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ECS 162 Assignment 3

ECS 162 Assignment 3

using Canvas.
You may do this assignment with a
We will use the OpenWeatherMap Hourly Forecast API to make a
weather widget. By default, our app shows the weather in Davis,
but the user can select other cities in the region as well. Current
conditions appear on the left, and a doppler radar map from the
National Weather Service on the right; the map can be animated.
Along the bottom, we see the weather forecast for the next six
Entering a city name or a zip code in the box on the left should
either switch to showing the weather for that place, or leave the
display the same an put up a message saying "Not found". Since
the radar map is roughly a 150-mile radius around Sacramento,
Assignment 3 ECS 162 Spring 2019
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places farther away than that can be "Not found".
Our main goal in this assignment will be using the
OpenWeatherMap API to get the forecasts and getting that
information onto the screen. Animating the weather map is the
second most important part. The third priority will be getting the
display to look like the design, as nearly as possible; we'll learn
some new css in the process.
I recommend you stick to pure Javascript and CSS (including
flexbox), avoiding JQuery, and other libraries, since that is what
will be on the midterm.
The OpenWeatherMap Hourly Forecast API distributed information,
in JSON, using the CORS protocol. The result returned by
OpenWeatherMap includes a JSON string, from which we can
extract the current conditions and forecasts for the next six
hours. To use the API, you need an API key; sign up on their Web
page. The URL to request the Davis hourly forecast looks like this:
where the xxx is replaced by your API key. This demo,, shows how to make a CORS request to
OpenWeatherMap; put your API key into the URL in order to try it
out. Or, you can just put the URL into your browser and see what
Doppler Radar Map
The doppler radar map is downloaded from the National Weather
Service. It is composed of three layers, each of which is an image:
the topographic map, which is opaque, the city names, which is
transparent except for the text, and the actual doppler radar,
which changes every 10 minutes. The URLs for these images are:
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To make the display, the cities and doppler have to be overlayed
over the topographic map; now is the time to try "position:
absolute". To put the map into its circular frame, we can use the
css clip-path property.
To animate the doppler radar map, we need not one doppler
image but several. Here is a demo, which
gets the ten most recent doppler radar overlays from the National
Weather Service directory. To cycle through the ten images, I
suggest piling them all onto the weather map with "display: none",
and then, one by one, changing to "display: inline".
This archive contains mock-ups for tablet and
Web views. There are two versions of the mobile mockup, one for
when it loads and one for after the up-arrow is pressed (downarrow goes back to the first view). Use a css animation to get a
smooth "slide up/slide down" transition between the two views.
The appStandards file show color and font specs. The "assets"
directory contains 11 SVG icons for the different weather
conditions. OpenWeatherMap gives an icon code with every
forecast, and they have a day version and a night version of each
icon. For icon codes where we don't have a night version, just use
the day version.
Turn in Instructions
Hand in the assignment as a zip file, using Canvas. You can
include the assets (feel free to change them). Be sure to check that
unzipping gives you a working app, with nothing missing. If you
work with a partner, both of you should turn in the same code,
and include a readme with both your names on it.
Assignment 3 ECS 162 Spring 2019
3 of 3 6/16/2019, 9:16 AM

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