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ECE 3056  Assignment 4

ECE 3056 

Assignment 4

Homework Problems 
Generate a detailed understanding of the operation of the MIPS pipeline. This is
intended to solidify your understanding of the fundamental concepts of
I. Data dependencies between instructions and how they can interact in the pipeline
to produce hazards
II. Control flow and its impact on the operation of the pipeline.
The VHDL model code is available from the class website.
Assignment Part I: Understanding the Model
This part does not have a submission requirement. The warm-up can be discussed with
your classmates. It is intended to help you get up to speed quickly and to familiarize
yourself with the model, and compile and execute a few simple programs. Start by
studying the trace and execution of the program that is already in instruction memory
and determine if the program is correctly executed. Check the documentation associated
with the model.
o Is this program execution correct? If not, why not?
o The datapath does not provide hardware support for correctly
executing branches. How many delay slots does the pipelinehave?
o What is the initial value of the stackpointer?
o What value is placed on the read output of memory when the data memory
is not being read?
o If ALUSrc is undefined, what is the value of the BInput of the ALU in
the execute stage.
o How large (in bits) are the EX/MEM and IF/ID pipeline registers?
o If the opcode is 0x00 the effect is a nop. Look at ps_control.vhd
and convince yourself you understand why this is produces a nop.
Assignment Part II: Pipeline Functionality (150 pts)
This assignment is comprised of the following steps. You may discuss solutions with
colleagues. However the coding and testing must be performedindependently!
1. Implement data forwarding to the EX stage.
2. Add support for the load-to-use stall. For example, if a lw instruction produces data
used by an immediately following instruction, one stall cycle should be included
between the lw and the immediately following instruction.
3. Assume branches are predicted as not taken. Thus, the fetch stage will keep fetching
instructions through PC+4 until the branch condition is resolved. Note that if the
branch is taken, then the instructions which were speculatively fetched would have to
be flushed.
4. We will provide test programs. In the interim create your own simple test
ECE 3056 Spring 2016
programs. Remember that the data path supports only those instructions supported
by the data path described in the text, e.g., no support for immediate instructions.
5. Do pay attention the documentation provided with the data path.
6. For the test program,
a. Calculate the CPI for the test program for the baseline (unmodified) data path.
You will have to do this via the insertion of nops as necessary.
b. Now calculate the reduction in CPI (Cycles Per Instruction) obtained after the
Grading Guidelines
1) A complete and correct design as evidenced by the code and writeup – 45 pts.
2) Compiles and executes: 35 pts.
3) Execution has correct output: 45 pts
4) Clarity of description and documentation (includingcode documentation,
i.e., comments in the code): 25 pts.
Submissions Instructions
Brevity and precision is valued over volume.
3. Design & Verification Report: A Single PDF file that contains the following.
a. Your name and GTID on the top of each page
b. A figure of the pipelined data path clearly (label your changes 1, 2, ... or A, B,
...) showing the modifications you made to thedata path.
c. Specify which VHDL modules you modified and how they were modified (be
brief and direct). Map these changes to the labeled changes of the figure.
d. A sequence of steps briefly describing how your code achieves the required
e. You will be provided a set of test programs. For each test program provide a screen
trace (exact instructions will be provided).
4. Code: In a single zip file submit(
a. The complete VHDLcode for the modified data path. It should be in a form
whereby all that needs to be done is compiling & execution (as in the case of the
model that was provided to you).
b. Documentation in Code:
i. Include your name and GTID in each module of code (even the unmodified
ii. At the top of each module, comments indicating what changes you have made
to each module. This can be brief.
Programming submissions should be electronic. Submissions must time stamped by the
duedate and time. Submissions will be viaTsquare.
ECE 3056 Spring 2016
Problems (50 points)
1. (30 pts) Consider the state of following procedure executing within the SPIM
pipeline (Figure 4.51) during cycle 11. Assume that the first instruction is fetched
in cycle 0! Assume full hardware support for forwarding, branches predicted as not
taken, and flushing when branches are taken. The first instruction is at address
0x00400000. The data segment starts at 0x0100. Assume the data path supports the
addi and bne instructions similar to add and beq respectively.
start: .word 21, 22, 23,24
str: .asciiz “CmpE”
.align 4
.word 24, 0x77
.globl main
main: addi $t3, $0, 0x4
addi $t0, $0, 0x0100
addi $t1, $0, 0x0200
move: lw $t5, 0($t0)
sw $t5, 0($t1)
addi $t0, $t0, 4
addi $t1, $t1, 4
addi $t3, $t3, -1
end: bne $t3, $zero, move
addi $v0, $0, 0xA
a. Insert required nops to ensure this program executes correctly. Explain why
it will not execute correctly.
b. What instructions are in each stage of the pipeline after the preceding
correction is applied.
IF _________________________
ID _________________________
EX _________________________
MEM _________________________
WB _________________________
ECE 3056 Spring 2016
c. What are the values of the following fields? Mux inputs are numbered
from the top to bottom starting at 0. MuxA is the first one from the top
in EX. The figure below is just clarify notation for forwarding. Use Figure
MEM/WB.MemToReg _______________________
ForwardMuxA _______________________
ForwardMuxB _______________________
IF/ID.PC _______________________
ID/EX.RegWrite _______________________
EX/MEM.WriteData _______________________
EX/MEM.WriteRegister _______________________
(Destination Address)
d. Reschedule the code using nops to minimize/eliminate stall cycles.
ECE 3056 Spring 2016
2. (10 pts) Add support for the jump instruction to the data path in Figure 4.51. To
receive credit your solution should gave the following elements.
a. Clearly show the hardware changes required of the datapath using Figure
4.51. If your drawing or handwriting is not legible you will not receive
b. Describe briefly how this would work.
i. Operation in a few sentences
ii. Changes to the controller and control signals.
3. (10 pts) Extensive analysis of the instruction stream of code targeted for the
pipelined MIPS with forwarding (Figure 4.51) has produced the following statistics.
To gain some performance the EX and MEM stages have been partitioned into two
stage pipelines. The overall pipeline is now 7 stages. 30% of load instructions
produce a load-to-use hazard.
Instruction Frequency
Loads 22%
Stores 13%
ALU Operations 42%
Branches 18%
Jumps 5%
a. What is the penalty in cycles for i) data hazards, and ii) control hazards.
b. 20% of these load delay slots can be filled via instruction scheduling.
Similarly, we can use scheduling can fill 60% of the branch delay slots.
Compute the CPI if the base (ideal) CPI is 1.0.
c. How would branch prediction affect the preceding analysis if a correct
prediction can reduce the branch penalty to 1 cycle?
Note: No late assignments will be accepted. You must make achieve a minimum average of
50% in the assignments to pass the course.

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