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Data Structures and Algorithms Problem Set 4

CS2040S: Data Structures and Algorithms
Problem Set 4

Collaboration Policy. You are encouraged to work with other students on solving these problems. However, you must write up your solution by yourself. We may, randomly, ask you
questions about your solution, and if you cannot answer them, we will assume you have cheated. In
addition, when you write up your solution, you must list the names of every collaborator, that is,
every other person you talked to about the problem (even if you only discussed it briefly). You can
do so in Coursemology by adding a Comment. Any deviation from this policy will be considered
cheating and will be punished severely, including referral to the NUS Board of Discipline.
Problem 1. (Scapegoat Trees)
Self-balancing trees can seem complicated at times, with various rotations and splits and merges
needed to keep everything in balance. Scapegoat Trees, by contrast, are simple. On insertion and
deletion, you do not do any anything extra at all! Just do the insert or delete operation as you
would in an unbalanced binary search tree.
We do, however, do need to do some work when and if parts of the tree become too unbalanced.
Whenever things get too bad, a scapegoat node is chosen, and the entire subtree rooted at that
node is rebuilt. So most of the time, our tree operations are very fast and simple. And every so
often, we have to do some cleanup work to compensate.
In this problem, you are going to implement the key step in a scapegoat tree: rebuilding a node.
(We are going to postpone the part where we choose which nodes to scapegoat and when to
perform this rebuild operation.) So your goal in this problem set is to implement an operation
void rebuild(TreeNode node, Child child) that rebuilds either the specified left or right child
of the node in question.
Beware that a key property of the rebalance operation is that it has to be efficient. (Otherwise,
the cost of the occasional rebalancing might dominate the cost of the entire data structure!) In
particular, if we are rebuilding a subtree containing k nodes, it should only take O(k) time. Thus
your implementation of the following methods should be sufficiently efficient to satisfy this goal.
(As always, you should make your solutions as efficient as possible.)
Problem 1.a. First, implement an operation int countNodes(TreeNode node, Child child)
that counts the number of nodes in the specified child of node, where child can be LEFT or RIGHT.
Problem 1.b. Second, implement an operation TreeNode[] enumerateNodes(TreeNode node,
Child child) that returns an array of nodes in the inorder traversal of the subtree. (You should
make no assumption about the ordering of keys in the tree, but instead simply rely on the tree
structure to infer the order. The tree itself may or may not be sorted in the way you expect.)
You are only allowed to use default Java arrays for your solution, i.e. Java API such as List and
ArrayList will not be allowed.
Hint: You may want to use the countNodes method from the previous part to determine the size
of the array to return in advance. If you resize the array frequently, it is likely to not be as efficient.
Problem 1.c. Finally, implement an operation TreeNode buildTree(TreeNode[] nodeList)
that builds a perfectly balanced tree (definition below) from the list of nodes previously constructed.
Combined with the previous parts, this should give you everything you need to rebuild a subtree.
Do remember that for each node, after you’ve balanced the two subtrees directly below it, you will
need to update that node’s left and right child to be the new root of the balanced left and right
subtrees respectively.
Let us define a perfectly balanced tree. For any two sibling nodes in a perfectly balanced tree, their
size (the number of nodes in their subtree, not the height of their subtree) should differ by at most 1.
Problem 2. (Game Trees)
Trees can be a convenient way to represent a game. Imagine you have a two-player game where
players take turns making moves. The root node (at depth 0) can represent the initial state of the
game, and each of its children can represent a choice made by the first player. The nodes at depth
1 represent the position after the first move, and the children of the depth 1 nodes can represent
choices made by the second player. And so forth.
The leaves represent the final state of the game, where either one of the players has won, or there
are no further moves to make.
For example, let us consider a classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe (though we can use a tree to represent
any game where players take turns!).
You can think of every node as belonging to either Player A (the first player) or Player B (the
second player). As you walk down the tree, the nodes will alternate between A-nodes and B-nodes.
The value of a node indicates the best score that Player A can hope for. For example, a leaf where
Player A wins may have a value of 1, while a leaf where Player A loses may have a value of -1 (We
will use positive numbers to indicate a win for Player A and negative numbers to indicate a loss
for Player A). A draw would be represented by a value of 0.
Notice that if we are at a B-node and all the children are leaves where Player A wins, then Player
B is out of luck! We can assign that B-node a value of 1 as well, since no matter what Player B
does, Player A is going to win. Similarly, if we are at an A-node and any one of the children is a
leaf where Player A wins, then we can designate that A-node as having value 1 also, since Player
A can make the move that leads to that child node, and will definitely win.
In this manner, we can go through and assign a value to every node. At a B-node, we can assume
that Player B is going to choose the child node that is worst for A, i.e., the node with the minimum
value. So we can assign a value to a B-node by taking the minimum value among its children. For
an A-node, we can assume that Player A is going to choose the child node that is best for A, i.e.,
the node with the maximum value. So we can assign a value to an A-node by taking the maximum
value among its children.
Why minimum and maximum? In our example, we are looking at a game with only three possible
values for end states: {−1, 0, 1}. In other games, we may have end states with other possible values,
e.g. −9, 45, etc.
Problem 2.a. In this problem, we will give you a GameTree. The GameTree has a root node, and
each node in the tree has an array of children. The template code includes a routine for reading in
the entire GameTree from a file. We have also included a few other variants that you can try! (See
Part (b) below.)
Each node in the tree contains a name field, a String that represents the state of the game at that
node. Each node also contains a value field, which is used to represent the best score for Player
ONE for that state. Note that Player ONE refers to the player who is taking the turn at the root
Your job in this problem is to implement the function int findValue() which determines the best
score that Player ONE can hope to achieve for the game represented by the tree. Specifically, the
findValue routine should fill in the value field in every node in the tree, and it should return
the final value of the entire game, i.e. the value at the root. Note that the leaf nodes are already
initialised with their values.
Warning: You should implement a generic GameTree that does not make any assumptions about
the game being played. In other words, you should not design your GameTree and/or findValue to
only work for the standard Tic-Tac-Toe games used in our example. This also implies that the leaf
nodes can have arbitrary values, instead of only {−1, 0, 1}.
Problem 2.b. (Optional)
To experiment with your findValue routine, let us think about Tic-Tac-Toe. You are likely familiar
with the standard version, which most people know ends inevitably in a tie (if both players play
properly). How about some alternate versions?
• Misere-Tac-Toe: In this variant, the first person to create a line of three-X’s or three-O’s loses
(instead of wins, as in the classic version).
• NoTie-Tac-Toe: In this variant, if the game ends in a tie, each player gets one point for every
X or O they have on the board, except for in the middle square; any player with an X or O
in the middle squares gets -1 points. For example, if Player ONE has four Xs, with one in
the middle square, their total number of points is 2. Since the number of points totals to 7,
there will always be a winner!
• Arbitrary-Tac-Toe: In this variant, much like in the previous NoTie variant, each square has
an arbitrary point value. If the game ends in a tie, then each player gets points for every
square in which they have an X or an O.
It is not quite as obvious who will win each of these variants, nor the best way to play! We have
given you the complete game tree for these variants. For each of these games, can you determine
whether Player ONE or Player TWO wins (or whether the game is necessarily a tie)? Optionally
(and to test your code), you might implement a small interactive game that would allow Player
ONE or Player TWO to play against the computer (which would use the values in the game tree
to determine the optimal move).
Another possible question is whether you can find (different) sets of values for the arbitrary variant
so that (a) Player ONE is guaranteed a victory, and (b) Player TWO is guaranteed a victory?

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