algorithm cannot use any auxiliary storage such as ’extra’ arrays to perform what is needed.
a) Briefly justify the motive(s) behind your design.
b) What is the time complexity of your algorithm, in terms of Big-O?
c) What is the space complexity of your algorithm, in terms of Big-O?

Question 2
Develop well-documented pseudo code (not java code) that finds the largest and smallest sum of two
elements in an array of n integers, n ≥ 1. The code must display the values and the indices of these
elements, and the value of that sum. For instance, given the following array [13;9;47;35;6;29;69;12] your
code should find and display something similar to the following (notice that this is just an example.
Your solution must not refer to this particular example):
➢ The two indices with largest sum between their values are: index 2 and index 6, storing values 47
and 69, and the value of their sum is 116.
➢ The two indices with smallest sum between their values are: index 1 and index 4, storing values 9
and 6 and the value of their sum is 15.
In case of multiple occurrences of the smallest or largest sum, the code should display the first found
a) Briefly justify the motive(s) behind your design.
b) What is the time complexity of your solution? You must specify such complexity using the Big-O
notation and explain clearly how you obtained such complexity.
c) What is the space complexity of your algorithm?
Question 3
Prove or disprove the following statements, using the relationship among typical growth-rate functions
seen in class.
a) n
log n + n4
is O(n4
log n)
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b) 10
6 + 5n3 + 6000000n2 + n is Θ(n3
c) 6n
is Ω (n!)
d) 0.5n
8 + 700000n5
is O(n8
e) n
13 + 0.0008n
is Ω(n12
f) n! is O(5
Programming Questions (50 marks):
In this programming part you are asked to implement phase-1 of a game called #tictactoe.
#tictactoe game consists of one row of any number of squares, where some of the squares store noughts
and crosses (i.e., Os and Xs), and the remaining squares store the character "#". The squares storing the
"#" character each hide their actual content which must be either an X or an O.
In this programming assignment, you will design in pseudo code and implement in Java two
versions of #tictactoe game phase-1. A program that takes as input your game row of any
length of random number of squares with X and O, and hidden squares with "#", and finds
all possible rows of noughts and crosses that can be constructed by replacing the hidden
squares (storing "#") with either X or O.
Version 1:
In your first version, you must write a recursive method called UnHide which reads the row (and any
other parameters; e.g., length, start index and end index of row, etc., if needed) and generates ALL
possible combinations of that rows without the hidden “#” square.
For example; given:
a) A row [XOXX#OO#XO], the method UnHide will display something like:
b) A row [XOXX#OO#XOXX#O##] the method UnHide will display something like:
You will need to run the program multiple times. With each run, you will need to provide a random
generated row size with a hidden” #” tail in an incremented number from 2, 4, 6, up to 100 (or higher
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value if required for your timing measurement) and measure the corresponding run time for each run.
You can use Java’s built-in time function for finding the execution time. You should redirect the output
of each program to an out.txt file. You should write about your observations on timing measurements
in a separate text file. You are required to submit the two fully commented Java source files, the
compiled executables, and the text files.
Briefly explain what is the complexity of your algorithm. More specifically, has your solution has an
acceptable complexity; is it scalable enough; etc. If not, what are the reasons behind that?
Version 2:
In this version, you will need to provide an alternative/different solution to solve the same exact
problem as above). This second solution must be iterative and not recursive, and can use any linear
data structure such as array, stack, queue, list. etc.
a) Explain the details of your algorithm, and provide its time and space complexity. You must clearly
justify how you estimated the complexity of your solution.
b) Compare the complexities between version 1 and version 2
Submit both the pseudo code and the Java program, together with your experimental results. Keep in
mind that Java code is not pseudo code. See the full details of submission details below.
The written questions must be done individually (no groups are permitted).
The programming part can be done in groups of two students (maximum).
For the written questions, submit all your answers in PDF (text document format or clear
handwriting: if your answer is not clearly written this will result in your answer being discarded). Please
be concise and brief (less than ¼ of a page for each question) in your answers. Submit the assignment
under Theory Assignment 1 directory in EAS or the correct Dropbox/folder in Moodle (depending on
your section).
For the programming part, you must submit the source files together with the compiled files.
The solutions to all the questions should be zipped together into one .zip or.tar.gz file and
submitted via Moodle/EAS under Programming 1 directory or under the correct
Dropbox/folder. You must upload at most one file (even if working in a team; please read
below). In specific, here is what you need to do:
1) Create one zip file, containing the necessary files (.java and .html). Please name your file following
this convention:
➢ If the work is done by 1 student: Your file should be called a#_studentID, where # is the
number of the assignment studentID is your student ID number.
➢ If the work is done by 2 students: The zip file should be called a#_studentID1_studentID2,
where # is the number of the assignment studentID1 and studentID2 are the student ID
numbers of each student.
2) If working in a group, only one of the team members can submit the programming part. Do not
upload 2 copies.
Very Important:
 Additionally, for the programming part of the assignment, a demo is required (please refer to
the courser outline for full details). The marker will inform you about the demo times. Please
notice that failing to demo your assignment will result in zero mark regardless of your
submission. If working in a team, both members of the team must be present during the demo. 

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