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Digital Signal Processing Homework 2

ECE 310 Digital Signal Processing
Homework 2

1. Two systems are specified by the following input-output relations, where x[n] is the input and y[n]
the output:
(a) y[n] = y[n − 5] + x[n] + 10x[n − 1]
(b) y[n − 2] + 2y[n] = cos

For each system, determine if it is: (a) linear or non-linear, (b) time-invariant or time-varying.
Justify your answers with proofs or counter-examples.
2. The output, y[n], of a given system is always related to its input x[n] by y[n] = h[n] ∗ x[n], where
h[n] is the system’s unit pulse response. Show that the system must be LSI.
3. Express the output y[n] of an LSI system with unit pulse response h[n] in terms of its step response
g[n] = h[n] ∗ u[n] and the input x[n]. Hint: Try to represent δ[n] in terms of shifted versions of u[n].
4. Assume that the zero-state response of an LSI system to input x[n] = 3(−n)u[n] is y[n] = 1
5n u[n − 1].
Use the system’s properties (linearity and shift-invariance) to find h[n], the system’s unit pulse
5. Compute the convolution x[n] ∗ h[n] for the x[n] and h[n] given below. Note: The arrow indicates
n = 0.
(a) x[n] = {−1, 0

, 1}, h[n] = {1

, 2, 3, 4, 5}
(b) x[n] = 3(−n)u[n], h[n] = {0

, 1, 2}
(c) x[n] = u[n], h[n] = n(u[n] − u[n − 4])
(d) x[n] = (−1)(−n)u[n], h[n] = e

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