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Assignment A2. Writing functions in Java.

Learning objectives
1. Gain familiarity with String methods, if-statements, assignment, functions, and loops.
2. Get used to Eclipse and JUnit testing.
Collaboration policy
You may do this assignment with one other person. If you are going to work together, then, as soon as possible
—and certainly before you submit the assignment —get on the CMS for the course and do what is required to form a
group. Both people must do something before the group is formed: one proposes, the other accepts.
If you do this assignment with another person, you must work together. It is against the rules for one person to do
some programming on this assignment without the other person sitting nearby and helping. You should take turns
“driving” —using the keyboard and mouse.
Academic Integrity
With the exception of your CMS-registered partner, you may not look at anyone else's code from this semester
or a previous semester, in any form, or show your code to anyone else, in any form. You may not show or give your
code to another person in the class.
Getting help
If you don't know where to start, if you don't understand testing, if you are lost, etc., please SEE SOMEONE
IMMEDIATELY —an instructor, a TA, a consultant, the Piazza for the course. Do not wait.
What to do
File contains seven (7) functions for you to write. Instructions are given at the top of that file and also
within the body of each function, as comments. Each function you write has a “// TODO” comment. Please leave
the // TODO comments in —don’t delete them. Complete the seven functions and submit file on the CMS
by the end of the due date given on the CMS.
Your grade will depend only on the correctness of the seven functions, determined by running test cases on each
function. If a function is incorrect, you may receive 0 for it. We provide JUnit testing class, with all
necessary test cases. If your passes these test cases, you should get 100/100. We do reserve the right to deduct points even if it passes all tests if we see something fishy.
Everyone should get 100 on this assignment.
When you know your A2 is correct, fill in the appropriate line at the top of A2 with netids and hours and
minutes and submit A2 on the CMS. Please be careful doing this in order to save us time in computing the average.
Replace hh by the hours and mm by the minutes. If the minutes are 0, replace mm by 0.
CAUTION: Your two .java files must be in the default package. If they are not in the default package, you will lose
10 points.
Guidelines/Instructions for working with Eclipse and JUnit testing in A2
1. Create a new project a2 (or any name you want), using menu item: File - New - Java Project.
2. In the Package Explorer, click the right arrow preceding the project name. It turns into a down arrow and you
see a directory src (for source) with nothing in it.
CS2110 Spring 2018 Assignment A2. Writing functions in Java. See CMS for due date 2
3. Drag downloaded file on top of src. A window will pop up, asking whether to link or copy. Select
copy and click OK.
4. There is now a right arrow before src. Click it. It turns into a down arrow and under it is a right arrow followed by (default package). Click that right arrow. It turns into a down arrow and under it you see It contains a copy of the file that you dragged.
5. Double click file name It opens in the big pane to the right of the Package Explorer pane. You can
now edit that file.
6. Drag downloaded file on top of src and do as you did on step 3 above.
7. does not compile because JUnit 5 is not available. The simplest way to make it available is to
create a new JUnit test class (menu item File à New à Junit test case). Follow directions, and when it asks
whether you want Jupiter (or Junit 5), click YES. Then delete the new JUnit class.
We gave instructions on using Eclipse in the Eclipse tutorial on the course website. Go over that tutorial again,
especially the part about JUnit testing.

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