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Declarative Programming Homework 4

CS 357 Declarative Programming
Homework 4 — 
General instructions
A skeleton Haskell source file homework4.hs will be provided with the type signatures of the
functions you are to write. Please edit that file and submit.
The skeleton file will start with a few import declarations for the Haskell libraries we expect
you to find useful.
4.1 Genome lists (40pts)
A DNA molecule is a sequence over an alphabet of four “bases”, which are conventionally
represented using the characters ’A’, ’G’, ’C’, and ’T’. Genomes represented by DNA molecules
are subject to different types of point mutations:
• insertions: A base is inserted between two adjacent points in a genome.
• deletions: A point is deleted from a genome.
• substitutions: A base at a point is replaced with another base.
• transpositions: The bases at two adjacent points are exchanged.
Give definitions for Haskell functions insertions, deletions, substitutions, and transpositions,
which take a genome represented as a string and return a list of all genomes produced by
single-point mutations of the specifed kind. For example,
insertions "GC" evaluates to
deletions "AGCT" evaluates to
substitutions "ACT" evaluates to
["ACT","AAT","ACA","GCT","AGT","ACG","CCT","ACT","ACC","TCT","ATT","ACT"]; and
transpositions "GATC" evaluates to
4.2 Sorting (20pts)
1. Define a recursive function insert :: Ord a = a - [a] - [a] that inserts an element into the correct position in a sorted list.
CS 357 Declarative Programming, Spring 2018 2
2. Using insert, define a recursive function isort :: Ord a = [a] - [a] that sorts a
list into the correct order using insertion sort. In this definition, the empty list is already
sorted, and any non-empty list is sorted by inserting its head into the list that results from
sorting its tail.
3. Using isort, define fileisort :: String - String - IO (), such that executing
the action fileisort fn1 fn2 causes the external file named fn2 to become a line-byline sorted version of the file fn1. (In other words, it has the same effect as the Unix
command sort fn1 fn2.) You can assume that the names fn1 and fn2 refer to distinct
4.3 Game trees (40pts)
We can represent a tic-tac-toe board as a list of fields, thus:
data Field = B | R | G
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Board = [Field]
with the convention that B stands for an unoccupied field, R stands for a field occupied by the
first player (“red”), and G stands for a field occupied by the second player (“green”); a board is
a list with 9 fields in row-major order. Thus the board
(the final board of a game that ended in red’s victory) is represented as [B,R,G,B,R,G,B,R,B].
It is possible to play this game perfectly, that is, to prevent the opponent from winning. Write
two functions, strategyForRed, strategyForGreen :: Board - Int, that implement a perfect strategy for red and green, respectively.
That is, given a board position b, the result of strategyForRed b is a number between 0 and 8,
namely the index of the field into which red should move when executing the chosen strategy;
the function only needs to be defined for those board positions that are actually reachable if the
strategy is followed by red—but the opponent is always free to make any legal move.
As part of your solution, you will need to provide evidence that you have comprehensively
tested your code. This means that you have verified that each strategy function always produces valid moves and that it guarantees not losing the game, no matter how the opponent
You may freely read, use, and/or adapt the tic-tac-toe code provided in the textbook (Chapter
CS 357 Declarative Programming, Spring 2018 3
4.4 (Optional) Drawing game trees and strategies (30pts of extra credit)
There are multiple ways in which useful diagrams can be drawn for games and their strategies.
One kind of diagram is a game tree, as shown in the textbook, p. 146, showing all possible game
developments from a given starting point (commonly the empty board).
Another kind of diagram is a strategy tree, showing only those paths allowed by the chosen
strategy for a player. For tic-tac-toe, this tree can also be drawn in a vivid format like this, from
CS 357 Declarative Programming, Spring 2018 4
CS 357 Declarative Programming, Spring 2018 5
The task is to draw your strategies (strategyForRed and strategyForGreen) from the preceding exercise. Write a Haskell function drawStrategy :: Bool - String - IO (), which
takes a boolean that says which strategy to draw (true for Red/X and false for Green/O), and
a file name for the output file. The effect of drawStrategy b fn is that PostScript code that
draws the appropriate strategy tree is generated and written to the file fn.
How to turn in
Use the UNM Learn facility as follows: Navigate to and log in. Then
click on CS-357L-000 (Spring 2018) . Now click on Assignments in the left side navigation
menu. After that, click on the appropriate homework assignment link. Now attach your .hs
file(s) and click submit. You are allowed to submit as many times as you like but only the latest
submission will be graded.

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