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ELEC/COMP 447/546 Assignment 6

ELEC/COMP 447/546
Assignment 6
Problem 1: StyleGAN (7 points)
In this problem, you will use StyleGAN2 for controlled image generation. Make sure to
run the first 3 code cells of the provided Colab notebook. The first cell installs
StyleGAN2 and its dependencies. The second cell loads a pre-trained StyleGAN2
model for faces. The third cell provides you with some useful utility functions. Some
preliminary code on how to generate synthetic faces using the utility functions is also
provided in cell 4.
StyleGAN2’s generator converts a vector 𝑧 ∈ 𝑅
512 drawn from the standard Normal
distribution into a ‘style’ vector 𝑤 ∈ 𝑅
512. The generator then processes the style vector
to produce an image 𝐼 ∈ 𝑅
. In this problem, you will find a direction in the
style space corresponding to perceived gender and use that direction to alter the
perceived gender of synthetic faces.
a. Interpolating between images: Choose two random noise vectors z0, and z1,
such that the two generated faces have different perceived genders based on the
face_is_female function1
. This function uses a pre-trained face gender
classifier to make its prediction.
i. Interpolate between the latent vectors z0, and z1 with 5 intermediate
points. Show a strip of 7 faces along with the classifier predictions in your
ii. Interpolate between the style vectors w0, and w1 with 5 intermediate
points. Show a strip of 7 faces along with the classifier predictions in your
iii. Question: What differences do you notice when interpolating in latent
space versus style space? Do the intermediate faces look realistic?
b. Image manipulation with latent space traversals
i. Sample 1000 random z vectors, convert them to style vectors w, and get
their corresponding perceived genders using the trained classifier. This
may take a few minutes.
1 We use binary gender attributes in this assignment for simplicity.
ii. Train a linear classifier (use scikit-learn’s linear SVM) that predicts gender
from the style vector. The model’s coefficients (attribute coef_) specify
the normal vector to the hyperplane used to separate the perceived
genders in style space. Remember to convert your cuda tensors to numpy
arrays before sending to scikit-learn’s functions.
iii. Sample 2 random w vectors. For each w vector, display a strip of 5
images. The center image will be the image generated by w. The two
images to the left will correspond to moving toward the “more male”
direction, and the two to the right will correspond to “more female”. To
generate the latter 4 images, move along the SVM hyperplane’s normal
vector in both directions using some appropriate step size.
iv. Question: Do you notice any facial attributes that seem to commonly
change when moving between males and females? Why do you think that
Problem 2: Using CLIP for Zero-Shot Classification (5 points)
In this problem, you will use Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) to
perform zero-shot classification of images. You can read more about CLIP in this blog
post, and check out the example in the official GitHub repository. We will reuse the
CIFAR dataset introduced in Assignment 4. Download that dataset as one .npz file here
and place it in your Google Drive folder.
a. Perform classification of each test image (last 10,000 images of the dataset)
using CLIP. To do so, create 10 different captions (e.g., “An image of a [class]”)
corresponding to each of the 10 object classes. Then, for each image, store the
label that provides the highest probability score. Report overall accuracy.
b. ELEC/COMP 546 ONLY (3 points). Engineer the caption prompts to try to obtain
better accuracy. To do so, give a set of possible captions per class instead of
just one. For example, “A bad photo of a [class]” or “A drawing of a [class]”.
Report your accuracy.
Submission Instructions
All code must be written using Google Colab (see course website). Every student must
submit a zip file for this assignment in Canvas with 2 items:
1. An organized report submitted as a PDF document. The report should contain all
image results (intermediate and final), and answer any questions asked in this
document. It should also contain any issues (problems encountered, surprises)
you may have found as you solved the problems. Please add a caption for
every image specifying what problem number it is addressing and what it is
showing. The heading of the PDF file should contain:
1. Your name and Net ID.
2. Names of anyone you collaborated with on this assignment.
3. A link to your Colab notebook (remember to change permissions on your
notebook to allow viewers).
2. A pdf copy of your Colab notebook.
Collaboration Policy
I encourage collaboration both inside and outside class. You may talk to other students
for general ideas and concepts, but you should write your own code, answer questions
independently, and submit your own work.
Plagiarism of any form will not be tolerated. You are expected to credit all sources
explicitly. If you have any doubts regarding what is and is not plagiarism, talk to me.

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