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EECS2040 Data Structure Hw #1

EECS2040 Data Structure Hw #1 (Chapter 1, 2 of textbook)

Format: Use a text editor to type your answers to the homework problem. You need
to submit your HW in an HTML file or a DOC file named as Hw1-SNo.doc or
Hw1-SNo.html, where SNo is your student number. Submit the Hw1-SNo.doc or
Hw1-SNo.html file to eLearn. Inside the file, you need to put the header and your
student number, name (e.g., EECS2040 Data Structure Hw #1 (Chapter 1, 2 of
textbook) due date 4/8/2021 by SNo, name) first, and then the problem itself
followed by your answer to that problem, one by one. The grading will be based on
the correctness of your answers to the problems, and the format. Fail to comply with
the aforementioned format (file name, header, problem, answer, problem, answer,…),
will certainly degrade your score. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Part 1 (40% of Hw1)
1. (20%) Using the ADT1.1 NaturalNumber in the textbook pp.10, add the following
operations to the NaturalNumber ADT: Predecessor, IsGreater, Multiply, Divide.
2. (20%) Determine the frequency counts for all statements (by step table) in the
following two program segments:
code (a): code (b)
1 for(i=1;i<=n;i++) 1 i=1;
2 for(j=1;j<=I;j++) 2 while(i<=n)
3 for(k=1;k<=j;k++) 3 {
4 x++; 4 x++;
5 i++;
6 }
3. (20%) For the function Multiply() shown below,
(a) Introduce statements to increment count at all appropriate points and compute
the count
(b) Simplify the resulting program by eliminating statement and compute the
(c) Obtain the step count for the function using the frequency method.
void Multiply(int **a,int **b, int **c, int m, int n, int p)
 for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
 for(int j=0; j<p; j++)
 c[i][j] = 0;
 for(int k=0;k<n;k++)
 c[i][j] += a[i][k] * b[k][j];
4. (20%) A complex-valued matrix X is represented by a pair of matrices (A, B)
where A and B contains real values. Write a program that computes the product of
two complex-valued matrices (A, B) and (C, D), where (A, B) * (C, D) =
(A+iB)*(C+iD) = (AC-BD)+i(AD + BC). Determine the number of additions and
multiplications if the matrices are all nxn.
5. (20%) The Tower of Hanoi is a classical problem which can be solved by
recurrence. There are three pegs and N disks of different sizes. Originally, all the
disks are on the left peg, stacked in decreasing size from bottom to top. Our goal
is to transfer all the disks to the right peg, and the rules are that we can only move
one disk at a time, and no disk can be moved onto a smaller one. We can easily
solve this problem with the following recursive method: If N = 1, move this disk
directly to the right peg and we are done. Otherwise (N >1), first transfer the top
N − 1 disks to the middle peg applying the method recursively, then move the
largest disk to the right peg, and finally transfer the N −1 disks on the middle peg
to the right peg applying the method recursively. Let T(N) be the total number of
moves needed to transfer N disks.
(a) Prove that T(N) = 2T(N −1) + 1 with T(1) = 1.
(b) Unfold this recurrence relation to obtain a closed-form expression for T(N).
(T(N) is expressed in terms of function of N.)

Part 2 Coding (60% of Hw1)
You should submit:
(a) All your source codes (C++ file).
(b) Show the execution trace of your program.
1. (30%) Write a C++ program to implement the ADT2.3 Polynomial (pp.88) using
Representation 3 (dynamic array of (coef, exp) tuples). Implement the
Mult(Polynomial p) and Eval(float x). Estimate the computing time for Mult and
Eval function. Add two more functions to input and output polynomials via
overloading the >> and << operators.
You should try out at least two runs of your program (execution trace) to
demonstrate the Add, Mult, Eval and input, output functions.
2. (35%) Write a C++ program to implement the ADT2.4 SparseMatrix in textbook
(pp.97) (with Transpose implemented by FastTranspose). You should build you
program based on the example codes in the book and implement the Add function
and functions to input, output a sparse matrix by overloading the >> and <<
You should try out at least two runs of your program to demonstrate the Add,
Mult, Eval and input, output functions.
3. (35%) Write a C++ program to implement the ADT2.5 String (pp.114) (with Find
function implemented by FastFind). In addition, write two more functions:
String::Delete(int start, int length); //remove length characters beginning at start
String::CharDelete(char c); //returns the string with all occurrence of c removed.
You should try out at least two runs of your program to demonstrate all those

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