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Database Management Systems Lab Assignment 1

CMPT 354 Database Management Systems
Lab Assignment 1

In this lab assignment, you will develop a database for an Archaeology museum that stores
and displays historic artifacts. Each artifact is identified by an artifact number (e.g., CL892), and
has its dimensions and weight. Each artifact is made of a specific material – clay, glass, bronze,
fabric, gold, etc., and has a recommended optimal storage humidity. A number of conservation
and restorations technicians work at the museum. You need to store the name, Social Insurance
Number (SIN), address, phone number, and salary of each technician, and specify if she or he is
conservationist or restorer, or both. Each technician is an expert on one or more artifact materials
(e.g. silver and gold), and his or her expertise may overlap with that of other technicians. This
information about technicians must also be recorded. There are also museum guides (who are,
essentially, educators) working at the museum. Museum guides must have a bi-annual examination
to ensure their knowledge is up-to-date. For each guide, you must store the date of the most recent
exam. All museum employees (including technicians and guides) belong to a union. You must
store the union membership number of each employee. You can assume that each employee is
uniquely identified by the Social Insurance Number. The museum conducts a number of tests
that are used periodically to ensure that artifacts are stored properly. Each test has a Ministry of
Culture test number, a name, and a maximum possible score. The Ministry requires the museum
to keep track of each time that a given artifact is inspected by a given technician using a given test.
For each testing event, the information needed is the date, the number of hours the technician
spent doing the test, and the score that the artifact storage conditions received on the test.
More specifically, you should accomplish the following tasks:
1. Design a database schema to model the domain of the museum as described above. You
can use as many relations as you deem necessary. Determine suitable data types for each
Specify the keys (and foreign keys, if needed) for relations. It is up to you to decide if
there should be any keys, and which attribute (set of attributes) should form a key. Provide
the definition of the schema in a simple text file named LastNameFirstNameSchemaDefinition.txt, where each relation is defined in the form:
RelationName(attribute_1 datatype, attribute_2 datatype, ..., attribute_7,...)
Keys of RelationName: {attribute_1, attribute_2}, {attribute_7}...
CMPT 354 Database Management Systems, Spring 2019 2
After defining the schema, include in the file LastNameFirstNameSchemaDefinition.txt a
short paragraph explaining the schema you created. Focus on explaining what information
each of the relations holds, how you chose the data types of the attributes, and how you
picked the key constraints. The paragraph should be no longer than 200 words.
2. Write the data definition commands for creating the schema you chose. The commands
should generate the tables, as well as the key constraints.
3. Insert at least 10 records into your database using the INSERT INTO command.
Include the commands for tasks 2 and 3 in a text file named LastNameFirstNameSchema.txt.
You should submit both
• LastNameFirstNameSchemaDefinition.txt and
• LastNameFirstNameSchema.txt.
The lab assignment report should be submitted through the CourSys system. Your PostgreSQL
database should be located in your CMPT354 account in CSIL and your report submitted through
Keys, Primary Keys, Foreign Keys in SQL
The following information is for your reference. You don’t need to use all of these constructs, just
the ones that are needed.
Keys are probably the most basic and very essential database constraints. Collectively the
value(s) of the attributes of the key are unique, and thereby uniquely identify the tuple (row) of
the relation (table). Any update that effects the values of the key, or violate the key integrity will
result in an error state for the DBMS.
accnum VARCHAR(12) UNIQUE,
branch VARCHAR(30),
custid VARCHAR(10),
balance NUMERIC(14,2)
The following insertion gives an error:
(1, 'London', 'cust1', 100),
(1, 'Edinburgh', 'cust3', 200);
The following insertion succeeds:
(NULL, 'London', 'cust1', 100),
(NULL, 'Edinburgh', 'cust3', 200);
Keys consisting of more than one attribute must be declared using a different syntax.
CMPT 354 Database Management Systems, Spring 2019 3
m_title VARCHAR(30),
m_director VARCHAR(30),
m_year SMALLINT,
m_genre VARCHAR(30),
UNIQUE (m_title,m_year)
This declares the set tm title,m yearu as a key for Movies.
Primary Keys are essentially UNIQUE + NOT NULL.
branch VARCHAR(30),
custid VARCHAR(10),
balance NUMERIC(14,2)
same as
branch VARCHAR(30),
custid VARCHAR(10),
balance NUMERIC(14,2)
Foreign keys in SQL.
name VARCHAR(20),
city VARCHAR(30),
address VARCHAR(30)
accnum VARCHAR(12),
branch VARCHAR(30),
custid VARCHAR(10) REFERENCES Customer(custid),
balance NUMERIC(14,2)
Every value for attribute custid in Account must appear among the values of the key custid
in Customer.
General syntax (useful for declaring compound foreign keys):
CREATE TABLE <table1 (
<attr <type,
<attr <type,
CMPT 354 Database Management Systems, Spring 2019 4
FOREIGN KEY (<list1)
REFERENCES <table2(<list2)
• <list1 and <list2 are lists
with the same number of attributes
• attributes in <list1 are from table <table1
• attributes in <list2 are unique in <table2

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