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Data Structures – Assignment#41

CS/COE 445 - Data Structures

CS 445 – Data Structures – Assignment#41

All source files plus a completed Assignment Information Sheet zipped into a single .zip file and
submitted properly to CourseWeb.

Purpose: Now that we have looked at Merge Sort and Quick Sort (and discussed a couple Quick
Sort variations), we'd like to empirically verify what we have discussed about their relative
efficiencies. We will do this by timing the algorithms as well as counting the number of comparisons and
data movements of each sort in different situations on different size arrays. We will then tabulate our
results and compare the algorithms' performances. We hope to see differences in the relationships
between the performance metrics and array sizes for the different algorithms, and possibly come to some
conclusions about which versions are best in given situations and overall.
You will test 9 different sorting algorithms:
1) QS1: Simple Quick Sort with A[last] as the pivot (in file
2) QS2: Median of 3 Quick Sort as given in (base case array size < 5)
3) QS3: Median of 3 Quick Sort as given in but with base case array size < 20
4) QS4: Median of 3 Quick Sort as given in, but with base case array size < 100
5) QS5: Random Pivot Quick Sort with base case array size < 5
6) QS6: Iterative Quick Sort developed by converting the recursive Quick Sort into iterative using an
explicit stack per the instructions in Notes on converting recursion to iteration Notes on
converting recursion to iteration.
7) MS1: Recursive Merge Sort as given in
8) MS2: Iterative Merge Sort as given in

1 Assignment adapted from Dr. John Ramirez’s CS 445 class.
9) MS3: Iterative Merge Sort developed by converting the recursive Merge Sort into iterative using
an explicit stack per the instructions in Notes on converting recursion to iteration Notes on
converting recursion to iteration.
The code for six algorithms (1-4 and 7-8) is already completely written – you only have to change the
base case value in the Median of 3 Quick Sort from a constant to a variable so that you can give it
different values during your program execution. You must write the other three algorithms (5-6 and 9)
so that it works correctly. Random Pivot Quick Sort is actually very similar to the simple Quick Sort,
except that you choose the pivot index as a random integer between first and last (inclusive) rather than
choosing it as A[last].
Your primary task in this assignment is to write a main program that will enable the user to time all 9 of
the algorithms under different circumstances, and then to tabulate and analyze the resulting data.
Your program should allow the following to be input from the user:
1) The size of the arrays to be tested.
2) The number of trials for each test. The overall performance for the test will be the average of the
performance for each of the trials. For random data, each trial should have different numbers in the
array, but the data for a given trial should be the same random data for all 9 algorithms. In other
words, consider, for example, an array called A1, algorithms QS1 and QS2, and trials T1 and T2. If A1
is filled with random numbers for QS1 in trial T1, then those same numbers (in the same initial
positions) should be used for QS2 in trial T1. However, different random numbers should be
generated for trial T2, again using the same numbers for both QS1 and QS2.
3) The name of the file your results will be output to.
For each algorithm your program should iterate through 3 initial setups of the data:
a) Random – in this case you will fill the arrays with random integers. To make your assessments
more accurate, each of your algorithms should utilize the same random data, as mentioned
above. This can be accomplished in several ways but you will lose credit if the data is not the
b) Already sorted (low to high) – in this case simply fill the arrays with successive integers starting
at 1.
c) Already reverse sorted (high to low) – in this case simply fill the arrays with decreasing integers
starting at the array length.
Timing and Measurement: You will time your algorithms using the predefined method
This method returns the time elapsed on the system timer in nanoseconds. You will time one trial in the
following fashion:
long start = System.nanoTime();
// Execute the sorting method here (array should ALREADY be filled before timing starts)
long finish = System.nanoTime();
long delta = finish – start;
Since you are performing multiple trials, for a given algorithm you will add the times for the trials
together, then divide by the number of trials to get the average time per trial. You may also want to
divide by 1 billion to get your final results in seconds rather than nanoseconds.
You will also need to measure the number of comparisons and the number of data movements of the
algorithms. You will need to instrument your code to add performance counters to the sorting
algorithms. Every time a comparison is made, you would need to increment a comparison counter.
Every time an assignment is made using the array the data moves counter has to be incremented. You
may find the instructions and supplied code for Lab 9 useful in this regard.
Since you are performing multiple trials, for a given algorithm you will add up the counters for the trials
together, then divide by the number of trials to get the average per trial.
For each of the variations in the run, your program must output its results to the file named by the
user. Note that since you have 3 data setups and 9 algorithms, each overall execution of your main
program should produce 27 different results. Each result should look something like the following
Algorithm: Simple Quick Sort
Array Size: 25000
Order: Random
Number of trials: 10
Average time: 0.0038441037 sec
Average number of comparisons: 579427.2 comparisons
Average number of data moves: 279606.6 data moves
Trace Output Mode: In order for your TA to be able to test the correctness of your sorting algorithms
and main program logic, you are required to have a Trace Output Mode for your program. This mode
should be automatically set when the Array Size is <= 20. In Trace Output Mode, your program should
output all of the following to standard output (i.e., the display) for EACH trial of EACH algorithm:
Algorithm being used
Array Size
Data configuration (sorted, reverse sorted, random)
Initial data in array prior to sorting
Data in array after sorting
The evaluation of the correctness of your algorithms and data processing will be heavily based on the
Trace Output Mode for your program. If you do not implement this or it does not work correctly, you
will likely lose a lot of credit.
Note: Be sure that Trace Output Mode is OFF for arrays larger than 20.
The goal is to see how the performance of the algorithms changes as the size of the arrays
increases. Use 10 trials for all of your runs.
Size = 25000, Filename = test25k.txt
Size = 50000, Filename = test50k.txt
Size = 100000, Filename = test100k.txt
Note: Only do the first 3 sizes above for the Simple Quick Sort. Even with these it may take a while for
the simple Quick Sort algorithm and you will have to increase the stack size of the JRE to
accommodate the execution – see below. For the sizes below you will only have 24 results.
Size = 200000, Filename = test200k.txt
Size = 400000, Filename = test400k.txt
Size = 800000, Filename = test800k.txt
Size = 1600000, Filename = test1600k.txt
Size = 3200000, Filename = test3200k.txt
An example run may appear as shown below:
assig4 java -Xss10m Assig4
Enter array size: 25000
Enter number of trials: 10
Enter file name: test25k.txt
An example output file is test25k.txt, which you can find on CourseWeb.

After you have finished all of your runs, tabulate your results in an Excel spreadsheet. Use a different
worksheet for each initial ordering (random, sorted, reverse sorted). In each worksheet, make three
tables (one for time, a second for number of comparisons, and a third for number of data moves) of
your results with the array sizes as the columns and the algorithms as the rows. Also make a graph for
each of your tables so that you can visualize the growth of the run-time and performance metrics for
each algorithm.
You must also write a brief summary/discussion of your results. Based on your tables, indicate the best
algorithm for each of the initial data orderings. Based on your overall results (for all data orderings),
speculate on what you think the best of the 9 algorithms is for general purpose use. Your write-up
should be well written and justified by your results. Your write-up can be embedded in your
spreadsheet or submitted as a separate document (e.g., a Word document).
Submit all of your Java source files, as usual, but also submit all output files and your Excel file (and
Word file). As usual, put all of these files into a single .zip file for submission. Also, as usual, your
program must be able to be compiled and executed on the command line directly from your submission
without any IDEs or additional files.
If you cannot get the program working as specified, clearly indicate any changes you made and clearly
indicate why, so that the TA can best give you partial credit. You will lose some credit for not getting
it to work properly, but getting the main program to work with modifications is better than not
getting it to work at all. A template for the Assignment Information Sheet can be found in the
assignment’s CourseWeb folder. You do not have to use this template but your sheet should
contain the same information.
− For help with generating random integers, see the Random class in the Java API and specifically
the nextInt() method.
− To make your results more accurate, do not run anything else on your machine while you are
doing your runs. Don't worry about system processes that are running – just make sure you don't run
any other applications.
− To make your results consistent, do all of your runs on the same machine under the same (if
possible) circumstances.
− Note that for smaller arrays and in some cases even for larger arrays the time for a given trial may be
very small – perhaps even negligible.
− Be sure to time only the actual sorting procedure – do not time loading the data into the array or any
I/O, such as printing to the screen or reading from the keyboard; this is very slow and will skew the
timing greatly).
− As we discussed, in some cases a recursive algorithm makes so many calls that it uses up all of the
memory in the run-time stack, causing the JRE to crash. To prevent this problem we can invoke the
Java interpreter with a flag to indicate the size of the run-time stack. This can be done in the
following way:
prompt java –Xss<size MainClassName
− You may have to experiment with the value for <size to avoid getting a StackOverflowError, but in
my runs using 10M worked. If you think about how these algorithms execute, you will see that we
only have to worry about the stack size for the Simple Quick Sort algorithm in the cases of the sorted
and reverse sorted data.
− For comparison purposes, add some additional sorting algorithms to your tests to see how they
compare. For example, you could include Shellsort or Insertionsort.
Please check the grading rubric on CourseWeb.

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