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Declarative Programming Homework 5 

CS 357 Declarative Programming
Homework 5 
General instructions
A skeleton literate Haskell source file homework5.lhs will be provided with the type signatures
of the functions you are to write. Please edit that file and submit. The skeleton file will start
with a few import declarations for the Haskell libraries we expect you to find useful. You may
add other import declarations as you see fit.
5.1 Trees (40pts)
Given a type of labelled binary trees
data Tree a = E
| T a (Tree a) (Tree a)
write a function bfnum :: Tree a - Tree Int to create a tree of the same shape as the input
tree, but with the values of the nodes replaced with the numbers 1 . . . N in breadth-first order,
where N is the number of internal T nodes in the input tree. For instance,
bfnum (T ’a’ (T ’b’ E (T ’c’ E E)) (T ’d’ E E))
evaluates to
T 1 (T 2 E (T 4 E E)) (T 3 E E)
In your solution, aim for correctness, simplicity, elegance, and, preferably, algorithmic efficiency.
It is essential that you explain all the code you write in the comments (in the literate Haskell
style; Latex preferred but not required). You should also explain how you designed your code.
Comment on the the algorithmic efficiency of your code. (For instance, how does it compare to
the obvious solution in an imperative setting?)
CS 357 Declarative Programming, Spring 2018 2
5.2 Expression trees (30pts)
We use the following data type declaration to introduce a language of simple arithmetic expressions, with variables and binding:
type Identifier = String
data Expr = Num Integer
| Var Identifier
| Let {var :: Identifier, value :: Expr, body :: Expr}
| Add Expr Expr
| Sub Expr Expr
| Mul Expr Expr
| Div Expr Expr
type Env = Identifier - Integer
emptyEnv :: Env
emptyEnv = \s - error ("unbound: " ++ s)
extendEnv :: Env - Identifier - Integer - Env
extendEnv oldEnv s n s’ = if s’ == s then n else oldEnv s’
Declare data type Expr as an instance of the type class Show such that Expr can be printed in
human-friendly form. For instance,
show (Let "x" (Num 3) (Add (Var "x") (Num 5)))
might evaluate to "let x = 3 in x + 5 end".
Write a function evalInEnv, with type Env - Expr - Integer, which computes the arithmetic value of an expression (which may have free variables) in a given environment (a mapping from variables to Integer values).
Then define:
eval :: Expr - Integer
eval e = evalInEnv emptyEnv e
so that eval evaluates closed expressions (expressions without free variables).
Example usage:
evalInEnv emptyEnv (Let "x" (Num 3) (Add (Var "x") (Num 5)))
evaluates to 8.
CS 357 Declarative Programming, Spring 2018 3
5.3 Infinite lists (30pts)
Please recall (e.g., from CS261) the trick for putting the positive rational numbers in one-to-one
correspondence with the natural numbers. Given an infinite 2D table of fractions
1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 ...
1/2 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 ...
1/3 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 ...
1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 5/4 ...
1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 ...
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
you run through it in diagonal slices to create a 1D sequence that eventually gets to every entry
in the 2D table, as follows
1/1 2/1 1/2 3/1 2/2 1/3 4/1 3/2 2/3 1/4 5/1 4/2 3/3 2/4 1/5 ...
Your task is to write a function that carries out this diagonalization:
-- Take a list of lists, all potentially infinite. Return a single
-- list which hits each element after some time.
diag :: [[a]] - [a]
which embodies this transformation. You pass diag an infinite list of infinite lists, and it returns
an infinite list, formed in the fashion above, of all the elements in the structure it was passed.
To test the function diag, we write the following test code:
-- The standard table of all positive rationals, in three forms:
-- (1) as floats
rlist = [ [i/j | i<-[1..]] | j <- [1..] ]
-- (2) as strings, not reducd
qlist1 = [ [show i ++ "/" ++ show j | i<-[1..]] | j <- [1..] ]
-- (3) as strings, in reduced form
qlist2 = [ [fracString i j | i <- [1..]] | j <- [1..] ]
-- take a numerator and denominator, reduce, and return as string
fracString num den = if denominator == 1
then show numerator
else show numerator ++ "/" ++ show denominator
where c = gcd num den
numerator = num ‘div‘ c
denominator = den ‘div‘ c
-- Take an n-by-n block from the top of a big list of lists
block n x = map (take n) (take n x)
CS 357 Declarative Programming, Spring 2018 4
Now block 5 qlist2 evaluates to
[["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"],
["1/2", "1", "3/2", "2", "5/2"],
["1/3", "2/3", "1", "4/3", "5/3"],
["1/4", "1/2", "3/4", "1", "5/4"],
["1/5", "2/5", "3/5", "4/5", "1"]]
Meanwhile, take 20 (diag qlist2) should evaluate to
"2", "1/2",
"3", "1", "1/3",
"4", "3/2", "2/3", "1/4",
"5", "2", "1", "1/2", "1/5",
"6", "5/2", "4/3", "3/4", "2/5"]
How to turn in
Use the UNM Learn facility as follows: Navigate to and log in. Then
click on CS-357L-000 (Spring 2018) . Now click on Assignments in the left side navigation
menu. After that, click on the appropriate homework assignment link. Now attach your .hs
file(s) and click submit. You are allowed to submit as many times as you like but only the latest
submission will be graded.

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