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ECE 356 : Assignment 2

ECE 356 : Assignment 2

Goals: The goals of this lab are to
(a) Recognize when a database is not in BCNF
(b) Decompose a database into BCNF, creating the necessary tables
(c) Design a BCNF database when just given data
(d) Analyze the effects of PK/FK/other index on some query for the Baseball DB
Part 1: Consider the following schema:
The constraints on the attributes and functional dependencies between attributes are as follows:
(1) empID is unique per employee
(2) projID is unique per project
(3) The empName is the full name of each employee, and consists of a First and Last Name, and
optionally a Middle Name.
(4) The deptID is unique per departments
(5) A department location is a full address, comprising the street number, street name, city name,
province, and postal code
(6) An employee may have more than one role on a project
(7) An employee may be assigned to more than one project
(8) A department may have multiple locations
(9) An employee can be in more than one department
SQL that creates a database with these tables and data already exists and will be on Learn.
You are required to take this initial database schema and:
(1) decompose it, per BCNF
(2) determine primary keys
(3) determine foreign keys
(4) write the necessary SQL to create tables for this database, together with the necessary
primary and foreign keys
(5) if you decomposition has resulted in the loss of any of the above four tables, write the
necessary SQL to create a view that correspond to that table (note: in the case of the empName
and department location you should use “concat” to create a single attribute from the atomic
(6) write the necessary SQL to migrate the data from these four tables into your schema
Part 1 Submission: For any portions of your solution to this that is SQL, write the SQL in a
single file titled employee.sql and submit that file to the Assignment 2 Dropbox on Learn.
Any written component and/or explanation for you schema should be written in a single file
titled employee.pdf and likewise be submitted to the Assignment 2 Dropbox on Learn.
Part 2: The website “” contains roughly 27,000 user-provided datasets, which are an
invaluable resource for those wishing to learn about databases with real data sets. Using the
“” dataset, create a BCNF chess database and take the
data from the CSV and put it in our BCNF Chess database.
Part 2 Submission: SQL code to create and load the database should be in the file chess.sql,
while any explanation you wish to add to justify your design should be in chess.pdf, and both
files should be submitted to the DropBox on Learn.
Part 3: In Assignment 1 you had to compute several queries on the Sean Lahman baseball
database. There were no explicit indexes on that database, though you should have added
primary and foreign keys. Using experiments and/or the explain command determine the
significance of
(a) the primary keys on the tables in the query
(b) the foreign keys on the tables in the query
(c) whether or not any additional explicit indexes would help in solving those queries.
for the following queries:
(a) select count(playerID) from Master where birthYear is null or birthYear = ""
 or birthMonth is null or birthMonth = ""
 or birthDay is null or birthDay = "";
(b) select playerID,sum(salary) as totalPay from Salaries
left outer join Appearances using (playerID,yearID,teamID)
left outer join Managers using (playerID,yearID,teamID)
where G is null and
 G_all is null
group by playerID
order by totalPay desc
limit 3;
Be precise in stating what helps; for example, do not simply state that the PK on Master is
helpful; specify what is that PK which helps; if an index would help, specify what the index
would be.
Part 3 Submission: You will need to write some amount of SQL to answer this question, as well
as writing the necessary explanations. As such, you should submit two files, baseball.sql and
baseball.pdf, to the Assignment 2 Dropbox on Learn.

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