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ECE250: Lab Project 0

ECE250: Lab Project 0

1. Project Description
The goal of this project is to write a C++ program that performs operations on a single variable
polynomial. A single variable polynomial is a function (e.g., quadratic) involving only non-negative
integer powers of x. The degree of a polynomial is the highest power of � in its expression. A
polynomial of degree � is a function of the form: � � = �! + �!� + �!�! + ⋯ + �!�! where �’s are real
numbers called the coefficients of the polynomial.
We ask you to write a C++ class to represent a polynomial function and provide several services: (i)
initializing the polynomial, (ii) evaluating/calculating the polynomial for a given value of x, (iii) adding
two polynomials, and (iv) multiplying two polynomials.
When designing your class for a polynomial, use a linked list to store the coefficients of the polynomial.
You have to write your own implementation of a linked list . It is not allowed to use the one provided
by the C++ Standard Library.
2. Program Design
Write a short description of your design. You will submit this document along with your C++ solution
files for marking. This document must include your design decisions. Please refer to the course website
for “Programming Guidelines” and the expected content for your design document.
3. Input/Output Requirements
Write a test program named polynomialtest.cpp that reads commands from standard input and
writes the output to standard output. This program will respond to the commands described in this
In the command descriptions below, we use the word “current_polynomial”, “expected_polynomial”
and “second_polynomial” to refer to a polynomial specified as a sequence like: 0 �!; 1 �!; … … ;n �!.
The output of each command will be either “success” or “failure”.
• Initialization and Evaluation of a Polynomial
Command Parameters Description Output
init m
Defines number of coefficients.
Degree of the polynomial is
� − 1 .
coeff_p1 current_polynomial Defines the coefficients of a
polynomial function.
For example, � � = 1 + 10� +
20�! will be defined as:
coeff_p1 0 1.0;1 10.0;2 20.0
get expected_polynomial Compares the
current_polynomial with the
success: if polynomials
are identical
failure: if polynomials
are not identical
eval x expected_value Calculates the value of
current_polynomial at x and then
compares it with the
success: if values are
failure: if values are
not equal
• Adding and Multiplying Polynomials
Testing functions for addition and multiplication requires the definition of two polynomials prior
to performing these operations. We use command “coeff_p2” to define the second polynomial.
Command Parameters Explanation Output
coeff_p2 second_polynomial Defines the second polynomial
for an addition or a
multiplication operation.
add expected_polynomial Adds the parameters of the
coeff_p1 to the parameters of
the coeff_p2, then compares
result with expected_polynomial.
success: if polynomials
are identical
failure: if polynomials
are not identical
mult expected_polynomial Multiplies the parameters of the
coeff_p1 with the parameters of
coeff_p2, then compares result
with expected_polynomial.
success: if polynomials
are identical
failure: if polynomials
are not identical
• Test Files
The course web site contains example input files with the corresponding output. The files are named, and so on with their corresponding output files named test01.out, test02.out and so
4. How to Submit Your Program
Once you have completed your solution and tested it comprehensively in your computer or on the lab
computers, you have to transfer your files to the ecelinux server and test there since the automated
testing is done using this environment. Once you finish testing in the ecelinux server, you will create a
compressed file (tar.gz) that should contain:
• A document (maximum two pages) describing your design. This document must be typed for
marking and should be submitted in PDF (e.g., design.pdf).
• A test program (polynomialtest.cpp) containing your main() function.
• Required header files and classes (ending in .h .cpp).
The name of your file should be xxxxxxxx_pn.tar.gz, where xxxxxxxx is your UW user id (e.g.,
jsmith) and n is the project number that is o (zero) for this submission.

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