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ECS 171: Homework Set 2

ECS 171: Homework Set 2

General Instructions: The homework should be submitted electronically through Canvas. Each
submission should be a zip file that includes the following: (a) a report in pdf format ("report_HW2.pdf") that includes your answers to all questions, plots, figures and any instructions
to run your code, (b) the python code files. Please note: (a) do not include any other files, for
instance files that we have provided such as datasets, (b) each function should be written in a
separate file, with the appropriate remarks in the code so it is generally understandable (what it
does, how it does it), (c) do not use any toolbox unless is it explicitly allowed in the homework
description. Shared/copied code from any source is not allowed, as it is considered plagiarism.
There is a 20% penalty per day for a late submission.
In this exercise, you will build a classifier that can find the localization site of a protein in yeast,
based on 8 attributes (features). You will use the “Yeast” dataset (“” file; 1484 proteins,
8 features, 10 different classes; no missing data) that is available in the UCI Machine Learning
You can use scikit-learn, Keras and Tensorflow, we also recommend to use a notebook (for example Jupyter notebook). Report (code and results) the following:
1. Read about outlier detection algorithms (e.g. one-class SVM, LOF, Isolation Forest, etc.)
and perform at least two of the methods to this dataset. Answer the following questions:
(a) are there any outliers on the dataset?, (b) do the methods agree and why?, (c) what are
the assumptions behind each method? Remove any outliers (using a single method) and
then continue with this new, revised dataset. [10pt]
2. Construct a 4-layer artificial neural network (ANN) and specifically a feed-forward multilayer perceptron (with sigmoid activations and MSE loss function) to perform multi-class
classification. The two hidden layers should have 3 nodes each. Split your data into a random set of 66% of the samples as the training set and the rest 34% as the testing set. Please
note that you will never train with the testing set; the ANN will only take into account the
training set for updating the weights. For the most popular class "CYT", provide 2 plots: (I)
weight values per iteration for the last layer (3 weights and bias), (II) training and test error per iteration. Use stochastic gradient descent with back-propagation. When reporting
error, use the ratio of misclassified samples [20pt]
3. Now re-train the ANN with all your data (all 1484 samples). What is your training error?
Provide the final activation function formula for class "CYT" after training (this includes
the functional form and corresponding weights from hidden layers necessary to calculate
activation of "CYT" in output layer). [10pt]
4. For the ANN that you have built (4 layers, 2 hidden layers, 3 nodes per hidden layer) calculate the first round of weight updates with back-propagation with paper and pencil for
the two final layers (output to 2nd hidden layer; 2nd hidden layer to 1st hidden layer) for
only the first sample. Limit this calculation to only the weights corresponding to (a) a single output node and (b) a single hidden node from 2nd hidden layer. In other words, you
need to calculate only 8 weights total (that includes the bias). You can initialize all weights
to zero except the weights that you are calculating which can be initialized to 1. Confirm
that the numbers you calculated are the same as those produced by the code and provide both your calculations and the code output. If your calculations do not agree, find
out why. Provide both calculations made by hand (scanned image and using a calculator/computer to verify the results for each step is fine) and corresponding output from
the program that shows that both are in agreement. [25pt]
5. Perform a parameter sweep (grid search) on the number of hidden layers (investigate 1,2
or 3) and number of nodes in each hidden layer (investigate 3,6,9,12). Create a 3x4 matrix
with the number of hidden layers as rows and the number of hidden nodes per layer as
columns, with each element (cell) of the matrix representing the testing set error for that
specific combination of layers/nodes. What is the optimal configuration? What you find
the relationship between these attributes (number of layers, number of nodes) and the
generalization error (i.e. error in testing data) to be? [20pt]
6. Which class does the following sample belong to? [5pt]
Unknown Sample 0.52 0.47 0.52 0.23 0.55 0.03 0.52 0.39
7. Change the hidden layer activation functions to ReLU, the output layer activation to softmax, and the loss function to cross-entropy. Is this a better choice? Use the same grid
search methodology as in problem 5, and provide your justification with a plot of the
training and test error vs. iteration (epochs) for the architecture that achieves the lowest error in either case. [10pt]
8. Can you come up with a quantitative measure of uncertainty for each classification? What
is the uncertainty for the unknown sample of the previous question? Justify your assumptions and method [5pt bonus]

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