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ECE/CS 6524 HW2 Math Problem

ECE/CS 6524 HW2 Math Problem
For the math problems, you can submit your scanned hand-written answers (please make sure they are
clear to read), or electronic version. Please submit a PDF file of math problems independent from the
coding part. At the end, you will submit:
(i) Your solutions to the math problems (PDF file, name format: Assiment2_Math_[YOUR VT
(ii) Your code (zip file, including .ipynb and all other codes you used for the coding part. No data.
Name format: Assignment_2_Code_[YOUR PID NUMBER].zip)
(iii) Your notebook (PDF file, name format: Assignment2_NB_[YOUR PID NUMBER].pdf)
1 Understanding Convolutional Neural Network Basics [10 pts]
This portion 1
of the assignment is to build your intuition and understanding the basics of convolutional
neural networks - namely how convolutional neural layers learn feature maps and how max pooling works
- by manually simulating these. This part of the assignment has to be submitted independently.
For questions 1-3, consider the (5 × 5 × 2) input with values in {-1,0,1} and the corresponding (3 × 3 × 1)
filter shown in Figure 1.
(As in PyTorch, we refer to this single filter as being (3 × 3 × 1) despite having two sub-filters, because it
would produce an output with 1 channel. In a case where the input had 4 channels, the filter would have
4 sub-filters but still be (3 × 3 × 1).)
1. [3 pts] In the provided area in Figure 2, fill in the values resulting from applying a convolutional layer
to the input with zero-padding and a stride of 1. Calculate these numbers before any activation function
is applied. If there are any unused cells after completing the process in the provided tables, place an × in
them. You can assume a bias of 0. The Output Feature Map will be a combination of the Filtered inputs,
as in the Stanford example.
2. [2 pts] Think about what ideal 3×3 patch (values in range [-1, 1]) from each of the input channels would
maximally activate (i.e. maximizing the output) the corresponding 3 × 3 filter. Fill in these maximally
activating patches in Figure 3. If there are any cells for which the input values don’t matter, place an × in
3. [1 pt] Spatial pooling: Using your output feature map in question 1, apply max-pooling using a
[2 × 2] kernel with a stride of 1. Fill in your result in Figure 4.
4. [4 pts] Number of learnable parameters. Suppose we had the following architecture:
inputs → conv1 → conv2 → conv3 → maxpool → fc1 → fc2,
where all convs have a stride of 1 and no zero-padding. Conv1 has a kernel size of [8 × 8] with 12 output
channels, conv2 has a [8 × 8] kernel with 10 output channels, conv3 has a [6 × 6] kernel with 8 output
channels, and maxpool has a [3 × 3] kernel.
If ReLU is the activation function between each layer and the inputs are [512×512] greyscale images, what
1This problem is inspired by Garrison W. Cottrell ’s CSE 253 at UCSD
Figure 1: Input and Filter
Figure 2: Question1
Figure 3: Max Activation
Figure 4: Max Pooling
(i) The number of input channels to conv1, conv2 and conv3, respectively? [2 pts]
(ii) In order to add a fully-connected layer following the maxpool (stride = 1) layer, we need to reshape
the convolutional outputs to feed them into this hidden layer. Based on this architecture, what will
the incoming dimensions to fc1 be? Show your work. [2 pts]
Logistic Regression: (10 Marks)
2. Logistic regression for two-class classification:
• N pairs of data points: (xi, Ci), i = 1, …, N, where xi is the feature vector, and Ci is the
binary class label (i.e. Ci is either 0 or 1).
• Logistic regression is a (special) linear classifier: yi = β1
Txi + β0, but yi is interpreted as
log-odds, i.e., yi = log(p / (1 - p)), where the probability of class 1 (Ci = 1) is p, and the
probability of class 0 (Ci = 0) is 1 - p. The prediction is based on sigmoid(yi) = 1/[1+exp(-
yi)]; if sigmoid(yi) >= 0.5, xi is predicted as a data sample from class 1; otherwise, class
• The likelihood function is: πi=1,…, N (p(xi))Ci (1- p(xi))(1 - Ci), where p(xi) is the probability
of xi from class 1.
Prove that:
1. The log-likelihood function can be rewritten/formulated as:
∑ i=1,…, N {Ci (β1
Txi + β0) – log[1 + exp(β1
Txi + β0)]}
2. Compute the gradient of the log-likelihood function. 

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