ECE 466 Homework 1
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Your Name: [Name Surname]
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
[18 points] For each $x[n]$ given below:
Plot the signal using np.stem() for $-20\leq n\leq20$.
Is the signal an energy signal or a power signal?
Is it periodic or aperiodic? What's the period if it is periodic?
Is it even or odd?
a. $x[n]= (1.2)^{-n} \sin{(\frac{\pi n}{4})} u[n]$.
## Your code for plotting the signal in 1.a. should be in this cell.
Your answers for signal 1.a. should be written in this cell. (Double click on this text)
b. $x[n]= \frac{\sin{(\pi n)}}{\sin{(\frac{\pi n}{10})}}$.
## Your code for plotting the signal in 1.b. should be in this cell.
Your answers for signal 1.b. should be written in this cell.
c. $x[n] = \cos{(\frac{\pi n}{4})}\sin{(\frac{\pi n}{3})}$.
## Your code for plotting the signal in 1.c. should be in this cell.
Your answers for signal 1.c. should be written below in this cell.
[15] Determine whether the following systems are linear, shift-invariant, memoryless, causal, and BIBO stable:
a. $y[n] = x[-n]$.
b. $y[n] = e^{x[n]}$.
c. $y[n] = g[n]x[n]$ with any given $g[n]$.
Your answers for question 2. should be written and executed below in this cell.
[15] The continuous time signal $x(t) = \frac{\sin{(10\pi t)}}{10 \pi t}$ is is the input to an ideal A/D converter with sampling period ܶ$T$, to obtain the discrete-time signal $x[n] = \frac{\sin{\frac{(\pi n)}{2}}}{\frac{\pi n}{2}}$.
a. What is the ideal $T$ for such a conversion?
b. Is your choice of $T$ unique? If not, what other $T$s can be used?
Your answers for question 3. should be written and executed in this cell.
[20] Consider the following continuous-time sinusoidal signal: $x_a(t) = \sin{(2\pi F_0 t)}$.
The sampled version of this signal can be described by it's values every $T_s$ seconds. Namely, $x[n] = x_a(n T_s)$ = \sin(2\pi\frac{F}{F_s} n)$.
a. Plot the signals $x[n]$ with given $F_0$ for $0\leq n\leq 99$. $F_s = 5000 = 5$ kHz. Explain the similarities and differences between these plots.
$F_0 = 500 = 0.5$ kHz.
$F_0 = 2000 = 2$ kHz.
$F_0 = 3000 = 3$ kHz.
$F_0 = 4500 = 4.5$ kHz.
# Give the code of your answer for signal with F_0=0.5kHz.
# Give the code of your answer for signal with F_0=2kHz.
# Give the code of your answer for signal with F_0=3kHz.
# Give the code of your answer for signal with F_0=4.5kHz.
What similarities do you observe? What differences?:
b. Suppose that $F_0=2$kHz and $F_s = 50$kHz.
i. Plot $x[n]$. What is the frequency $f_0$ of $x[n]$?
ii. Plot the signal $y[n] = x[2n]$ . Is this a sinusoidal? What is the frequency?
# Code for 4.b.i.
Type the frequency of $x[n]$ here.
# Code for 4.b.ii.
Type the frequency of $y[n]$ here.
[20] An analog signal $x_a(t) = \sin(480\pi t) + 3 \sin (720\pi t)$ is sampled 600 times per second.
(a) Determine the Nyquist sampling rate for $x_a(t)$.
(b) Determine the folding frequency.
(c) What are the frequencies, in radians, in the resulting discrete time signal $x[n]$?
(d) If $x[n]$ is passed through an ideal D/A converter, what is the reconstructed signal $Y_a(t)$?