Starting from:


watch 2 of the films listed below. Answer the discussion questions in at least 250 words

For this discussion, watch 2 of the films listed below. Answer the discussion questions in at least 250 words each  


Unit 5 Extra Credit Films:


1.        Gettysburg

2.       Glory

3.       Lincoln

4.       The Conspirator

5.       Gone With The Wind

6.       Little Women

7.       Gods and Generals

8.       Cold Mountain

9.       Ride With The Devil

10.    Wicked Spring


When you watch these films, you must watch them not as films but as literature. Explore the themes, archetypes and message of each film.  Answer the following questions:


1.       What is the message or theme of the film?

2.       How does it illustrate the themes of the Unit?

3.       Which characters help to explore theme and symbolize different aspects of life during the unit of study?

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