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ECE 4122/6122 Hmk #5 Battlestar Buzzy

ECE 4122/6122 Hmk #5 (100 pts)

Battlestar Buzzy
Battlestar Buzzy has just finished defending GaTech from the evil space bulldogs. It was a fierce
battle and only seven yellow jackets are still operational and need to dock as soon as possible.
The yellow jackets are all damaged, flying blind, and having propulsion issues. Your mission is
to develop a distributed MPI program that will be able to guide the yellow jackets safely back to
Buzzy so that they can dock.
The following rules must be followed:
1) Create a PBS script file to allocate 4 nodes with 2 processors per node. Call the output
file out.dat.
2) The main process (rank=0) reads in the following from an input file (all values are in MKS
a. The name of the input file is in.dat and is in the same folder as the executable.
b. The first line contains the length of time in seconds that the yellow jackets have
to dock before Buzzy must jump to ludicrous speed.
c. The second line contains the maximum thrust (Fmax) in Newtons that each
thruster can provide.
d. The third line contains the x y z location, initial speed and the initial normalized
direction vector of Battlestar Buzzy. The speed and direction of Buzzy will remain
constant while the yellow jackets are docking.
e. The next seven lines contain the same information for each of the yellow jackets.
3) The kinematics of each yellow jacket must be controlled by a different process, other
than the main process. The main process calculates the new location for Buzzy every
second and is used to gather and broadcast the location of Buzzy and the seven yellow
jackets. Each yellow jacket is assume to have a mass of 10,000 kg.
a. The yellow jackets have three thrusters. One for each direction (xyz), that can be
used to change its direction by applying a one second burst of constant thrust
from –Fmax to +Fmax. The thrust force (F) can be changed every one second as
needed. The thrusters are independent of each other and can be fired at the
same time if needed with different thrust force values.
b. There is an issue with the propulsion system and the thrusters are randomly
misfiring. Each time you use a thruster, the value you use needs to be multiplied
by a random number between 0.8 to 1.2 to simulate the misfiring.
c. Use Newton’s 2nd Law to determine the acceleration of the yellow jacket in each
𝐹𝐹𝑥𝑥,𝑦𝑦,𝑧𝑧 = 𝑚𝑚 ∗ 𝑎𝑎𝑥𝑥,𝑦𝑦,𝑧𝑧
d. Use the equations of motion for constant acceleration in each direction (xyz) to
determine the location and velocity of the yellow jacket every second.
𝑥𝑥 = 𝑥𝑥𝑜𝑜 + 𝑣𝑣𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑡𝑡 +
2 𝑎𝑎𝑥𝑥𝑡𝑡2
𝑣𝑣𝑥𝑥 = 𝑣𝑣𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 + 𝑎𝑎𝑥𝑥 ∗ 𝑡𝑡
4) Each second the yellow jackets must report their current status, xyz location and their
next Fx, Fy, Fz values to Buzzy in the main process.
5) Each second Buzzy in the main process broadcasts the status and location of itself and
all seven yellow jackets, so that the yellow jackets are aware of the status and location
of everyone. Battlestar Buzzy should always have a status of 1.
6) The yellow jackets must stay at least 250m away from other “active” yellow jackets. If
they come closer than 250m, it is considered a collision and both yellow jackets are
considered destroyed. In this case, the processes for the two yellow jackets change
their status to destroyed and their position stays constant at the point of destruction.
Destroyed or docked yellow jackets are not a consideration for collision avoidance.
7) A yellow jacket will automatically dock with Buzzy once its distance is less than 50m and
the following two conditions are meet:
a. It must be flying in the same direction (𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 > 0.8) as Buzzy. You can calculate
this value using the dot product between the velocity vector for Buzzy and the
velocity vector of the yellow jacket.
8) If a yellow jacket comes within 50m of Buzzy and it does not meet conditions 7a and 7b
then it is consider to have crashed into Buzzy and has been destroyed. In this case, the
process for the yellow jacket changes its status to destroyed and the position stays
constant at the point of destruction. If a yellow jacket has successfully docked then its
status is updated to docked and its location is the same as the last broadcast Battlestar
Buzzy location.
9) The program ends when one of the following occurs:
a. The allowed time to dock has expired,
b. All yellow jackets have either been destroyed or successfully docked with Buzzy.
10) While the program is running, the main process (rank=0) should output the status and
location of each yellow jacket every second to the console. The output must be in the
comma delimited format shown below:
rankID, status, x, y, z, Fx, Fy, Fz
RankID and status should be output as integers and x, y, z, Fx, Fy, Fz should be output
using scientific notation with 6 decimal points of precision. For example:
1, 1, 2.345643e4, 8.765456e2, 5.879478e4, 1.001231e2, 2.456793e1, 4.003234e2
A yellow jacket can have one of three status values: Active = 1, Docked = 2, Destroyed = 0.
Appendix A: Coding Standards
When using if/for/while statements, make sure you indent 4 spaces for the content inside those. Also
make sure that you use spaces to make the code more readable.
For example:
for (int i; i < 10; i++)
 j = j + i;
If you have nested statements, you should use multiple indentions. Each { should be on its own line (like
the for loop) If you have else or else if statements after your if statement, they should be on their own
for (int i; i < 10; i++)
 if (i < 5)
 k -= i;
 k +=1;
 j += i;
Camel Case:
This naming convention has the first letter of the variable be lower case, and the first letter in each new
word be capitalized (e.g. firstSecondThird). This applies for functions and member functions as well! The
main exception to this is class names, where the first letter should also be capitalized.
Variable and Function Names:
Your variable and function names should be clear about what that variable or function is. Do not use one
letter variables, but use abbreviations when it is appropriate (for example: “imag" instead of
“imaginary”). The more descriptive your variable and function names are, the more readable your code
will be. This is the idea behind self-documenting code.
File Headers:
Every file should have the following header at the top
Author: <your name>
Class: ECE4122 or ECE6122
Last Date Modified: <date>
What is the purpose of this file?
Code Comments:
1. Every function must have a comment section describing the purpose of the function, the input
and output parameters, the return value (if any).
2. Every class must have a comment section to describe the purpose of the class.
3. Comments need to be placed inside of functions/loops to assist in the understanding of the flow
of the code.
Appendix B: Submitting Assignment
Step-By-Step Submitting a Tar.gz
PLEASE NOTE: All the following instructions are run on PACE. If you are struggling with any of the steps,
please come see the TAs during office hours. Better to start and test early than wait until the last
Below is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create the .tgz file for Homework 4 for ECE 4122/6122.
Additionally, if you do not use a header file for a solution, you do not need to submit a header file.
Please adjust these instructions accordingly. The tarball should contain a folder with your buzzid
containing a subfolder for the problem with the corresponding .cpp and .h files.
Please make sure that the problem is in a subfolder with the naming conventions:
Create a subdirectory named buzzid in the current working directory by executing the following
command in the shell:
$ mkdir buzzed
Create a text file named manifest.
Please make sure that the manifest file is a plain text file and not a rich text file. Microsoft word will
generate a rich text file. The easiest method to create a plain text file is to use a command line editor
such as vi, vim, or nano.
(If you want a tutorial, these can be useful: vi:, vim:,
Populate the manifest file with the following:
(PLEASE NOTE: this is subject to change with depending on your class section. The wildcard (*) character
will grab all the .cpp and .h files you generated for each problem.)
Now you need to construct the correct file structure for the submission. This means that you need to
put all the homework files into your buzzid folder. Execute the following lines in the shell:
$ cp -a <FirstName_LastName>_* buzzid
Many people have had issue with this step. You need to make sure the naming conventions are
consistent to avoid potential problems.
It is now time to tarball your submission. If all the other steps have gone smoothly execute the following
$ tar -zcvf buzzid-hmk5.tgz $(cat manifest)
You can now check the new tgz file just generated with the following command:
$ tar -ztvf buzzid-hmk5.tgz

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