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Data Structures and Algorithms Lab Assignment no. 6

CS 211 Data Structures and Algorithms Lab

Assignment no. 6
Objective To implement BFS and to use it to solve
single-source shortest path problem on undirected
Total marks 10

Penalty for violating naming
Your program should accept an input file as a command-line argument. A typical execution of
your program will be ./a.out sample.graph
The input file represents an undirected graph. The first line of the file contains two numbers: (i)
the number of vertices n; (ii) the number of edges m. The vertices are numbered from 0 to n-1.
Every other line is of the form: x y, which represents an undirected edge between vertex x and
y. No edge is repeated in the input file. The vertex 0 is the source (starting) vertex from which
you need to find the shortest distances to other vertices.
Your program may create an adjacency list of the input graph.
Implement BFS and use it to find the shortest distance of every vertex from the source vertex
(0). The output file should be named as ‘sd.txt’. Every line in the output file should have exactly
one integer which represents the distance between the source vertex and the vertex with label
k-1, where k is the line number. For example, the first line should have the distance between the
source vertex 0 and the vertex 0 - of course, this value is always 0. The output file must have
exactly n lines. The graph that will be used for evaluation will have at least 1000 vertices and at
most 2000 vertices.
Note#1: if there is no path exists from the source vertex 0 to any other given vertex (means if no
shortest path exists from the source vertex), then the output file should contain “-1” at that
Note#2: if there is no vertex is presented in the given input file, in that case also the output file
should contain value “-1” at that vertex
● The program you submit should output ‘sd.txt’ when run.
● The main file of your program should be named as <roll no>.<extension>, where roll no.
specifies your roll no. and the extension depends on the language you choose (Usage of
C is mandatory for this assignment). Ex: 200010001.c.
● Test well before submission. You may use the attached sample input file for testing. The
corresponding output file is also attached. We have some hidden inputs with us to test
your program. The mark you obtain is purely based on whether your program correctly
gives outputs for the hidden inputs.
● If your program has only a single source file, please submit the file as it is. If your
program has multiple source files, please submit your code as a zip file where the name
of the zip file should be your roll number. It is important that you follow the
input/output conventions exactly (including the naming scheme) as we may be doing an
automated evaluation. There will be a penalty of 5% (on the mark you deserve
otherwise) if you do not follow the naming conventions exactly.
● Follow some coding style uniformly. Provide proper comments in your code.
● Submit only through moodle. Submit well in advance. Any hiccups in the
moodle/internet at the last minute is never acceptable as an excuse for late submission.
Submissions through email or any other means will be ignored.
● Acknowledge the people (other than the instructor and TA) who helped you to solve this
assignment. The details of the help you received and the names of the people who
helped you (including internet sources, if applicable) should come in the beginning of
the main file as a comment. Copying others’ programs is a serious offence and a
deserving penalty will be imposed if found.
● To consider for the first evaluation without penalty, you have to submit your program by
the due date. If you submit after the due date but on or before the cut-off date, there
will be a penalty of 5% on the marks you deserve otherwise.
● If you do not submit by the cut-off date, your program will not be considered for the
first evaluation.
● We will do the first evaluation after the cut-off date. The marks you obtain will be
proportional to the number of correct lines in the output files. We will use the ‘diff’
program to check the differences between the correct output file and the output file
generated by your program. So, you may verify the correctness of the output file by
using the diff program with a sample output file before submission. (See the man page
of diff for more info).
● We will do the second evaluation later. This is for those who want to improve their
marks obtained in the first evaluation or who do not submit for the first evaluation.
There will be a penalty of 20% for those who are submitting for the second evaluation.
The details of the second evaluation will be shared later.

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