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EEE591 Homework 4

Create a GUI that calculates your wealth at retirement given the following inputs
into the GUI:
1) Mean Return (%) This is the average annual return of the investment
above inflation
2) Std Dev Return (%) This is a measure of the annual volatility of the
3) Yearly Contribution ($)
4) No. of Years of Contribution
5) No. of Years to Retirement
6) Annual Spend in Retirement
There should be Quit and Calculate buttons at the bottom. When you press
calculate, a function should be called which uses the specified values to run the
analysis 10 times, each time for 70 years. The GUI should display the average of
those ten times of your wealth at retirement in a label, not an entry box. Your
python code should also plot your wealth as a function of year for each of the 10
analyses. The plot must show how much money is in the account for all 70 years.
(If the money runs out before 70 years for a particular analysis, end the plot for
that analysis the year the money runs out and have that curve terminate at the x
axis. That is, you can't go below $0!)
The formulas used for calculating the wealth at retirement and for calculating the
remaining wealth during retirement will be covered in class.
Your program should NOT print anything to the terminal - all I/O should be via the
Turn in a file called

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