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ENGR 13300- Individual Project

ENGR 13300- Individual Project

Using the knowledge that you have gained this semester, you will create a program in either Python or
MATLAB. The intent of this project is for each student to demonstrate that each student can apply the
computing skills they have acquired to address a topic or challenge that applies to each student. The
topic for your project should be one that connects with one of the following:
1. Your major or future major in engineering. What will you study and how could a program be
2. Your future career. What might you need a computer program to do as a practicing engineer?
3. Your own interests. What might be interesting to have a computer program for? Choosing
vacation destinations? Assembling a sports team? Solving logic puzzles? Evaluating music?
Each project should connect to your future major, your future career or personal interests and meet the
following specifications:
1. Brings in data either through reading a file or with user input (this can be as small as one value)
2. Has a main program (script) that calls at least 3 user defined functions.
a. At least one of the functions must be a different file (script) from the main program.
3. Uses at least one for loop
4. Uses at least one while loop
5. Uses at least one case with nested loops
Note that the nested loops can have any combination of while and for loops and can
count for one application of the loops (#3 and #4 but not both). The code must also use
a loop somewhere else in the code.
6. Uses at least one vector or matrix
7. Uses at least one if decisional structure with at least one else or elseif/elif
8. At least 100 lines of code for MATLAB or 85 lines of code for Python (not counting comments).
The Python/MATLAB files along with a report will be uploaded to Gradescope. Make sure that the files
will run as they are uploaded (e.g. have them all in the same folder). The report will consist of:
Exceptions to specifications: The intent of the specifications is to provide a standard level of
complexity for each project. Since you all are choosing different ideas the specifications
provides that common standard. If you believe that your approach is sufficiently complex and
challenging, you may request an exemption to one or more of the specifications. For example,
if you are using complex logic and advanced functions that are well beyond the scope of ENGR
13300, your code may not have to be 100/85 lines. Only the faculty or the Graduate Teaching
Assistants can grant this exemption and it will be done in writing. Requests for exemptions
must be made prior to the day of demos. If you think you could qualify for the exemptions, as a
professor or GTA.
ENGR 13300-Fall 2020 Individual Project
1. Title Page with section number, team number and team member names.
2. Introduction to the program and its theme that explains why you selected the topic and what it
3. Overall overview of program, function descriptions, description of inputs and outputs.
4. Clear description of all user-defined functions.
5. User manual that includes screenshots, descriptions, and sample inputs and outputs that help
someone use the program.
6. Each student should upload the Python/MATLAB files directly into Gradescope. Include the code
as an appendix in the final report.
Project Deadlines:
Proposal: Due Thursday, November 5
Demo Opportunity for extra-credit: December 1st
- 9
Final Reports and Programs: Python/MATLAB files and report uploaded to Gradescope by
Wednesday, December 9th by noon Eastern Time.
Proposal Grading Summary (see grading rubric below)
10 Short description of the project idea
10 Total Proposal
 Project Grading Summary (see grading rubric below)
Program Code
25 Code runs with no errors
55 Elements included
5 Comments in code
15 Description of program
10 Operating manual for code
5 Appendix includes the code
115 Total
( 10 bonus points for each team member if ALL team members have
demo’d codes are demo’d by Dec 9th)
ENGR 13300-Fall 2020 Individual Project
Proposal Grading Rubric
Fully Achieved
(10 points)
Mostly Achieved
(7 points)
Partially Achieved
(3 point)
No Attempt
(0 points)
Project description
is well-written and
clear, has few or no
grammar and
spelling mistakes,
and conveys how
you plan to meet
the goals of the
Project description
is not clear, or has
many grammar and
spelling mistakes, or
does not fully
convey how you
plan to meet the
goals of the project
Project description
is very incomplete
and does not
contain enough
information to
provide feedback
description is
not included
ENGR 13300-Fall 2020 Individual Project
Program Code Grading Rubric
Required Elements (5 Points each)
⎯ Brings in data either through reading a file or with user input (this can be as small as one value)
⎯ User-defined function #1
⎯ User-defined function #2
⎯ User-defined function #3
⎯ Uses at least one for loop
⎯ Uses at least one while loop
⎯ Uses at least one case with imbedded loops
Note: imbedded loops can have any combination of while and for loops and can count
for one application of the loops (#3 and #4 but not both). The code must use a loop
somewhere else in the code.
⎯ Uses at least one vector or matrix
⎯ Uses at least one if structure with at least one else or elseif
Subtotal _____________ (45 if all present)
100/85 Lines of code*
(* Or Pre-approval from GTA/Professor for sufficiently complex project).
⎯ 10 points for >= 100 MATLAB or >=85 Python
⎯ 5 points for 70< lines of code < 100 for MATLAB or 60 < lines of code < 85 for Python
⎯ 0 points for less than 70 for MATLAB or less than 60 for Python
⎯ 5 points, well commented, uses the templates and add some comment lines within the code
⎯ 3 points, uses the templates with comments but nothing else
⎯ 1 point, comments present but incomplete
⎯ 0 points, no comments
Total (Elements + Lines of code + Comments) __________________/40
⎯ 25 points Codes runs without errors
⎯ 20 points, code runs with error, but can get code to complete easily working around error
⎯ 10 points, code runs partially but errors prevent from completing
⎯ 0 points, code will not run
ENGR 13300-Fall 2020 Individual Project
Report Grading Rubric
Fully Achieved
(5 points)
Mostly Achieved (3
Partially Achieved
(1 point)
No Attempt
(0 points)
to the
Introduction is
clear and free of
spelling and/or
grammar errors
Introduction is clear
but contains more
than one spelling
and/or grammar error
Introduction is not
clear or contains
more than 3 spelling
and/or grammar
No program
is included.
Overview of
Clear overview of
overall program,
describes its
function, including
inputs and outputs
Incomplete overview
of overall program, or
does not describe its
function, including
inputs and outputs
Minimal description
that not does
provide enough
substance to gain an
understanding of
Overview is
not included.
Description of
Clearly describes
all user-defined
Clearly describes
some user-defined
functions but either
does not include all
functions or
description is not
clear for some
Mentions that there
are user defined
functions but does
not describe them
Does not
mention user
Complete code is
included in
Partial code is
included in appendix
Code is not
included in
(10 pts) (5 pts) (1 pt) (0 pts)
User Manual Clear and easy to
understand user
manual with screen
shots of the user
Incomplete or hard to
understand manual
that either lacks clear
instructions and/or
does not include
screen shots
Started a user
manual but is
missing many
required aspects
No user
manual is

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