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ELEC/COMP 447/546 Assignment 2 SOLVED

ELEC/COMP 447/546
Assignment 2
1.0 Hybrid Images (10 points)
Recall the hybrid image of Albert Einstein and Marilyn Monroe introduced in [1] and
reproduced below in Fig. 1. Due to the way your brain processes spatial frequencies, you
will see the identity of the image change if you squint or move farther/closer to the image.
In this problem, you will create your own hybrid image.
Fig. 1: The hybrid image “Marilyn Einstein.” This was produced by combining the lowfrequency components of an image of Marilyn Monroe, and the high-frequency
components of an image of Albert Einstein [1].
1.1 Gaussian kernel
Implement function gaussian2D(sigma, kernel_size) that returns a 2D gaussian
blur kernel, with input argument sigma specifying a tuple of x,y scales (standard
deviations), and kernel_size specifying a tuple of x,y dimensions of the kernel. The
kernel should be large enough to include 3 standard deviations per dimension.
1.2 Create Hybrid Images
Choose two images (A and B) of your choice that you will blend with one another and
convert them to grayscale (you can use opencv.cvtColor). These images can be of faces,
or any other objects. Try to make the objects in the two images occupy roughly the same
region in the image (if they don’t you can use the imwarp function you wrote in Homework
1 to manually align them!).
Construct a hybrid image C from A (to be seen close-up) and B (to be seen far away) as
follows: C = blur(B) + (A-blur(A)), where blur is a function that lowpass filters
the image (use the Gaussian kernel you coded in 1.1 for this). Try different values of
sigma for the Gaussian kernel. How does the amount of blurring affect your perception
of the results? In your report, please show your input images labeled clearly as A and B,
and attach the result C for a value of sigma which you feel demonstrates the illusion the
best, at both the original size and a downsampled size. As a sanity check, you should be
able to see the identity change when looking at the original and downsampled versions.
1.3 Fourier Spectra
For the sigma value you chose in 1.2, show images of the Fourier spectra magnitudes
of images A, B, blur(B), A-blur(A), and C. You can get the magnitude of the Fourier
spectrum coefficients of an image ‘x’ by running:
X = numpy.abs(numpy.fftshift(numpy.fft2(x)))
By default, numpy.fft2 will place the zero frequency (DC component) of the spectrum
at the top left of the image, and so numpy.fftshift is used here to place the zero
frequency at the center of the image. When displaying the Fourier spectrum with
matplotlib.pyplot.imshow, the image will likely look black. This is because the DC
component typically has a much higher magnitude than all other frequencies, such that
after rescaling all values to lie in [0,1], most of the image is close to 0. To overcome this,
display the logarithm of the values instead.
2.0 Laplacian Blending (15 points)
The Laplacian pyramid is a useful tool for many computer vision and image processing
applications. One such application is blending sections of different images together, as
shown in Fig. 2. In this problem, you will write code that constructs a Laplacian pyramid,
and use it to blend two images of your choice together.
Fig. 2: Laplacian Blending Example. The halves of two images, an orange and an apple (left)
are blended together using Laplacian blending (right).
2.1 Gaussian Pyramid
Write a function gausspyr(I, n_levels, sigma)that returns a Gaussian pyramid
for image I with number of levels n_levels and Gaussian kernel scale sigma. The
function should return a list of images, with element i corresponding to level i of the
pyramid. Note that level 0 should correspond to the original image I, and level n_levels
- 1 should correspond to the coarsest (lowest frequency) image.
2.2 Laplacian Pyramid
Write a function lappyr(I, n_levels, sigma)that returns a Laplacian pyramid for
image I with number of levels n_levels and Gaussian kernel sigma. The function
should return a list of images, with element i corresponding to level i of the pyramid.
Note that level 0 corresponds to the details of the original image I, and level n_levels
- 1 corresponds to the low-frequency residual image.
2.3 Image Blending
Choose two images A and B depicting different objects and resize them to the same
shape. You may want to use your imwarp function from Homework 1 to align the
scales/orientations of the objects appropriately (as was done in the example in Fig. 2) so
that the resulting blend will be most convincing. Create a binary mask image mask which
will have 1s in its left half, and 0s in its right half (called a ‘step’ function). Perform blending
with the following operations:
1. Build Laplacian pyramids for A and B.
2. Build a Gaussian pyramid for mask.
3. Build a blended Laplacian pyramid for output image C using pyramids of A, B, and mask,
where each level 𝑙𝑘
is defined by the equation 𝑙𝑘
𝐶 = 𝑙𝑘
∗ 𝑚𝑘 + 𝑙𝑘
∗ (1 − 𝑚𝑘).
4. Invert the combined Laplacian pyramid back into an output image C.
Show the following in your report: (1) Images from all levels of the Laplacian pyramids for
A and B, (2) images from all levels of the Gaussian pyramid for mask, and (3) your final
blended image C.
2.4 (ELEC/COMP 546 Only) Blending two images with a mask other than a step
Laplacian blending is not restricted to only combining halves of two images using a step
mask. You can set the mask to any arbitrary function and merge images, as shown in this
example. Demonstrate a Laplacian blend of two new images using a mask other than
3.0 Pulse Estimation from Video (5 points)
You are convinced that your friend Alice is a robot. You don’t have much evidence to
prove this because she is quite a convincing human during conversations, except for the
fact that she does get very angry if water touches her. One day, you hit upon a plan to
figure out this mystery once and for all. You know that a human has a heart which pumps
blood, and a robot does not. Furthermore, you read a paper [2] showing that one can
estimate heart rate from a video of a human face using very simple computer vision
techniques. So the next day, you convince Alice to take this video of herself, linked here.
You will now need to implement a simple pulse estimation algorithm and run it on the
video. Follow these steps:
3.1 Read video into notebook and define regions of interest
Upload the video into your Colab environment. Note that it may take several minutes for
the upload to complete due to the size of the file. You can then read the video frames into
a numpy array using the read_video_into_numpy function provided here.
Using the first video frame, manually define rectangles (row and column boundaries) that
capture 1) one of the cheeks and 2) the forehead.
3.3 Compute signals
Now compute the average Green value of pixels for all frames for each facial region
(cheek, forehead). This gives a 1D signal in time called the Photoplethysmogram (PPG)
for each region.
3.4 Bandpass filter
It is often useful to filter a signal to a particular band of frequencies of interest (‘pass
band’) if we know that other frequencies don’t matter. In this application, we know that a
normal resting heart rate for an adult ranges between 60-100 beats per minute (1-1.7 Hz).
Apply the bandpass_filter function to your signals provided here. You can set
low_cutoff = 0.8, high_cutoff = 3, fs = 30, order = 1. Plot the filtered signals.
3.4 Plot Fourier spectra
Plot the Fourier magnitudes of these two signals using the DFT, where the x-axis is
frequency (in Hertz) and y-axis is amplitude. DFT coefficients are ordered in terms of
integer indices, so you will have to convert the indices into Hertz. For each index n = [-
N/2, N/2], the corresponding frequency is Fs * n / N, where N is the length of your signal
and Fs is the sampling rate of the signal (30 Hz in this case). You can use numpy.fftfreq
to do this conversion for you.
3.5 Estimate Alice’s average pulse rate
A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges between 60-100 beats per minute. What rate
does the highest peak in Alice’s Fourier spectrum correspond to? Which facial region
provides the cleanest spectrum (the one which has the clearest single peak and low
energy elsewhere)? Is Alice likely a human or not?
3.6 (ELEC/COMP 546 Only) Find your own pulse
Take a 15-20 second video of yourself using a smartphone, webcam, or personal camera.
Your face should be as still as possible, and don’t change facial expressions. Do a similar
analysis above as you did with Alice’s video. Show some frames from your video. Was it
easier/harder to estimate heart rate compared to the sample video we provided? What
was challenging about it?
[1] Oliva, Aude, Antonio Torralba, and Philippe G. Schyns. "Hybrid images." ACM Transactions
on Graphics (TOG) 25.3 (2006): 527-532.
[2] Poh, Ming-Zher, Daniel J. McDuff, and Rosalind W. Picard. "Non-contact, automated cardiac
pulse measurements using video imaging and blind source separation." Optics express 18.10
(2010): 10762-10774.
Submission Instructions
All code must be written using Google Colab (see course website). Every student must submit a
zip file for this assignment in Canvas with 2 items:
1. An organized report submitted as a PDF document. The report should contain all image
results (intermediate and final), and answer any questions asked in this document. It
should also contain any issues (problems encountered, surprises) you may have found
as you solved the problems. The heading of the PDF file should contain:
a. Your name and Net ID.
b. Names of anyone you collaborated with on this assignment.
c. A link to your Colab notebook (remember to change permissions on your
notebook to allow viewers).

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