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ECSE 324- Lab 3

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Lab 3
In this lab we will use the high level I/O capabilies of the DE1-SoC simulator to
1. display pixels and characters using the VGA controller, and
2. accept keyboard input via the PS/2 port.
For each of these topics, we will create a driver. We will test the drivers both individually and in
tandem by means of test applicaons.
1. Drawing things with VGA
The DE1-SoC computer has a built-in VGA controller that can render pixels, characters or a
combinaon of both. The authoritave resource on these maers is Secons 4.2.1 and 4.2.4 of
the DE1-SoC Computer Manual. This secon of the lab provides a quick overview that should
suffice for the purpose of compleng this lab.
To render pixels, the VGA controller connuously reads the pixel buffer, a region in memory
starng at 0xc8000000 that contains the color value of every pixel on the screen. Colors are
encoded as 16-bit integers that reserve 5 bits for the red channel, 6 bits for the green channel
and 5 bits for the blue channel. That is, every 16-bit color is encoded like so:
15 … 11 10 … 5 4 … 0
Red Green Blue
The pixel buffer is 320 pixels wide and 240 pixels high. Individual pixel colors can be accessed at
0xc8000000 | (y << 10) | (x << 1) , where x and y are valid x and y coordinates.
As previously hinted, we can also render characters. To do so, we will use the character buffer,
which is analogous to the pixel buffer, but for characters. The device’s VGA controller
connuously reads the character buffer and renders its contents as characters in a built-in font.
The character buffer itself is a buffer of byte-sized ASCII characters at 0xc9000000 . The buffer’s
has a width of 80 characters and a height of 60 characters. An individual character can be
accessed at 0xc9000000 | (y << 7) | x .
Task: Create a VGA driver
To provide a slightly higher-level layer over the primive funconality offered by the pixel and
character buffers, we will create a driver. That is, a set of funcons that can be used to control
the screen.
To help get you started, we created an applicaon that uses such funcons to draw a tesng
screen. Your job is to create a set of driver funcons to support the applicaon. Download
 vga.s and augment it with the following four funcons:
VGA_draw_point_ASM draws a point on the screen with the color as indicated in the third
argument, by accessing only the pixel buffer memory. Hint: This subroune should only
access the pixel buffer memory.
VGA_clear_pixelbuff_ASM clears (sets to 0) all the valid memory locaons in the pixel buffer.
It takes no arguments and returns nothing. Hint: You can implement this funcon by calling
VGA_draw_point_ASM with a color value of zero for every valid locaon on the screen.
VGA_write_char_ASM writes the ASCII code passed in the third argument (r2) to the screen at
the (x, y) coordinates given in the first two arguments (r0 and r1). Essenally, the subroune
will store the value of the third argument at the address calculated with the first two
arguments. The subroune should check that the coordinates supplied are valid, i.e., x in [0,
79] and y in [0, 59]. Hint: This subroune should only access the character buffer memory.
VGA_clear_charbuff_ASM clears (sets to 0) all the valid memory locaons in the character
buffer. It takes no arguments and returns nothing. Hint: You can implement this funcon by
calling VGA_write_char_ASM with a character value of zero for every valid locaon on the
Their C signatures are as follows:
void VGA_draw_point_ASM(int x, int y, short c);
void VGA_clear_pixelbuff_ASM();
void VGA_write_char_ASM(int x, int y, char c);
void VGA_clear_charbuff_ASM();
Use suffixes B and H with the assembly memory access instrucons in order to
read/modify the bytes/half-words of the memory contents.
You must follow the convenons taught in class. If you do not, then the tesng code in the
next secon will be unlikely to work.
Testing the VGA driver
To test your VGA driver, run your finished assembly file. You can inspect the VGA output visually
using the VGA pixel buffer tab under the Devices panel of the simulator.
If you implemented your driver correctly, compiling and running the program will draw the
following image.
2. Reading keyboard input
For the purpose of this lab, here’s a high level descripon of the PS/2 keyboard protocol. For a
more comprehensive resource, see Secon 4.5 (pp. 45-46) of the DE1-SoC Computer Manual.
The PS/2 bus provides data about keystroke events by sending hexadecimal numbers called scan
codes, which for this lab will vary from 1-3 bytes in length. When a key on the PS/2 keyboard is
pressed, a unique scan code called the make code is sent, and when the key is released, another
scan code called the break code is sent. The scan code set used in this lab is summarized by the
table below. (Originally taken from Baruch Zoltan Francisc’s page on PS/2 scan codes.)
A 1C F0,1C 9 46 F0,46 [
B 32 F0,32 \` 0E F0,0E INSERT
C 21 F0,21 - 4E F0,4E HOME
D 23 F0,23 = 55 FO,55 PG UP
E 24 F0,24 \ 5D F0,5D DELETE
F 2B F0,2B BKSP 66 F0,66 END
G 34 F0,34 SPACE 29 F0,29 PG DN
H 33 F0,33 TAB 0D F0,0D U ARROW
I 43 F0,43 CAPS 58 F0,58 L ARROW
J 3B F0,3B L SHFT 12 FO,12 D ARROW
K 42 F0,42 L CTRL 14 FO,14 R ARROW
L 4B F0,4B L GUI E0,1F E0,F0,1F NUM
M 3A F0,3A L ALT 11 F0,11 KP /
N 31 F0,31 R SHFT 59 F0,59 KP *
O 44 F0,44 R CTRL E0,14 E0,F0,14 KP -
P 4D F0,4D R GUI E0,27 E0,F0,27 KP +
Q 15 F0,15 R ALT E0,11 E0,F0,11 KP EN
R 2D F0,2D APPS E0,2F E0,F0,2F KP .
S 1B F0,1B ENTER 5A F0,5A KP 0
T 2C F0,2C ESC 76 F0,76 KP 1
U 3C F0,3C F1 05 F0,05 KP 2
Two other parameters involved are the typemac delay and the typemac rate. When a key is
pressed, the corresponding make code is sent, and if the key is held down, the same make code
is repeatedly sent at a constant rate aer an inial delay. The inial delay ensures that briefly
pressing a key will not register as more than one keystroke. The make code will stop being sent
only if the key is released or another key is pressed. The inial delay between the first and
second make code is called the typemac delay, and the rate at which the make code is sent
aer this is called the typemac rate. The typemac delay can range from 0.25 seconds to 1.00
second and the typemac rate can range from 2.0 cps (characters per second) to 30.0 cps, with
default values of 500 ms and 10.9 cps respecvely.
Task: Create a PS/2 driver
The DE1-SoC receieves keyboard input from a memory-mapped PS/2 data register at address
0xff200100 . Said register has an RVALID bit that states whether or not the current contents of
the register represent a new value from the keyboard. The RVALID bit can be accessed by
shiing the data register 15 bits to the right and extracng the lowest bit, i.e.,
RVALID = ((*(volatile int *)0xff200100) 15) & 0x1 . When RVALID is true, the low eight bits
of the PS/2 data register correspond to a byte of keyboard data.
V 2A F0,2A F2 06 F0,06 KP 3
W 1D F0,1D F3 04 F0,04 KP 4
X 22 F0,22 F4 0C F0,0C KP 5
Y 35 F0,35 F5 03 F0,03 KP 6
Z 1A F0,1A F6 0B F0,0B KP 7
0 45 F0,45 F7 83 F0,83 KP 8
1 16 F0,16 F8 0A F0,0A KP 9
2 1E F0,1E F9 01 F0,01 ]
3 26 F0,26 F10 09 F0,09 ;
4 25 F0,25 F11 78 F0,78 '
5 2E F0,2E F12 07 F0,07 ,
6 36 F0,36
7 3D F0,3D SCROLL 7E F0,7E /
8 3E F0,3E PAUSE
The hardware knows when you read a value from the memory-mapped PS/2 data register and
will automacally present the next code when you read the data register again.
For more details, see Secon 4.5 (pp. 45-46) of the DE1-SoC Computer Manual.
Download  ps2.s. This assembly file implements a program that reads keystrokes from the
keyboard and writes the PS/2 codes to the VGA screen using the character buffer. Copy your
VGA driver into ps2.s . Then implement a funcon that adheres to the following specificaons:
Name: read_PS2_data_ASM
Input argument (r0): A memory address in which the data that is read from the PS/2
keyboard will be stored (pointer argument).
Output argument (r0): Integer that denotes whether the data read is valid or not.
Descripon: The subroune will check the RVALID bit in the PS/2 Data register. If it is valid,
then the data from the same register should be stored at the address in the pointer
argument, and the subroune should return 1 to denote valid data. If the RVALID bit is not
set, then the subroune should simply return 0.
read_PS2_data_ASM ’s C declaraon is as follows:
int read_PS2_data_ASM(char *data);
Testing the PS/2 driver
To verify that the PS/2 driver is working correctly, you can type into the simulator’s PS/2
keyboard device and verify that the bytes showing up on the screen correspond to the codes
you might expect from the table in this secon’s introducon.
If you implemented your PS/2 and VGA drivers correctly, then the program will print make and
break codes whenever you type in the simulator’s keyboard input device. Make sure to use the
keyboard device that says ff200100 .
Note: If you did not manage to implement a working VGA driver, then you can sll get credit for
the PS/2 driver by replacing write_byte with the implementaon below. It will write PS/2
codes to memory address 0xfff0 . Delete all calls to VGA driver funcons and delete the
write_hex_digit funcon to ensure that your code sll compiles.
 push {r3, r4, lr}
 ldr r4, =0xfff0
 and r3, r3, #0xff
 str r3, [r4]
 pop {r3, r4, pc}
3. Putting everything together: Vexillology
We will now create an applicaon that paints a gallery of flags. The user can use keyboard keys
to navigate through flags. Pressing the D key will prompt the applicaon to show the next flag.
Similarly, pressing the A key will prompt the applicaon to show the previous flag. Pressing A
when at the first flag or D when at the last flag cycles to the last or first flag, respecvely.
Download  flags.s. This file implements an input loop that reads keystrokes from the keyboard,
tests if they are A or D key presses, and cycles flags accordingly. It also implements a funcon
that draws the flag of Texas.
Your task is twofold:
1. Include your VGA and PS/2 driver funcons.
2. Implement flag painng logic for two other flags by rewring draw_real_life_flag and
draw_imaginary_flag . One flag must be a real-life flag and another flag can be a flag you
designed yourself.
Hint: The starter code includes the draw_rectangle and draw_star funcons. You can use these
funcons to draw any flag that consists of rectangles and stars. This encompasses many flags,
from the flags of the US to France and even China.
draw_rectangle draws a rectangle. It takes five arguments. The first four arguments are
stored in registers r0 through r3. The fih argument is stored on the stack at address [sp] .
draw_rectangle ’s signature is:
 * Draws a rectangle.
 * @param x The x coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle.
 * @param y The y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle.
 * @param width The width of the rectangle.
 * @param height The height of the rectangle.
 * @param c The color with which to fill the rectangle.
void draw_rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height, int c);
draw_star draws a star. It takes four arguments, stored in registers r0 through r3. Its
signature is:
 * Draws a star.
 * @param x_center The x coordinate at which the star is centered.
 * @param y_center The y coordinate at which the star is centered.
 * @param radius The star's radius.
 * @param c The star's color.
void draw_star(int x_center, int y_center, int radius, int c);
Hint: The flag of Texas as drawn by the starter code should look like the image below. If it
doesn’t, then your VGA driver might be faulty.
Grading and Report
Your grade will be evaluated through the deliverables of your work during the demo (70%)
(basically showing us the working programs), your answers to the quesons raised by the TA’s
during the demo (10%), and your lab report (20%).
Grade distribuon of the demo:
Part 1: VGA driver (30%).
Part 2: PS/2 driver (20%).
Part 3: Flag gallery applicaon (20%).
Write up a short report (max 5 pages in total) that should include the following informaon.
A brief descripon of each part completed (do not include the enre code in the body of the
The approach taken (e.g., using subrounes, stack, etc.).
The challenges faced, if any, and your soluons.
Possible improvement to the programs.
Your final submission should be submied on myCourses. The deadline for the submission and
the report is Friday, 4 December 2020. A single compressed folder should be submied in the
.zip format, that contains the following files:
Your lab report in pdf format: StudentID_FullName_Lab3_report.pdf
The assembly program for Part 1: vga.s
The assembly program for Part 2: ps2.s
The assembly program for Part 3: flags.s
A screenshot of your real-life flag and a screenshot of your imaginary flag: real-life-flag.png
and imaginary-flag.png. Make sure to take screenshots that include the simulator UI, so we
can verify that your pictures were created by the simulator.

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