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Assignment 2 Solution

Winter ’18 CIS 314 Assignment 2 – 100/100 points – Please submit individual source files for coding exercises (see naming conventions below) and a single solution document for non-coding exercises (.txt or .pdf only), when appropriate. Your code and answers need to be documented to the point that the graders can understand your thought process. Full credit will not be awarded if sufficient work is not shown. 1. [20] Suppose we number the bits in a 32-bit word from 0 (least significant) to 31 (most significant). Write code for the following C function that will return a bit mask containing 1s for the least-significant n bits and 0s for the remaining most-significant bits: int mask(int n); Your solution will need to handle the case that mask is called with input 32 (hint: shifting a 32- bit word by 32 in either direction is undefined in standard C, so don’t do it; another hint: the int return type can be exploited to handle this case). Here are some test runs: mask(1): 0x1 mask(2): 0x3 mask(3): 0x7 mask(5): 0x1F mask(8): 0xFF mask(16): 0xFFFF mask(32): 0xFFFFFFFF Use only bitwise operators and subtraction; no if statements, loops, or other arithmetic operators (+, *, /, %). Also write a main() function to test your function. Name your source file 2-1.c 2. [20] Suppose we number the bytes in a 32-bit word from 0 (least significant) to 3 (most significant) and that the word consists of 4 individual signed bytes. Write code for the following C function that will return byte i of x sign extended to 32 bits: unsigned int extract (unsigned int x, int i); Here are some test runs: extract(0x12345678, 0): 0x00000078 extract(0xABCDEF00, 2): 0xFFFFFFCD Use only bitwise operators and subtraction; no if statements, loops, or other arithmetic operators (+, *, /, %). Also write a main() function to test your function. Name your source file 2-2.c 3. [15] Fill in the missing expression in the following C code such that it will return 1 if x is = y, 0 otherwise (you can assume that neither argument is NaN and that +0 and -0 are considered equal): int ge(float x, float y) { unsigned ux = *((unsigned *) &x); // convert x raw bits unsigned uy = *((unsigned *) &y); // convert y raw bits unsigned sx = ux 31; // extract sign bit of ux unsigned sy = uy 31; // extract sign bit of uy ux <<= 1; // drop sign bit of ux uy <<= 1; // drop sign bit of uy // TODO: return using sx, sy, ux, uy } Here are some test runs: ge(0.0f, 0.0f): 1 ge(-0.0f, 0.0f): 1 ge(-1.0f, 0.0f): 0 ge(0.0f, 1.0f): 0 ge(1.0f, 0.0f): 1 ge(0.0f, -1.0f): 1 Use only bitwise operators; no if statements, loops, or arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, %). Also write a main() function to test your function. Name your source file 2-3.c 4. [15] Convert the following hex values to decimal assuming that they are stored as 2s complement integers. a. (5) 0x000000FF b. (5) 0xFFFFFCE6 c. (5) 0xFFFFFFFF Write your answers in your solutions document. Show your work. 5. [15] Convert the following hex values to decimal assuming that they are encoded as IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point numbers: a. (5) 0x80000000 b. (5) 0x41220000 c. (5) 0xC39D0000 Write your answers in your solutions document. Show your work. 6. [15] Convert the following decimal numbers to hex encoded as IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point numbers. Write your answers in your solutions document. a. (5) 1.0 b. (5) 8.25 c. (5) -25.125 Write your answers in your solutions document. Show your work. Zip the source files and solution document (if applicable), name the .zip file (e.g.,, and upload the .zip file to Canvas (see Assignments section for submission link).

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