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Database Application Development Assignment 2

Database Application Development
Assignment 2 (30%)
In this assignment, you create a simple Retail application using the C++ programming
language and Oracle (PL/SQL). This assignment helps students learn a basic
understanding of application development using C++ programming and an Oracle
database using PL/SQL.
Your submission will be a text-based .cpp file including your C++ program
and a text-based .sql file including your Oracle stored procedures for the
Database Application assignment.
See the following example:
Your submission needs to be commented.
You submit:
The .sql file includes all stored procedures that you are asked to write in the assignment. Write
stored procedures in the same order that they are defined in the assignment document. Test all
your procedures and make sure that they can be called from the C++ program with no errors.
The .cpp file is the same as application.cpp with two additional functions that you define based
on the given instruction in the assignment document. The submitted C++ program must be error
free and all functions must work successfully. Test your program before submitting it on
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Marking Scheme
The course promotion policy requires all students to complete the assignment
successfully to pass the course.
Submissions with errors will not be considered as completed and will receive zero.
If all stored procedures are not created successfully and completely, the assignment will
not be considered as completed and will not receive the full mark.
If all stored procedures are created successfully and the C++ program is completed and
works with no errors (All functions are defined and perform their task without generating
errors), the assignment submission is considered as successfully completed and receives
the full mark.
Tasks Weight Total Weight
8 Oracle stored
10% each 80%
Two C++ functions 10% each 20%
Total 100%
You may be asked to complete and submit the assignment again after the assignment is
marked. The mark you receive for the assignment will not changed for the new submission.
However, you may need to complete and submit the assignment to satisfy the course
In this assignment, we use the same database that you have been using for the labs and the
assignment 1.
Note: For each query in your assignment, you handle the errors and display the proper
message including the error code and the error message.
catch (SQLException& sqlExcp) {
 cout << sqlExcp.getErrorCode() << ": " << sqlExcp.getMessage();
The following structure is declared before the main() function:
struct ShoppingCart {
 int product_id;
 double price;
 int quantity;
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Connecting to an Oracle database from a C++ Program
In your function main(), a connection is created to your database.
We first declare the environment and the connection variables.
Environment* env = nullptr;
Connection* conn = nullptr;
We also define and initialize the variable to store the username, password, and the host
string user = "username";
string pass = "password";
string constr = "";
You use the same Oracle username and password that you use for your labs and
After creating the environment and the connection, we make sure to handle any errors may
be thrown as the program is executed.
env = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
conn = env->createConnection(user, pass, constr);
We terminate and close the connection and the environment, when the program
After executing the statements, we make sure that the statement is terminated.
You will implement the following Oracle stored procedures and will call them in the
following C++ functions:
Stored Procedures
find_customer (customer_id IN NUMBER, found OUT NUMBER);
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This procedure has an input parameter to receive the customer ID and an output
parameter named found.
This procedure looks for the given customer ID in the database. If the customer exists, it
sets the variable found to 1. Otherwise, the found variable is set to 0.
To check if your query in the find_customer() procedure returns a row, you need to check
the no_data_found exception in the EXCEPTION block.
WHEN no_data_found THEN
 found := 0;
To check if your query in the find_customer() procedure returns multiple rows, you need
to check the too_many_rows exception in the EXCEPTION block and display a proper
To catch any other errors, check the OTHERS exception in the EXCEPTION block and
display a proper message.
find_product (productId IN NUMBER,
price OUT products.list_price%TYPE,
productName OUT products.product_name%TYPE);
This procedure has an input parameter to receive the product ID and an output parameter
named price.
This procedure looks for the given product ID in the database. If the product exists, it stores
the product’s product_name in the variable productName and the product’s list_price in the
variable price. If the product does not exist, the productName is set to null and the price
variable is set to 0.
In November and December, the company gives 10% off on all products in categories 2 and
5. Before storing the list price of products that belong to categories 2 and 5 into the
variable price, calculate the new list price if the current month is November or December
and send back the new list price to the caller as price.
WHEN no_data_found THEN
 price := 0;
To check if your query in the find_product() procedure returns multiple rows, you need to
check the too_many_rows exception in the EXCEPTION block and display a proper message.
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To catch any other errors, check the OTHERS exception in the EXCEPTION block. and
display a proper message.
add_order (customer_id IN NUMBER, new_order_id OUT NUMBER)
This procedure has an input parameter to receive the customer ID and an output
parameter named new_order_id.
To add a new order for the given customer ID, you need to generate the new order Id.
To calculate the new order Id, call the function generate_order_id(). The procedure
add_order inserts the following values in the orders table
new_order_id (as order_id)
customer_id (input parameter)
'Shipped' (The value for the order status)
56 (The sales person ID)
sysdate (order date which is the current date)
generate_order_id ()
This is an Oracle function with no parameters. It finds the maximum order ID in the
orders table and increase it by 1 as new order ID. The function returns the new order ID to
the caller.
add_order_item (orderId IN order_items.order_id%type,
 itemId IN order_items.item_id%type,
 productId IN order_items.product_id%type,
 quantity IN order_items.quantity%type,
 price IN order_items.unit_price%type)
This procedure has five IN parameters. It stores the values of these parameters to the table
customer_order (customerId IN NUMBER, orderId IN OUT NUMBER)
This procedure receives two values as customer ID and Order ID and confirms if there
exists any order with this order ID for this customer in the orders table. If the order ID with
this customer ID exists, the procedure passes the order ID to the caller. Otherwise, it passes
0 to the caller.
display_order_status(orderId IN NUMBER, status OUT orders.status%type)
This procedure has an input parameter to receive an order ID and an output parameter to
pass the status of the order to the caller. IF the receiving order ID exists, the procedure
stores the order status in the status variable. If the order ID does not exists, store null in the
status variable.
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cancel_order (orderId IN NUMBER, cancelStatus OUT NUMBER)
This procedure has an input parameter to receive an order ID and an output parameter to
pass a value to the caller. IF the receiving order ID exists, the procedure stores the value of
the column status in a variable orderStatus. If orderStatus is ‘Canceled’, the procedure
stores 1 in to the parameter cancelStatus. If the orderStatus is shipped, the procedure
stores 2 in to the parameter cancelStatus. Otherwise, it stores 3 in to the parameter
cancelStatus and updates the status of that order to “Canceled”. If the order ID does not
exists, it stores 0 in the cancel variable.
The cancelStatus parameter gets the following values:
0: The order does not exit.
1: The order has been already canceled.
2: The order is shipped and cannot be canceled.
3: The order is canceled successfully.
The stored procedure does not print any outputs.
C++ Functions
Please read the following functions’ definition to learn how the C++ code work. You need to
call the stored procedures that you wrote in the previous section in these functions based
on the following instruction. If the stored procedure pass values to the program, define
variables or use variables defined in the given program to store passing values from the
stored procedure.
Your task in this section is to add two functions:
void displayOrderStatus(Connection* conn, int orderId, int customerId);
void cancelOrder(Connection* conn, int orderId, int customerId);
void displayOrderStatus(Connection* conn, int orderId, int customerId);
This function calls the customer_order stored procedure to confirm the entered order ID
belongs to the customer. If the value of the second parameter of the customer_order
procedure is a non-zero value, the order ID belongs to the customer.
If the value of the second parameter of the customer_order procedure is zero, display the
following message:
“Order ID is not valid.”
If the order ID is valid, call the display_order_status procedure to receive the order status
stored in the second parameter of this stored procedure. If the order status is null, display
the following message:
“Order does not exist.”
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If the status is not null, display a proper message.
See the sample message:
“Order is shipped.”
void cancelOrder(Connection* conn, int orderId, int customerId);
This function calls the cancel_order stored procedure to confirm the entered order ID
belongs to the customer. If the value of the second parameter of the customer_order
procedure is a non-zero value, the order ID belongs to the customer.
If the value of the second parameter of the customer_order procedure is zero, display the
following message:
“Order ID is not valid.”
0: The order does not exit.
1: The order has been already canceled.
2: The order is shipped and cannot be canceled.
3: The order is canceled successfully.
If the order ID is valid, call the cancel_order procedure to the order with the order ID
passed to this function. If the value passed by the second parameter of the cancel_order is 1,
“The order has been already canceled.”
If the value passed by the second parameter of the cancel_order is 2, display:
“The order is shipped and cannot be canceled.”
If the value passed by the second parameter of the cancel_order is 3, display:
“The order is canceled successfully.”
The following functions exist in the application.cpp file. You will modify this file to add two
C++ functions described above.
void displayOrderStatus(Connection* conn, int orderId, int customerId);
cancelOrder(Connection* conn, int orderId, int customerId);
int mainMenu();
The mainMenu() function returns an integer value which is the selected option by the user
from the menu. This function displays the following menu options:
1) Login
0) Exit
The program prompts the user to choose an option. If the user enters the wrong value, the
program asks the user to enter an option again until the user enters a valid options.
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See the following example:
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
Enter an option (0-1): 5
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
You entered a wrong value. Enter an option (0-1):
If the user chooses option 1, the program asks the user to enter customer ID to login. To see
if the customer with the entered ID exists, the program calls the Oracle stored procedure
find_customer(). IF the value of the output parameter in the procedure is 1, the program
lets the customer continue. If the value of the output parameter found is 0, the program
calls the mainMenu() function again and asks the customer to login again. The program
continues this process until the user chooses the option 0 to exit or enters a valid customer
int subMenu();
The subMenu() function returns an integer value which is the selected option by the user
from the menu. This function displays the following menu options:
1) Place an order
2) Check an order status
3) Cancel an order
0) Exit
If the user chooses option 1, the user can place an order. If the user chooses option 2, the
displayOrderStatus function is called. If the user chooses option 3, the program calls the
cancelOrder function. If the user chooses option 0, the user returns to the main menu.
******************** Customer Service Menu ********************
1) Place an order
2) Check an order status
3) Cancel an order
0) Exit
Enter an option (0-3):
int customerLogin(Connection* conn, int customerId);
Before calling this function, the program prompts the user to enter the customer ID.
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This function is called in the main() function if the user chooses the login option from the
main menu. This function receives an integer value as a customer ID and checks if the
customer does exist in the database. This function returns 1 if the customer exists. If the
customer does not exists, this function returns 0 and the main menu is displayed.
To validate the customer ID, you call the find_customer() stored procedure/function in
this function.
See the following example:
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
Enter an option (0-1): 1
Enter the customer ID: 1000
The customer does not exist.
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
Enter an option (0-1): 1
Enter the customer ID: 44
-------------- Add Products to Cart --------------
Enter the product ID:
int addToCart(Connection* conn, struct ShoppingCart cart[]);
If the customerLogin() functions return 1 (The customer ID exists), this function is called.
This function receives an OCCI pointer (a reference variable to an Oracle database) and an
array of type ShoppingCart.
The customer can purchase up to five items in one order.
In a loop the program prompts the user to enter product IDs for the maximum of five
When the user enters the product ID in the addToCart() function, the findProduct()
function is called to check if the product ID exists. IF the product exists, the function
findProduct() returns the product’s price. The program displays the product’s price to the
user and asks the user to enter the quantity.
If the user enters a valid product ID, the program displays the following message and let
the user to enter another product ID.
"Enter 1 to add more products or 0 to checkout:"
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If the user chooses 1, the program asks the user to enter the next product ID. Otherwise,
the program goes to the next step to checkout. If the user enters 0, the function
addToCart(), returns the number of products (items) entered by the user.
For each product ID entered by the customer, the function findProduct() is called to see if
the product ID exists.
If the findProduct() function returns 0 (The product ID does not exist), the program
displays a proper message and lets the user enter the product ID again.
See the following example:
-------------- Add Products to Cart --------------
Enter the product ID: 1000
The product does not exists. Try again...
Enter the product ID: 900
The product does not exists. Try again...
Enter the product ID: 112
Product Price: 808.92
Enter the product Quantity: 3
Enter 1 to add more products or 0 to checkout: 1
Enter the product ID: 115
Product Price: 699.99
Enter the product Quantity: 2
Enter 1 to add more products or 0 to checkout: 0
double findProduct(Connection* conn, int product_id);
This function receives an OCCI pointer (a reference variable to an Oracle database) and an
integer value as the product ID.
When the user enters the product ID in the addToCart() function, the function
findProduct() is called.
This functions calls the find_product() Oracle stored procedure/function. The procedure
receives the product ID and returns the price. If the price is 0, the product ID is not valid
(does not exist). If the price is a non-zero value, it means the product ID is valid.
void displayProducts(struct ShoppingCart cart[], int productCount);
This function receives an array of type ShoppingCart and the number of ordered items
(products). It display the product ID, price, and quantity for products stored in the cart
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This function is called after the function AddToCart() to display the products added by the
user to the shopping cart.
------- Ordered Products ---------
---Item 1
Product ID: 112
Price: 808.92
Quantity: 3
---Item 2
Product ID: 115
Price: 699.99
Quantity: 2
Total: 3826.74
After displaying the products’ information (product ID, price, and quantity), the program
displays the total order amount. To calculate the total order amount, the program first
multiply the quantity and the price to calculate the total amount for each product. Next, it
sums up products’ total amounts to calculate the total order amount.
int checkout(Connection *conn, struct ShoppingCart cart[], int customerId, int
This function is called after the function displayProduct().
This function receives an OCCI pointer (a reference variable to an Oracle database), an
array of type ShoppingCart, an integer value as the customer ID, and an integer value as the
number of ordered items (products).
First, the program displays the following message:
"Would you like to checkout? (Y/y or N/n) "
If the user enters any values except “Y/y” and “N/n”, the program displays a proper
message and asks the user to enter the value again.
"Wrong input. Try again..."
See the following example:
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
Enter an option (0-1): 1
Enter the customer ID: 4
-------------- Add Products to Cart --------------
Enter the product ID: 112
Product Price: 808.92
Enter the product Quantity: 3
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Enter 1 to add more products or 0 to checkout: 0
------- Ordered Products ---------
---Item 1
Product ID: 112
Price: 808.92
Quantity: 3
Total: 2426.76
Would you like to checkout? (Y/y or N/n) t
Wrong input. Try again...
Would you like to checkout? (Y/y or N/n) 0
Wrong input. Try again...
Would you like to checkout? (Y/y or N/n) 1
Wrong input. Try again...
Would you like to checkout? (Y/y or N/n) y
The order is successfully completed.
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
Enter an option (0-1): 0
Good bye...!
If the user enters “N/n”, the function checkout() terminates and returns 0.
If the user enters “Y/y”, the Oracle stored procedure add_order() is called. This procedure
will add a row in the orders table with a new order ID (See the definition of the
add_order() procedure.
This stored procedure returns an order ID, which will be used to store ordered items in the
table order_items.
The item_id for the first product in the array is 1, for the second product is 2, and …
For all products in the array cart (productCount is the number of products stored in the
array cart), the program calls the stored procedure add_order_item() and passes the
corresponding values to this stored procedure.
Sample execution:
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
Enter an option (0-1): 5
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
You entered a wrong value. Enter an option (0-1): 1
Enter the customer ID: 1000
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The customer does not exist.
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
Enter an option (0-1): 44
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
You entered a wrong value. Enter an option (0-1): 1
Enter the customer ID: 44
-------------- Add Products to Cart --------------
Enter the product ID: 112
Product Price: 808.92
Enter the product Quantity: 2
Enter 1 to add more products or 0 to checkout: 1
Enter the product ID: 115
Product Price: 699.99
Enter the product Quantity: 3
Enter 1 to add more products or 0 to checkout: 0
------- Ordered Products ---------
---Item 1
Product ID: 112
Price: 808.92
Quantity: 2
---Item 2
Product ID: 115
Price: 699.99
Quantity: 3
Total: 3717.81
Would you like to checkout? (Y/y or N/n) y
The order is successfully completed.
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
Enter an option (0-1): 1
Enter the customer ID: 44
-------------- Add Products to Cart --------------
Enter the product ID: 110
Product Price: 3192.97
Enter the product Quantity: 2
Enter 1 to add more products or 0 to checkout: 1
Enter the product ID: 116
Product Price: 731.99
Enter the product Quantity: 1
Enter 1 to add more products or 0 to checkout: 1
Enter the product ID: 117
Product Price: 695.99
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Enter the product Quantity: 3
Enter 1 to add more products or 0 to checkout: 0
------- Ordered Products ---------
---Item 1
Product ID: 110
Price: 3192.97
Quantity: 2
---Item 2
Product ID: 116
Price: 731.99
Quantity: 1
---Item 3
Product ID: 117
Price: 695.99
Quantity: 3
Total: 9205.9
Would you like to checkout? (Y/y or N/n) n
The order is cancelled.
******************** Main Menu ********************
1) Login
0) Exit
Enter an option (0-1): 0
Good bye...!

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