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EEE591 Homework 5

Homework 5 is to solve three ordinary differential equations. For each equation,
solve it for the range 0-7, with 700 data points. Use the python function odeint!
(For reference, see and some of the other examples.)
You will turn in a single python file called which solves the three
problems. For each problem graph the requested items. Note that y' is the first
derivative of y with respect to t. Likewise, y" is the second derivative of y with
respect to t. Note that np.cos() and np.sin() are computing values in radians.
Problem 1: y’ = cos2
(t); initial value: y(0)=1. Plot y vs t.
Problem 2: y’ = 2y + 2e3t; initial value y(0) = 5. Plot y vs t.
Problem 3: y” = -2y + 2y'; initial values y(0) = 1, y’(0) = 1. Plot y vs t and y’ vs t on
the same plot.

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