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ECE 57000 Assignment 3

ECE 57000 Assignment 3 Instructions
This Jupyter notebook document entitled Assignment_03_Instructions contains instructions for doing your assignment exercise. A second Jupyter notebook document entited Assignment_03_Exercise contains all the exercises that you will need to perform.

As you read each section of this instruction, you should try running the associated code snippets. The colaboratory environment allows you to run code snippets locally by clicking on the arrow on the left of the code. This is a wonderful feature that allows you to experiment as you read. You should take advantage of this and experiment and test different ideas, so you can become more familiar with the Python and the Jupyter programing environment.

At the end of each sub-section, there will be exercises to perform. You should perform the exercises in the document Assignment_03_Exercise, which will contain all your results. You can then hand in your results by printing the Assignment_03_Exercise document as a pdf with all code and simulation results included.
Section 1: Introduction to Pytorch tensor
In this assignment, we will try to build a classifier by using neural network.
Python offers a lot of packages for machine learning, such as Keras, Tensorflow, Pytorch and etc. In this course, we will focus on Pytorch. Pytorch is a popular ML library in Python and is implemented in C and wrapped with Lua. It is developed by Facebook, but now it is widely used in companies such as Twitter, Salesforce.

One of Pytorch's greatest feature is that it offers Tensor Computation. It works just like Numpy, but has faster computation and allows for GPU acceleration.
In [2]:
import torch

print(f'-----------Tensor Initialization-----------')
# Tensor initilization
A = torch.zeros(2,2)
print(f'Zero initialization for A: \nA={A}\n')

A = torch.randn(2,2)
print(f'normal distributrion initialization for A: \nA={A}\n')

print(f'-----------   Tensor Addition    -----------')
# Tensor addition
A, B = [1,2,3], [3,2,1]
A, B = torch.tensor(A), torch.tensor(B)
print(f'Tensor A is {A}, Tensor B is {B}')
print(f'Tensor addition: \nA+B={A+B}\n')

print(f'-----------Tensor Initialization-----------')
# Tensor indexing and slicing
A = torch.ones(3,3)
print(f'A is defined as \n{A}\n')
print(f'The first element :\n{A[0,0]}\n')
print(f'The first two columns :\n{A[:,0:2]}\n')

print(f'-----------  Tensor Information-----------')
# Tensor information
A = torch.rand(3,3)
print(f'A has shape: \n{A.size()}\n')
print(f'A has datatype: \n{A.dtype}\n')
print(f'A is stored as: \n{A.type()}\n')

-----------Tensor Initialization-----------
Zero initialization for A: 
A=tensor([[0., 0.],
        [0., 0.]])

normal distributrion initialization for A: 
A=tensor([[ 1.7180, -0.9730],
        [-0.6825, -0.0462]])

-----------   Tensor Addition    -----------
Tensor A is tensor([1, 2, 3]), Tensor B is tensor([3, 2, 1])
Tensor addition: 
A+B=tensor([4, 4, 4])

-----------Tensor Initialization-----------
A is defined as 
tensor([[1., 1., 1.],
        [1., 1., 1.],
        [1., 1., 1.]])

The first element :

The first two columns :
tensor([[1., 1.],
        [1., 1.],
        [1., 1.]])

-----------  Tensor Information-----------
A has shape: 
torch.Size([3, 3])

A has datatype: 

A is stored as: 

For more information, please refer to the Pytorch official tutorial : Pytorch Tutorial
Section 2: Getting datasets from torchvision
Instead of uploading/creating datasets on your own, torchvision offers some popular datasets which is available for download only by writing a few lines of code. The avaliable datasets are MNIST, FMNIST, LSUN, CIFAR, etc. More information on the dataset is available here: Torchvision dataset
In this assignment, we will use the MNIST dataset. MNIST is a large dataset of handwritten digits. The dataset contains 60,000 train images and 10,000 testing images. Each image is in gray scale and has the size 28x28.
There are several parameters when you trying to get MNIST data from torchvision by using the function torchvision.dataset.MNIST():

train : This parameter indicates whether you want the training set or the testing set
download: Set True to start download from the website
transform: pre-processing functions for the dataset
Here is a typical setup:
In [3]:
import torchvision

Here the transform is a pipeline containing two seperate transforms: 
1. Transform the data into tensor type
2. Normalize the dataset by a giving mean and std. 
  (Those number is given as the global mean and standard deviation of MNIST dataset)
transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose([torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(),

train_dataset = torchvision.datasets.MNIST('/data', train=True, download=True, transform=transform)
test_dataset = torchvision.datasets.MNIST('/data', train=False, download=True, transform=transform)


Downloading to /data/MNIST/raw/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz


Extracting /data/MNIST/raw/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz to /data/MNIST/raw
Downloading to /data/MNIST/raw/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz


Extracting /data/MNIST/raw/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz to /data/MNIST/raw
Downloading to /data/MNIST/raw/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz


Extracting /data/MNIST/raw/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz to /data/MNIST/raw
Downloading to /data/MNIST/raw/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz


Extracting /data/MNIST/raw/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz to /data/MNIST/raw
Dataset MNIST
    Number of datapoints: 60000
    Root location: /data
    Split: Train
Transform: Compose(
               Normalize(mean=(0.1307,), std=(0.3081,))

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torchvision/datasets/ UserWarning: The given NumPy array is not writeable, and PyTorch does not support non-writeable tensors. This means you can write to the underlying (supposedly non-writeable) NumPy array using the tensor. You may want to copy the array to protect its data or make it writeable before converting it to a tensor. This type of warning will be suppressed for the rest of this program. (Triggered internally at  /pytorch/torch/csrc/utils/tensor_numpy.cpp:141.)
  return torch.from_numpy(parsed.astype(m[2], copy=False)).view(*s)

Then we need to set up a getter for the dataset by using the function, some parameters is given as:

batch_size: how many datasets you want each time
shuffle: whether the extracted data are shuffled from the dataset
In [4]:
batch_size_train, batch_size_test = 64, 1000

train_loader =, batch_size=batch_size_train, shuffle=True)
test_loader =, batch_size=batch_size_test, shuffle=False)


< object at 0x7feb78617d68>

Here the train_loader/test_loader is an iterable, we can extract by using the python built-in function next()
In [5]:
batch_idx, (images, targets) = next(enumerate(train_loader))
print(f'current batch index is {batch_idx}')
print(f'images has shape {images.size()}')
print(f'targets has shape {targets.size()}')

current batch index is 0
images has shape torch.Size([64, 1, 28, 28])
targets has shape torch.Size([64])

Important Note: In pytoch, image files are stored in the format of (Batchsize x Channel x Height x Width)
We can visualize the first few images and its associated labels like this:
In [6]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,3)
for i in range(3):
  for j in range(3):
    ax[i,j].imshow(images[i*3+j][0], cmap='gray')
    ax[i,j].set_title(f'label {targets[i*3+j]}')

Section 3: Building the neural network structure
In the instructions, we will build a simple neural network which utilize the following layers:

fully connected layers: nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim)
convolution layers: nn.Conv2d(input_channel, output_channel, kernel_size)
Relu function: F.relu(input_)
max pooling: F.max_pool2d(input_, kernal_size)
log softmax: F.log_soft_max(input_)
More details on this functions are listed here: torch.nn.* torch.nn.functional.*

Here is how a standard neural network setup:
In [7]:
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class OurNN(nn.Module): # Any neural generated network should be generate

  def __init__(self):
    super(OurNN, self).__init__()

    self.conv = nn.Conv2d(1, 3, kernel_size=5)
    self.fc = nn.Linear(432, 10)

  def forward(self, x):
    x = self.conv(x)        # x now has shape (batchsize x 3 x 24 x 24)
    x = F.relu(F.max_pool2d(x,2))  # x now has shape (batchsize x 3 x 12 x 12)
    x = x.view(-1, 432)      # x now has shape (batchsize x 432)
    x = F.relu(self.fc(x))     # x has shape (batchsize x 10)
    return F.log_softmax(x,-1)

Note: Always keep track of the dimension of the x throughout the neural network. The dimension can easily get mis-mismatched due to the parameter setup for various layers.
We further need to set up an optimizer to help us backprop the network and learn all its parameters. We use the stochastic gradient descent optimizer: optim.SGD(model, lr, momentum)
In [8]:
import torch.optim as optim

classifier = OurNN()
optimizer = optim.SGD(classifier.parameters(), lr=0.01, momentum=0.8)

We can futher get the number of parameters by using this one line of code
In [9]:
total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in classifier.parameters())
print(f'Our neural network has a total of {total_params} parameters')

Our neural network has a total of 4408 parameters

Section 4: Training/Test our neural network
Generally we need a training function train() that completes the following tasks:

init our optimizer
get batches of data
feed forward the data into our network
compute the loss between the output of our network and actual label
move a step on the gradient by optimizer
output some visual information on what we do
Also for the test function test(), we have the following tasks:

get batches of data
feed forward the data into our network
compute the loss between the output of our network and actual label
calculate our correctness of the output
save and output some inforamtion on what we do
Here is the code for how we might implement the ideas:
In [11]:
def train(epoch):

  classifier.train() # we need to set the mode for our model

  for batch_idx, (images, targets) in enumerate(train_loader):

    output = classifier(images)
    loss = F.nll_loss(output, targets) # Here is a typical loss function (negative log likelihood)

    if batch_idx % 10 == 0: # We record our output every 10 batches
      train_losses.append(loss.item()) # item() is to get the value of the tensor directly
        (batch_idx*64) + ((epoch-1)*len(train_loader.dataset)))
    if batch_idx % 100 == 0: # We visulize our output every 10 batches
      print(f'Epoch {epoch}: [{batch_idx*len(images)}/{len(train_loader.dataset)}] Loss: {loss.item()}')

def test(epoch):

  classifier.eval() # we need to set the mode for our model

  test_loss = 0
  correct = 0

  with torch.no_grad():
    for images, targets in test_loader:
      output = classifier(images)
      test_loss += F.nll_loss(output, targets, reduction='sum').item()
      pred =, keepdim=True)[1] # we get the estimate of our result by look at the largest class value
      correct += pred.eq( # sum up the corrected samples
  test_loss /= len(test_loader.dataset)

  print(f'Test result on epoch {epoch}: Avg loss is {test_loss}, Accuracy: {100.*correct/len(test_loader.dataset)}%')

In [12]:
train_losses = []
train_counter = []
test_losses = []
test_counter = []
max_epoch = 3

for epoch in range(1, max_epoch+1):

Epoch 1: [0/60000] Loss: 2.3689658641815186
Epoch 1: [6400/60000] Loss: 0.7763592004776001
Epoch 1: [12800/60000] Loss: 0.5753107666969299
Epoch 1: [19200/60000] Loss: 0.14459075033664703
Epoch 1: [25600/60000] Loss: 0.08051710575819016
Epoch 1: [32000/60000] Loss: 0.2267390638589859
Epoch 1: [38400/60000] Loss: 0.20013748109340668
Epoch 1: [44800/60000] Loss: 0.18290142714977264
Epoch 1: [51200/60000] Loss: 0.10016528517007828
Epoch 1: [57600/60000] Loss: 0.06381293386220932
Test result on epoch 1: Avg loss is 0.11664952545166016, Accuracy: 96.33000183105469%
Epoch 2: [0/60000] Loss: 0.08135361224412918
Epoch 2: [6400/60000] Loss: 0.16859664022922516
Epoch 2: [12800/60000] Loss: 0.06531490385532379
Epoch 2: [19200/60000] Loss: 0.09048984944820404
Epoch 2: [25600/60000] Loss: 0.08097905665636063
Epoch 2: [32000/60000] Loss: 0.1645144820213318
Epoch 2: [38400/60000] Loss: 0.0740106850862503
Epoch 2: [44800/60000] Loss: 0.1329130083322525
Epoch 2: [51200/60000] Loss: 0.05921190232038498
Epoch 2: [57600/60000] Loss: 0.02487759478390217
Test result on epoch 2: Avg loss is 0.08521074104309082, Accuracy: 97.37999725341797%
Epoch 3: [0/60000] Loss: 0.06915518641471863
Epoch 3: [6400/60000] Loss: 0.062142156064510345
Epoch 3: [12800/60000] Loss: 0.05920492857694626
Epoch 3: [19200/60000] Loss: 0.08577123284339905
Epoch 3: [25600/60000] Loss: 0.15660150349140167
Epoch 3: [32000/60000] Loss: 0.20547029376029968
Epoch 3: [38400/60000] Loss: 0.32393157482147217
Epoch 3: [44800/60000] Loss: 0.09361325204372406
Epoch 3: [51200/60000] Loss: 0.16582462191581726
Epoch 3: [57600/60000] Loss: 0.12496406584978104
Test result on epoch 3: Avg loss is 0.08151649646759034, Accuracy: 97.3499984741211%

This simple neural network already achieves an overall accuracy of 87.77%. (Note: random guesses would have an accuracy of 10%)
Section 5: Visualiaze our result
Here we plot our loss function graph and some of our predictions:
Loss function plot
In [ ]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
plt.plot(train_counter, train_losses, color='blue')
plt.scatter(test_counter, test_losses, color='red')
plt.legend(['Train Loss', 'Test Loss'], loc='upper right')
plt.xlabel('number of training examples seen')
plt.ylabel('negative log likelihood loss')

Out[ ]:
Text(0, 0.5, 'negative log likelihood loss')
Judging from our loss graph, our network actually converges at only 1 epoch.

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