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EN.650.431 Ethical Hacking Home Work #1

EN.650.431 Ethical Hacking Home Work #1
Recent examples such as [1] remind us that knowledge of core computer science courses is not a
requirement to become an expert hacker. The only real requirements are a tenacious spirit and an
analytical mind. Given these facts, please use your available resources to perform the below
1. Given the Parrot Bebop 1, use available hacking tools to determine (show how you were able to determine
a. The IP address for the Bebop
b. The operating system used in the Bebop
c. UDP & TCP ports open on the Bebop
2. Focusing on the wireless connection between the Bebop and its controller (smartphone running the
FreeFlight Application), use Wireshark to analyze this interaction and technically document the
ARDiscovery Process[2]:
a. Which one initiates the connection, the controller or the drone?
b. What information is sent to initiate the connection? (This information resides in the packets passed
back and forward)
c. How do you know if the drone has a connected user already ? (Document this response and how
you got this)
d. How many connections can exist via the ARDiscovery Process between the drone and the
controller? How do you know? What happens if the number of allowed connections is violated?
3. How can you wage a denial of service (DoS) attack against the ARDiscovery Process?
a. Find a weakness in the ARDiscovery Processthat you documented in question #2, write code to
exploit this weakness, then demonstrate that it works. You can use [2] as a guide to help with this.
i. Note, DoS-ing the ARDiscovery Process will break the link between the controller and
the Bebop. One side effect would be the streaming video sent from the Bebop to the
In a 5-minute (or less) video, explain and illustrate the results from your work above. You can
work in groups of no more than five. Please email to and put
EN.650.431 and all student names and in subject
[1] A. Greenberg. “iPhone Super-Hacker Comex, Let Go From Apple, Goes To Work For
Google”. Forbes Online Magazine, April 24, 2013. Available at:
[2] Michael Hooper , Yifan Tian, Runzuan Zhou, Bin Cao, Adrian P. Lauf, Lanier Watkins,
William H. Robinson, Wlajimir Alexis, “Securing Commercial WiFi-Based UAVs From
Common Security Attacks,” In IEEE MILCOM 2016, Baltimore, MD, November , 2016.

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