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ECE 2035 Diamond Sort 

ECE 2035 Diamond Sort 
Part 1: This part explores the development and implementation of a complex algorithm to
perform a two parameter orthogonal sort with spatial coupling. The program begins with a 13 x
13 sort diamond containing 85 disks of varying diameter and hue. A rearrangement must be
derived where each row includes monotonically increasing hue (color hue) from left to right and
each column includes monotonically increasing diameter from top to bottom. An example
diamond is shown below. In order to minimize screen usage, the diamond has been rotated
counterclockwise by 45°. So hue increases from the bottom and left edges to the upper and right
edges. Diameter should increase from the top and left edges to the bottom and right edges.
The DiamondSort data is placed in memory through a provided routine. After initialization, the
diameter and hue are stored in static memory in a 85 elements in a 169 linear array using a
packed format, where missing elements are represented as -1. The least significant six bits
represents one of 64 hues (0-63) and the next least significant six bits represents diameter (0-63).
Actual displayed diameters are increased by 20 to improve visibility and hue identification.
31 0
unused diameter hue
31 12 11 6 5 0
The data is placed in a 13 x 13 square that subscribes the upright diamond. All unused array
entries are initialized to -1. Since storage will be a measured cost in the performance version of
this program (Part 2), it is strongly recommended that your routine exchange values rather then
creating a new array.
ECE 2035 Diamond Sort Summer 2016
When your implementation completes, the board should contain the same tiles in the original
board, only sorted by rows (hue) and columns (diameter). The shell program P1-1-shell.c
includes a reader function Load_Mem() that loads the values from a text file. The shell
program also includes a printing function to display the final sorted diamond board. You should
use gcc under Ubuntu to develop your program (type man gcc for compiler usage). Sample
value files sortboard1.txt, sortboard2.txt, and sortboard3.txt are
provided. Normally, you should compile and run your program using the Linux command line:
gcc P1-1.c –g –Wall –o P1-1
./P1-1 sortboard1.txt
1. The file must be named P1-1.c.
2. Your name and the date should be included in the beginning of the file. Your program
should display no warnings or errors when compiled and executed using gcc.
3. Your program should not modify the data in the input file; rather it should rearrange the
data within the array and then print out the data using the included diamond print
function Print_Array().
4. Your solution to this part (P1-1) is due Friday, 17 June 2016 at 5:00 PM. You have a
grace period for submission until 11:55 PM. Your submission will be marked late, but no
penalty will be assessed. After 11:55 PM, submissions will not be accepted.
Part 2: In this part, a performance version of DiamondSort is developed in MIPS assembly. In
this version, the code size, execution time, and storage will contribute to the overall evaluation of
the submitted code. The choice of representation plays a critical role in the final implementation.
Library Routines: There are three library routines (accessible via the swi instruction) for use in
this project.
SWI 521: Diamond Sort Initialization: This routine creates a diamond subscribed in a 13 x 13
array in memory. 85 packed values representing a hue and diameter are positioned within a 169
element (13 x 13) integer array. A pop up window also graphically represents the initial contents
of the sort board. INPUTS: $1 contains the base address of the square array. OUTPUTS: none.
SWI 522: Diamond Sort Checking: This routine checks a diamond beginning at the specified
base address. The number of decreasing hues is tallied in rows and the number of decreasing
diameters is tallied in columns. The two values are returned as two packed six-bit integers in $2.
INPUTS: $1 contains the base address of the square array. OUTPUTS: $2 contains the number of
row errors (bits 5-0) and column errors (bits 11-6).
SWI 523: Diamond Sort Display Update: This routine updates the pop up window with the
current contents of the diamond in memory. INPUTS: $1 contains the base address of the square
array. OUTPUTS: none.
An assembly language shell code is provided (P1-2-shell.asm).
Evaluation: In this version, correct operation and efficient performance are evaluated. The code
size, dynamic execution length, and operand storage requirements are scored empirically, relative
to a baseline solution. The baseline numbers for this project are static code size: 66 instructions,
dynamic instruction length: 13,910 instructions (avg.), storage required: 100 words (including
the 85 words in the diamond but excluding dedicated registers $0, $31). Your score will be
determined through the following equation:
ECE 2035 Diamond Sort Summer 2016
Percent Credit is then used to determine the number of points for the corresponding points
category. Important note: while the total score for each part can exceed 100%, especially bad
performance can earn negative credit. The sum of the combined performance metrics scores
(code size, execution length, and storage) will not be less than zero points. Finally, the
performance scores will be reduced by 10% for each incorrect trial (out of 100 trials). You
cannot earn performance credit if your implementation fails ten or more of the 100 trials.
In order for your solution to be properly received and graded, there are a few requirements.
1. The file must be named P1-2.asm.
2. Your name and the date should be included in the beginning of the file. Your program
should display no warnings or errors when loaded and executed in MiSaSiM.
3. Your program should rearrange the data within the array so that swi 522 returns zero.
4. Your program must return to the operating system via the jr instruction. Programs that
include infinite loops or produce simulator warnings or errors will lose significant credit.
5. Your solution to this part (P1-2) is due Wednesday, 29 June 2016 at 5:00 PM. You have
a grace period for submission until 11:55 PM. Your submission will be marked late, but
no penalty will be assessed. After 11:55 PM, submissions will not be accepted.
Good luck!
Project Grading: The project grade will be determined as follows:
part description percent
P1-1 Functional DiamondSort
Algorithm 5
Style/comments 5
Compiles 5
Runs without crashing 5
Correctness 20
total 40
P1-2 Performance DiamondSort
correct operation, proper technique and style 20
static code size 10
dynamic execution length 20
operand storage requirements 10
total 60
ECE 2035 Diamond Sort Summer 2016

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