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Deep Learning in Hardware Homework 2 ECE 498/598 

Deep Learning in Hardware
Homework 2
ECE 498/598 
This homework contains some questions and problems marked with a star. These are intended for
graduate students enrolled in the 598NSG section. Undergraduates enrolled in the 498NSU section
are welcome to solve them for extra credit. The topics covered in this homework include: DNN
complexity estimation in fixed-point, fixed-point inference in Python, back-propagation for non-linear
systems, linear prediction in fixed-point, SGD-based linear prediction, SGD with delayed updates.
This homework needs to be completed in two parts. Part 1: complete any 3 problems (2 problems
for students in 498 section) by 5pm Friday 09/25 and Part 2: the rest (4 problems) by 5pm Friday
10/02. No extension will be provided, so make sure to get started as soon as possible
Problem 1: SQNR of a Dot Product due to Output Quantization
A N-dimensional dot product given by
y =
wjxj (1)
where xj ∈ [−xm, xm] and wj ∈ [−wm, wm] are uncorrelated RVs with zero mean and variances of
x and σ
w, respectively. Derive the analytical expression for the SQNR due to quantization of y
given below:
SQNRqy(dB) = 6By + 4.8 − [ζx(dB) + ζw(dB)] − 10 log10(N) (2)
where ζx =
and ζw =
Problem 2: Neural Network Complexity Estimation in Fixed-Point
In this problem, you are asked to once again consider the ResNet-18 and VGG-11 networks discussed
in HWK 1 Problem 3. You are always encouraged to write scripts to solve the problem. What are the
representational and computational costs of both networks assuming a uniform precision assignment
of 10 bits?
Problem 3: Fixed-Point Inference with Python
In this problem, we will perform fixed-point inference using the CIFAR-10 network we had prepared
in Homework 1 Problem 4. In the newly provided zip file, you will find source code from the last
homework along with additional files for dynamic ranges and precisions. These new files contain
data that may be helpful to complete this problem.
1. Determine the minimum uniform precision requirement needed to maintain a test accuracy
within 1% of the floating-point baseline. Note: in order to quantize weights and activations,
you need to set their dynamic ranges, these can be found in the file provided on the course
website. (HINT: activations are unsigned and weights are signed.)
2. Using the precision offsets from the provided file on the course website, determine the minimum per-layer precision requirements needed to maintain a test accuracy within 1% of the
floating-point baseline.
Deep Learning in Hardware
Prof. Naresh Shanbhag Homework 2
ECE 498/598 (Fall 2020)
Assigned: 09/18 - Due: 10/02
Note: the per-layer precision assignments were obtained via the noise equalization method
we have discussed in class.
3. Compare the corresponding representational and computational costs of precision assignments in Part 1 and 2.
Figure 1: The non-linear system for Problem 4
Problem 4: Back-propagation for Non-linear System
Consider the non-linear system in Figure 1 where the goal is to predict the label y given an input
(x1, x2). The system is parametrized by three weights (w1, w2, w3). The following are the equations
describing the feedforward computations of the systems:
y˜1 = w1x1 + w2x2
y1 = ˜y
y˜2 = w3y1
y2 = ln(1 + ˜y2
It is desired to minimize the mean-squared error
C = E[e
] = E[(y − y2)
Assuming (x1, x2) are coordinates uniformly distributed over the unit circle, i.e. x
1 + x
2 = 1. The
system is trying to predict its angle y ∈ [−π, π] where
y =

arctan( x2
), x1 > 0
π + arctan( x2
) x1 < 0 and x2 > 0
−π + arctan( x2
) x1 < 0 and x2 < 0
π/2 x1 = 0 and x2 > 0
−π/2 x1 = 0 and x2 < 0
1. Derive expressions for the following three gradients: ∂C
and ∂C
. Simplify as much as
you can. (HINT: use the chain rule and LOTUS).
Deep Learning in Hardware
Prof. Naresh Shanbhag Homework 2
ECE 498/598 (Fall 2020)
Assigned: 09/18 - Due: 10/02
2. Derive closed form expressions for the following three instantaneous gradients: ∂e2
3. Using derivation in part 2, implement the SGD algorithm applied to this setup. Plot the
convergence curves and the evolutions of the weights (w1, w2, w3).
4. * Analytically determine the number of bits Bw1 needed to quantize w1 such that the MSE
C increases by no more than 1% over its floating-point value reached in Part 3. Assume that
the quantization noise appears in an additive form at the output. [Hint: use the expression
for the gradient from Part 1 as the quantization noise gain for w1.]
5. * Validate your answer in Part 4 by running the nonlinear system with w1 quantized to Bw1
6. This system is a non-convex system and therefore has many local minima. To see this, can
you find a solution that is different from the one in Part 3?
Problem 5: Fixed-Point Linear Predictor *
Calculate the minimum precision of the input and coefficient for the 3-tap predictor designed in
Homework 1 Problem 5 such that the fixed-point model achieves an SNR that is within 0.1dB of the
floating-point SNR (=10 log10
where σ
x are the variances of the input and error, respectively).
Estimate the computational cost of this precision assignment. Validate your answer by simulating
the fixed-point and floating-point predictors.
Problem 6: SGD-based Linear Predictor for Time Series
Code a 3-tap SGD-based linear predictor for predicting xn from Homework 1 Problem 5. The
coefficients of this online predictor should approach the optimal ones previously determined.
1. Calculate the maximum value of the learning rate µm (stability bounds) for which convergence is guaranteed.
2. Plot the convergence behavior of the MSE and coefficients for µ = 0.5µm. Remember to use
ensemble average plots. Compares these with the MSE and coefficients obtained in Homework 1 Problem 5. Repeat this part for µ = 0.01µm and µ = 50µm.
3. Sketch an architecture and calculate its critical path delay, latency, and throughput in terms
of the adder delay (TA) and the multiplier delay (TM).
Problem 7: SGD with Delayed Updates *
The conventional SGD algorithm can be modified by delaying the weight vector update by M1
Deep Learning in Hardware
Prof. Naresh Shanbhag Homework 2
ECE 498/598 (Fall 2020)
Assigned: 09/18 - Due: 10/02
iterations as follows:
wn ← wn−1 + µ∇w


1. Code a 3-tap SGD-based linear predictor for predicting xn as in Homework 1 Problem 5.
Assume M1 = 5. Plot its convergence behavior of the coefficients.
2. Sweep the learning rate µ to see if you can find a case where the original SGD algorithm
converges but the delayed one does not.
3. Determine the minimum value of M1 such that the critical path delay of the pipelined architecture is equal to one multiplier delay, i.e. Tcp = TM. Assume TM > TA. Draw the
pipelined architecture.

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