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EE6203 HW2


Instructions :
 Solutions in PDF format only must be uploaded to NTULearn EE6203 “Assignments” folder by 9
November 21 TUESDAY 8.00 am.
 All detailed workings are to be shown as marks will be awarded accordingly.
 Only hand-written solutions are accepted. Typed solutions will not be accepted.
 Write your name clearly on every page of your solutions submitted.
 Scan your work with a mobile phone/tablet scanner apps. Combined all into ONE pdf file to be
 Please name the file to be submitted with your matriculated FULL NAME.
 Ensure all drawings/diagrams are clear and readable before submitting.
 Submission through email is NOT acceptable.
 Zero marks will be given to a student who did not submit the assignment by the due date/time
 There is one question with four parts in this HW2. Answer all parts of the question.
Question 1
Consider the discrete-time control system with a proportional controller K as shown in the following
figure. The sampling period T is 0.1 second.
(1) Determine the pulse transfer function of the closed-loop system. (25 marks)
(2) Determine the range of gain K for stability of the closed-loop system. (25 marks)
(3) When K=1, draw Bode diagram of the open loop system in the w-plane by using any
available method. (25 marks)
(4) Design the controller gain K so that the phase margin of the digital
control system is 50o . With this value of K, determine the gain margin. (25 marks) 

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