Starting from:


Deep Learning based Computer Vision and Edge Computing

ECE 442 Introduction to Multimedia Signal Processing 
Laboratory #5
Introduction to Deep Learning based
Computer Vision and Edge Computing
In this Lab, you will
1. Implement deep learning based computer vision applications on the Atlas 200DK.
2. Learn to identify the category of an input image using an image classification model.
3. Estimate the viewing direction of a person appearing in a given image, using a head pose estimation
4. Learn how to use Python APIs and write code for model loading, inferencing and post-processing.
Login to a remotely served Atlas 200 DK using your assigned IP. Please follow the steps outlined
in the guide document ‘Remote_Login_to_Atlas_200_DK’.
Special Instructions
1. Please submit in softcopy at eclass by 5pm of April 14th as a single zip file in
2. Questions that should be answered in your code submission are numbered and marked as bold
within the following text.
3. Certain questions ask for image results to be uploaded.
4. The submission is expected to contain the following files: your answer sheet, Python code, and
input/output files to be reproducible on our side.
5. Make sure your Python code is bug-free and works out of the box. Please be sure to submit all main
and helper functions.
1. Procedure: Image Classification
In this workshop, you will implement an image classification app on the Atlas200 DK, which can
classify objects in images using the GoogLeNet network and output the top five classes with the highest
confidence scores. Detailed steps, and explanations are provided in this guide, so you can understand
how to build the app step by step. Figure 1 below shows the building blocks of the application pipeline.
Figure 1. Image Object Classification Network pipeline
The code for this project is available as a GitHub repository. You will first log in to the board, then
download the repository to the board and finally run the experiments for the image and video branches of the
project step-by-step.
2. Hands-on
1. Download the GitHub repository to the board
Login to the board, run following command. NOTE: Please replace ‘HwHiAiUser’ with your username.
➢ cd /home/HwHiAiUser/HIAI_PROJECTS
➢ git clone
2. Prepare GoogleNet model.
1) Download the 'googlenet.prototxt' and 'googlenet.caffemodel' to the board.
Login to the board, go to any directory, run following command:
➢ wget
➢ wget
2) Setup temporary env variable for model conversion by running below command:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${install_path}/atc/lib64:/home/HwHiAiUser/Ascend/ascendtoolkit/20.0.RC1/arm64-linux_gcc7.3.0/acllib/lib64
3) Run the following command in the same directory as the downloaded model files to convert the
atc --framework=0 --model="googlenet.prototxt" --weight="googlenet.caffemodel" --
input_shape="data:1,3,224,224" --input_fp16_nodes="data" --input_format=NCHW --
output="googlenet" --output_type=FP32 --soc_version=Ascend310
4) Copy the converted '' to project directory:
For example, in the remote login scenario, you can run following commands:
➢ mkdir /home/HwHiAiUser/HIAI_PROJECTS/sample_image_classification_c73_python/model/
➢ cp
5) Restore the default env variable by running following:
source ~/.bashrc
3. Run the application and view results.
➢ cd /home/HwHiAiUser/HIAI_PROJECTS/sample_image_classification_c73_python/
➢ python3
After running the application, you should be able to see the result prediction on the test image.
The result image ‘Result.jpg’ is in
You can open the image by click on it from VScode file explorer.
Question 1: Submit this result image, along with the category prediction (class and confidence) (20
3. Procedure: Head Pose Estimation
In this experiment, you will implement head pose estimation application on the Atlas200 DK. This
application can be useful in several scenarios; one such scenario is determining the viewing direction of a
driver in an automated driver assistance system installed in a vehicle. If the driver is found to be looking
away (up/down/left/right) from the optimal viewing direction (straight ahead) for an extended period of time,
the system can generate an alert to bring the driver’s attention back, and mitigate risky behaviors. This
method can also be used in other applications such as online exam monitoring.
This method first detects a face region located in the given input image and then uses the cropped region of
the detected face as the input to the head pose estimation model. The head pose of a person is calculated in
terms of 3 angles: yaw, pitch and roll in an image (,_yaw,_and_roll ).
Detailed steps, and explanations are provided in this guide, so you can understand how to build the app step
by step. Figure 1 below shows the building blocks of the application pipeline.
Figure 2. Head Pose Estimation Pipeline
The code for this project is available as a GitHub repository. You will first log in to the board, then download
the repository to the board, complete the script as per instructions and finally run the experiments for the
input image step-by-step.
4. Hands-on
1) Download the repository by running the following commands:
➢ cd /home/HwHiAiUser/HIAI_PROJECTS
➢ git clone
2) Models:
Pre-trained models are provided for 1. face detection 2. head pose estimation. Please follow the instructions
below to convert the models to ‘Offline Model’ for inference on the board.
a) Download the pre-trained Face Detection (Caffe) model network and weights to the project directory
➢ cd /home/HwHiAiUser/HIAI_PROJECTS/experiment/head_pose/
➢ wget
➢ wget
Then, execute the following command from the same project directory ‘head_pose’ to convert the
➢ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${install_path}/atc/lib64:/home/HwHiAiUser/Ascend/ascendtoolkit/20.0.RC1/arm64-linux_gcc7.3.0/acllib/lib64
➢ atc --framework=0 --model="face_detection.prototxt" --input_shape="data:1,3,300,300" --
weight="face_detection.caffemodel" --input_format=NCHW --output="face_detection" --
output_type=FP32 --soc_version=Ascend310
b) Download the pre-trained Head Pose Estimation (Caffe) model network and weights to your project
directory 'head_pose'.
➢ cd /home/HwHiAiUser/HIAI_PROJECTS/experiment/head_pose/
➢ wget
➢ wget
Then, execute the following command from your project directory 'head_pose' to convert the pretrained model for head pose estimation to offline model (.om) format:
➢ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${install_path}/atc/lib64:/home/HwHiAiUser/Ascend/ascendtoolkit/20.0.RC1/arm64-linux_gcc7.3.0/acllib/lib64
➢ atc --framework=0 --model="head_pose_estimation.prototxt" --
weight="head_pose_estimation.caffemodel" --input_shape="data:1,3,224,224" --
input_format=NCHW --output="head_pose_estimation" --output_type=FP32 --
c) Restore the default env variable by running following:
source ~/.bashrc
NOTE: If the model conversion process fails, please download the offline model directly from the following
link: Google Drive.
3) Complete the lines of code in the script ‘’.
Fill in the missing lines of code, according to the instruction provided in comments. Insert your code
wherever you find the comment:
### Your code here … ###
Question 2: Finish Codes to Initialize ACL and ACL Runtime (10 points).
Question 3: Finish Codes to Load the model for face detection and head pose estimation (20 points).
Question 4: Finish Codes to Performing inference: call the execute() method for face detection
inference (10 points).
Question 5: Finish Codes to Performing inference: call the execute() method for head pose inference (10
[HINT You may refer to the sample code in the image classification project, to learn how to use the required
APIs in the code:]
Question 6: Based on the estimated (pitch, yaw, roll) angles, determine the viewing direction (30

 The viewing direction, or head pose, is determined from the values of any or a combination of the three
angles: yaw, pitch and roll, predicted by the head pose estimation model. The following are the types of
poses, or viewing directions, and the angle values they are based on:
‘Straight Ahead’: pitch, yaw and roll angles
‘Up’ or ‘Down’: pitch angle 
‘Left’ or ‘Right’: yaw angle
‘Swing Left’ or ‘Swing Right’: roll angle
Your task in this question, is to complete the code blocks in function‘head_status_get()’ by assigning the
viewing direction (head pose) based on the estimated ranges of angle values. As an example, codes for
determining the viewing direction of ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ has been provided in the function ‘head_status_get()’.
Similarly, complete the code for viewing directions of ‘Straight Ahead’, ‘Left or Right’, ‘Swing Left or
Right’, following the instructions provided in comments in the function.
4) Run the Application
To run the application, open up a terminal on the board (VScode-Terminal) and navigate to the project
folder and run the python script:
➢ cd /home/HwHiAiUser/HIAI_PROJECTS/experiment/head_pose
➢ python3
Expected outputs printed to terminal (sample):
Head angles: [9.7900390625, 1.219940185546875, -1.763916015625]
Pose: Viewing direction: Straight ahead
You can also see the 64 detected face keypoints plotted on the given image, saved to folder
‘/home/HwHiAiUser/HIAI_PROJECTS/experiment/head_pose/out’. Please run the application for the image
files ‘head_bend.jpeg’, ‘head_tilt.jpeg’ and ‘head_upward.jpeg’ in your project folder
‘/home/HwHiAiUser/HIAI_PROJECTS/experiment/head_pose/’, and include the result images in your
submission (right-click on the file in VScode to download it). Compare the head pose outputs obtained for
these images and provide the predicted output pose as printed to the terminal in your submission.
Bonus (20 points)
Can you catch a distracted driver? Assume that you are designing a system that raises an alert if the camera
of your driver assistance system detects the driver looking away (sideways or down) for more than a
reasonable amount of time, say 3 seconds. Write some additional code to design this functionality. You may
print a message ‘ALERT’ to terminal, when your algorithm detects “distracted” behavior. Please use the
provided test videos for demo. Please submit the processed video (10 points) and code (10 points).
1. Refer to Appendix for how to read a video file.
2. If the video is 30 frames/second, then 3 seconds mean 90 frames.
Coding Guide
1 Reading and Writing Videos with Python and OpenCV (more info):
In the following code example, a video is read from a file ‘test.mp4’ using OpenCV’s VideoCapture class. The video is
read frame-by-frame, in a ‘while’ loop, until the end of the video is reached. Each frame undergoes some processing
and the processed frame is written to an output file ‘out.mp4’, using the write() method of OpenCV VideoWriter class.
import numpy as np
import cv2
# Define the codec and create VideoWriter object
out = cv2.VideoWriter(‘out.mp4’, 0x7634706d, 25, (1280, 720))
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(‘test.mp4’)
 ret, frame =
 processed_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
 # write the processed frame to file
You may refer to this code sample: to better
understand how a video is read and processed using OpenCV and Python on the Atlas DK.
2 For help on using Python compound statements, please refer to the following webpage:
3 For help with basic Linux commands, such as listing and moving files, please refer to the following:
4 Debugging in Python:
The typical usage to break into the debugger from a running program is to insert breakpoints (more info).
import pdb

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