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Assignment 3 Sales Order application

DESCRIPTION: It’s time to try a little functional programming. In this case, your job will be to
develop a very simple Sales Order application. REALLY simple. In fact, all it will really do is load
data from a series of three disk files. This data will then form your Sales database. Each table will
have a “schema” that indicates the fields inside. So your DB will look like this:
cust.txt: This is the data for the customer table. The schema is
<custID, name, address, phoneNumber
An example of the cust.txt disk file might be:
1|John Smith|123 Here Street|456-4567
2|Sue Jones|43 Rose Court Street|345-7867
3|Fan Yuhong|165 Happy Lane|345-4533
Note that no error checking is required for any of the data files. You can assume that they have been
created properly and all fields are present. Each field is separated by a “|” and contains a non-empty
prod.txt: This is the data for the product table. The schema is
<prodID, itemDescription, unitCost
An example of the prod.txt disk file might be:
sales.txt: This is the data for the main sales table. The schema is
<salesID, custID, prodID, itemCount
An example of the sales.txt disk file might be:
The first record (salesID 1), for example, indicates that John Smith (customer 1) bought 3 pairs of
shoes (product 1). Again, you can assume that all of the values in the file (e.g., custID, prodID) are
So now you have to do something with your data. You will provide the following menu to allow the
user to perform actions on the data:
*** Sales Menu ***
1. Display Customer Table
2. Display Product Table
3. Display Sales Table
4. Total Sales for Customer
5. Total Count for Product
6. Exit
Enter an option?
The options will work as follows
1. You will display the contents of the Customer table. The output should be similar (not
necessarily identical) to
1: ["John Smith" "123 Here Street" "456-4567"]
2: ["Sue Jones" "43 Rose Court Street" "345-7867"]
3: ["Fan Yuhong" "165 Happy Lane" "345-4533"]
2. Same thing for the prod table.
3. The sales table is a little different. ID values aren’t very useful for viewing purposes, so the
custID should be replaced by the customer name and the prodID by the product description,
as follows:
1: ["John Smith" "shoes" "3"]
2: ["Sue Jones" "milk" "3"]
3: ["Sue Jones" "shoes" "1"]
4: ["Fan Yuhong" "jam" "4"]
4. For option 4, you will prompt the user for a customer name. You will then determine the
total value of the purchases for this customer. So for Sue Jones you would display a result
Sue Jones: $20.90
This represents 1 pair of shoes and 3 cartons of milk.
5. Here, we do the same thing, except we are calculating the sales count for a given product. So,
for shoes, we might have:
Shoes: 4
This represents three pairs for John Smith and one for Sue Jones.
6. Finally, if the Exit option is entered the program will terminate with a “Good Bye” message.
Otherwise, the menu will be displayed again.
So that’s the basic idea. There are a few final points to keep in mind:
1. You do not want to load the data each time a request is made. So before the menu is
displayed the first time, your data should be loaded and stored in appropriate data
structures (you can do this any way that you like).
2. This is a Clojure assignment, not a Java assignment. So Java should not be used for any main
functionality. It might be necessary to use Java classes to convert text to numbers in order
to do the sales calculations, but Java should not be used for much more than that.
3. The I/O in this assignment is trivial. While it is possible to use complex I/O techniques, it is
not necessary to read the text files. Instead, you should just use “slurp”, a Clojure function
that will read a text file into a string. For the input from the user the “read-line” function can
be used.
4. Do not worry about efficiency. There are ways to make this program (both the data
management and the menu) more efficient, but that is not our focus here. I just want you to
use basic functionality to try to get everything working.
DELIVERABLES: Your submission will have just 2 source files. The “main” file will be called
menu.clj and, as the name implies, it will be the starting point for the program and will provide
the interface to the user. The second file will be called db.clj and will contain all of the data
management code. It will essentially function as a library that will be loaded by the menu.clj file.
Do not include any data files, as the markers will provide their own.
Once you are ready to submit, place the .clj files into a zip file. The name of the zip file will consist of
"a3" + last name + first name + student ID + ".zip", using the underscore character "_" as the
separator. For example, if your name is John Smith and your ID is "123456", then your zip file
would be combined into a file called". The final zip file will be submitted
through the course web site on Moodle. You simply upload the file using the link on the assignment
web page.

Good Luck

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