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ECS 162  Assignment 5

ECS 162  Assignment 5

We will accept submissions by teams of at most three. Everyone in
the team should submit the same files, and will get the same
In this assignment, we'll get started on our flashcard app. We'll do
three main things: getting translations from the Google Translate
API, setting up a database to store the flashcards, and starting a
user interface with React.
Using the API
Let's get started with the API. First, you'll need to set up a project
on the Google Cloud Platform and get an API key for Google
Translate. Here are some instructions. Next, let's try a sample request and response. On the server, from
the command line, try running this sample code: testAPI.js (How
do you run a Javascript program on the server? You know this.)
You'll have to add your API key to make it work. You should see it
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display a phrase and its translation into Korean. To warm up,
change it to use the language of your choice (if that is not
Korean). Read up on the node response module so you
understand what is going on here.
Now you're ready to teach your app to answer translation queries.
When it gets a URL in this format:
/translate?english=example phrase
it should return the translation in JSON, something like:
{ "English": "example phrase", "Korean": "예시 문
구" }
How to accomplish this? When it gets the query, it makes a query
of its own to the Google Translate API. And when the response
comes back from the API, your server can send the response back
to its browser.
Finally, for testing purposes, copy your palindrome Web page and
make it translate the input, instead of making a palindrome. To
set up for the next part, add a "Save" button.
Setting up the database
To set up the database, we have to write a node program that runs
on the server, but which are not part of the actual Web server
code. We'll use the sqlite3 module, which you have to install. Our
database will have one table, with a row for every flashcard. Here
is a starter program createDB.js, that sets up a flashcard database
with one table. The table contains only one column, an ID number.
Change it so that it includes
1. unique ID number (int),
2. English text (string),
3. translated text (string),
4. number of times shown (int),
5. number of times answered correctly (int)
The lecture on 5/10 will cover this. You should see the database
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file FlashCard.db appear in your server directory.
Next, let's load some cards into the database. Teach your server to
respond to AJAX queries of the form:
phrase&korean=예시 문구
by storing a flash card into the database. Times shown and times
answered correctly should both be zero. Return a HTTP response
with an empty body, to let the browswer know everything went
Finally, have the browser send the store request when the user
hits the "Save" button. You should now be able to make and save
cards. To test your program, you can use this function, which
prints out the whole database (or look at it using sqlite3 from the
command line).
Front end with React
Now, let's get working on the UI. Here are are Jamie's complete
designs, and here are her slides. We will use React for the whole UI for this project. Here is my
guide to a minimal React setup that should work with our server.
The React documentation is very good, particularly the guide to
the main concepts. You could start with this quick intro. You are welcome to produce your production .js file or files using
some other development process, and the TAs might be able to
help you with that. However, we expect your project to run
entirely on your server, not some other server that you installed.
Your HTML file should look almost exactly like the example from
lecture, with the body containing a single div and possibly script
tags. The entire DOM should be constructed using React. Your .css
files will be exactly the same as if we were not using React.
I recommend you begin with the card creation page, and get it
working with the AJAX requests and server code developed in the
earlier steps. This is sufficient for this assigment, but if you want
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to move on to the flashcard review page as well, feel free.
Here is the behavior we are expecting. Entering English text and
hitting return on the card creation page should update the
translation. Pressing save should save the card to the database.
Pressing start review should move to the flashcard review view;
this should not be a new HTML page, just a re-drawing of the
current page with different state.
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