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Assignment 3 A tile-matching game

1 Introduction
For this assignment, you will be building a tile-matching game. A core mechanism of the game is the
tile grid, in which the player must swap tiles in order to make runs of connected tiles. The bigger
the run, the more points score.
2 Assignment Tasks
This assignment is broken down into three tasks, each of which are successively more challenging. It
is recommended to proceed to the next task only when you are reasonably confident you have a fully
or mostly working solution.
CSSE1001 students will be marked out of 25, and CSSE7030 students will be marked out of 28. See
Table 1 for a more precise breakdown.
2.1 Download files
The first task is to download and The file is for your assignment. Do
not modify the assignment file outside the area provided for you to write your code.
2.2 Important Concepts
You have been provided with copious amounts of code in the support file, It is
highly recommended that you review it before writing your code, as it contains many useful constants,
functions, & classes. You needn’t understand how all of the code works (i.e. you can trust that it
works), but you do need to understand how to interact with some of it.
Table 1: Task/Mark Breakdown
Task 1
Basic features
10 marks
Task 2
Intermediate features
7 marks
Character, Player, Enemy
Task 3
Advanced features
open ended features
8 marks
CSSE7030 only
3 marks for CSSE7030;
0 marks for CSSE1001

2.2.1 Event Listeners
The TileGrid & SimpleGame classes, which are provided in the support file, follow a pattern which
allows you to assign callbacks (i.e. a function, method, lambda expression) to be called when certain
events take place. This is called Event Listening. (The file provides this functionality). This
pattern provides a simple mechanism for classes to notify other classes of significant changes (such as
when the a run is formed in the grid). This is similar to how code is executed when a tkinter button
click is pressed.
The code that listens to the required events has been provided for task 1 in For task 2, however,
in order to implement the required functionality, you will need to listen to the swap_resolution and
runs events that the SampleGame class emits. Task 3 students are encouraged to consider emitting
their own events (this may be useful for task 2, but is not necessary).
2.2.2 TileGridView
The TileGridView class is a tkinter compatible widget that facilitates display and user interaction
with a tile grid (TileGrid). The code required to create it is provided in
The user is able to select a tile, which will increase its size. The user can either deselect that same
tile, or select another tile. If they select another tile, the grid becomes disabled and the tiles swap
(SimpleGame emits swap at this point). The TileGrid then finds and removes any runs on the grid
(SimpleGame emits score & runs at this point). New tiles are generated, and they fall into the grid,
replacing the removed ones. This process is repeated, since more runs may be created by dropping
new tiles, until no more runs can be found (SimpleGame emits swap_resolution at this point). The
grid is then re-enabled so that the user can select tiles.
2.3 Write the code
There are several classes you need to write and these are described below. Do not use global
variables in your code - the one exception to this is constants, variables that are used to hold readonly configuration information that do not change while the program is running, named in ALL_CAPS
- see the top of Each class and method that you write must have a suitable docstring
comment, as specified in the course notes. See
Note: The global functions task1, task2, task3 are intended only to initialize GUI code for their
respective tasks, not to contain any class/function definitions. In most cases, they shouldn’t be more
than a few lines long.
3 Task 1 - Basic GUI
The first task is to write a basic GUI. The SimplePlayer class will represent the player and will keep
track of their status, which will be displayed by the SimpleStatusBar.
3.1 SimplePlayer Class
Firstly, the SimplePlayer class must be implemented along with the following methods (you may
add more if you wish):
__init__(self): Constructs the player.
add_score(self, score): Adds a score to the player’s score. Returns the player’s new score.
get_score(self): Returns the player’s score.
reset_score(self): Resets the player’s score.
record_swap(self): Records a swap for the player. Returns the player’s new swap count.
get_swaps(self): Returns the player’s swap count.
reset_swaps(self): Resets the player’s swap count.
player = SimplePlayer()
for i in range(10): player.record_swap() or None
3.2 SimpleStatusBar Class
The SimpleStatusBar must inherit from tk.Frame and display the following:
• The number of swaps that the player has made.
• The player’s score.
3.3 SimpleTileApp Class
The SimpleTileApp is responsible for the top-level GUI. A stub of this class has been provided.
The GUI must have the following features:
• A TileGridView to play the game.
• A StatusBar to display the player’s score and how many swaps they’ve made.
• A Reset Status button to reset the player’s status and update the StatusBar - this does not
reset the tiles.
• A File menu, with the following items:
– New Game: Begins a new game (i.e. resets the tiles), including resetting the SimpleSta
– Exit: Closes the game.
• The title of the window must be set to something sensible, such as "Simple Tile Game".
If the player attempts to reset their status or start a new game while the grid view is resolving (see
TileGridView.is_resolving), the GUI must show a message box informing the player of such.
For starting a new game, see SimpleGame.reset and TileGridView.draw.
4 Task 2 - Extended Game
This task is based around implementing more features to extend the game.
The extended game introduces the concept of the player fighting an enemy. After making a swap, the
player will attack the enemy based upon the quality of the run(s) formed (i.e. the more connected
tiles, the better). After a set number of swaps, the player’s turn will end, and the enemy will attack
the player. This repeats until either the player or enemy dies. If the player dies, they game is over. If
the enemy dies, the player advances to the next level (to fight a different, more challenging enemy).
4.1 Character Class
The Character class implements the basic functionality of a player/enemy within the game, and is
the superclass of Player & Enemy. It implements at least the following methods (you may add more
if you wish):
__init__(self, max_health): Constructs the character, where max_health is an integer representing the maximum amount of the player can have, and the amount of health they start with.
get_max_health(self): Returns the maximum health the player can have.
get_health(self): Returns the player’s current health.
lose_health(self, amount): Decreases the player’s health by amount. Health cannot go below
gain_health(self, amount): Increases the player’s health by amount. Health cannot go above
maximum health.
reset_health(self): Resets the player’s health to the maximum.
4.2 Enemy Class
The Enemy class represents an enemy, and inherits from Character. It implements at least the
following methods (you may add more if you wish):
__init__(self, type, max_health, attack): Constructs the player, where type is the enemy’s
type, max_health is an integer representing the amount of health the enemy has, and attack is a
pair of the enemy’s attack range, (minimum, maximum).
get_type(self): Returns the enemy’s type.
attack(self): Returns a random integer in the enemy’s attack range.
enemy = Enemy(’fire’, 200, (80, 125))
for i in range(10): print(enemy.attack()) # output will likely differ
4.3 Player Class
The Player class represents a human player, and inherits from Character. It implements at least
the following methods (you may add more if you wish):
__init__(self, max_health, swaps_per_turn, base_attack): Constructs the player, where
max_health is an integer representing the amount of health the player has, swaps_per_turn is an
integer representing the number of swaps a player makes each turn, and base_attack is the player’s
base attack.
record_swap(self): Decreases the player’s swap count by 1, which cannot go below zero. Returns
the player’s new swap count.
get_swaps(self): Returns the player’s swap count.
reset_swaps(self): Resets the player’s swap count to the maximum swap count.
attack(self, runs, defender_type): Takes a list of Run instances and a defender type. Returns
a pair of (type, damage), where attack is a list of pairs of the form (tile, damage), listing damage
amounts for each type, in the order the attacks should be performed. For example, if the result were
a 150 damage fire attack and then a 90 damage water attack, this method would return the following:
[(’fire’, 150), (’water’, 90)]
You may implement any algorithm you wish to calculate attack damage. It is possible for multiple
separate runs of the same type to occur at the same time (in the same group of runs). If this happens,
the algorithm should give a bonus (more than simply adding the individual damages together), and
this bonus should increase as the number of separate runs of the same type increases. Further, you
are permitted to combine multiple runs into a single attack (damage, type) pair.
The algorithm used in the example code is damage = tiles_in_run × longest_straight_in_run ×
player_attack×bonus. (See Run.__len__ & Run.get_max_dimension).
More interesting algorithms will attract slight bonus marks (i.e. making each type super effective
and/or not very effective against other types).
player = Player(200, 5, 10)
for i in range(6): player.record_swap()
fires = (5,4): Tile(’fire’), (4,4): Tile(’fire’), (3,4): Tile(’fire’)
waters = (0,1): Tile(’water’), (0,2): Tile(’water’), (1,1): Tile(’water’),(0,3
runs = [Run(fires), Run(waters)]
player.attack(runs, ’coin’)
[(’fire’, 90), (’water’, 150)]
4.4 VersusStatusBar Class
The VersusStatusBar is responsible for displaying the game/player/enemy’s status. It must inherit
from tk.Frame - (it is also permissible to inherit from SimpleStatusBar).
It must display the following:
• The current level, starting from 1 (in the centre of the first row).
• The player’s health (on the left of the second row).
• The enemy’s health (on the right of the second row).
• The number of swaps the player has made (in the centre of the second row).
Regarding the display of health, partial marks will be awarded for displaying the numerical value.
Full marks will be awarded for also displaying a rectangular bar whose width changes according to
the percentage of health remaining.
4.5 ImageTileGridView
The ImageTileGridView class inherits from TileGridView and display each tile using images instead
of rectangle. You may use any image set you wish (including one of your own creation), provided
it is appropriate and differs reasonably from a solid coloured rectangle (i.e. different shapes, icons,
etc.). See TileGridView.draw_tile_sprite.
You may find it helpful to search the internet for "sprite sets".
4.6 SinglePlayerTileApp
The SinglePlayerTileApp class is responsible for displaying the top-level GUI. The SimpleTileApp
class from task 1 must not be altered for task 2. Instead, create a class SinglePlayerTileApp that
inherits from SimpleTileApp to reuse any common functionality.
The GUI must have the following features:
• A ImageTileGridView to play the game.
• A VersusStatusBar to display the game status, above the grid.
• A graphic to display the player (to the left of the grid)
• A graphic to display the enemy (to the right of the grid).
• A File menu, with the following items:
– New Game: Begins a new game at level 1.
– Exit: Closes the game.
• The title of the window must be set to something sensible, including the current level, such as
"Tile Game - Level 1".
You may find generate_enemy_stats from the support file helpful in making your enemies stronger
as the levels progress, but you are not required to use it.
Regarding the display of the player & enemy, partial marks will be awarded for using canvas shapes;
full marks will be awarded for using custom images (see note in 4.5 on sprite sets).
If the player attempts to start a new game while they are playing, the GUI must show a dialog box
to the user asking them to confirm. You may assume the player will not attempt to start a new game
while the grid is resolving.
5 Task 3
This task is open ended. It’s entirely up to you to decide what to do for this task. Marks will be
awarded based on the sophistication of the chosen additions, the style of coding, and the supporting
documentation. Be sure to discuss your intentions with course staff before you start coding your
extensions, in order to receive feedback and ensure that your extensions will be sufficiently sophisticated. For inspiration you might look at tile-matching style games, e.g. Bejeweled, Spellfall,
Gyromancer, etc.
You must include a description of your task 3 features in your submission, in a file called a3_task3.pdf.
Ensure that you clearly draw attention to each feature using a relevant heading such that the reader
can get a quick overview of all of your features in a few seconds.
Note: Your code for task 3 must still comply with the specific requirements for each of task 1 & 2.
You are encouraged to reuse functionality by inheriting from these classes and overriding methods.
5.0.1 Suggestions
• Powerups, items, weapons, etc.
• Special tiles.
• Different game types, loading/saving to file.
• Animated characters, attacks, etc.
• Multiplayer (local or network).
6 Postgraduate Task - CSSE7030 only
This task is only for CSSE7030 students. CSSE1001 students may attempt it, but will be awarded
no marks.
CSSE7030 students are required to make the following modifications:
Task 1: A performance bar must be added to the StatusBar, which displays the player’s performance
factor, pf = score
The width of the performance bar rectangle must be set according to the following:
width = (1 -pf 22×1pf if if pf pf ≤ ≥ 1 1
Further, this bar must be animated smoothly after swapping/resetting; it must not have its width
changed immediately. In the same vein, the score field in the status bar must quickly (but not
immediately) tick up/down progressively when the score changes.
Task 2: The health bars in VersusStatusBar must be animated in the same way as for task 1.
7 Assessment and Marking Criteria
Marks will be awarded based on the correctness of your code. A technically correct solution will
not elicit a pass mark unless you can demonstrate that you understand its operation.
Note: Interviews will not be held for this assignment.
A partial solution will be marked. If your partial solution causes problems in the Python interpreter
please comment out that code and we will mark that

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