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CS3110: Assignment 7 Dynamic Programming

Q1: [25 marks] You are given a robot with only 3 possible instructions
A: move forward 1 foot
B: move forward 2 feet
C: move forward 3 feet
Complete the following steps to design an algorithm that given n, prints the number of all
possible chain of instructions that can move the robot exactly n feet from its current position.
1) Formulate the problem in a recurrence form
2) Implement the recurrence directly and calculate its complexity
3) Use memoization and reimplement the algorithm
4) What is the complexity of the new algorithm
Q2. [25 marks] There is another robot, and this one can move on a gridded surface and has two
A: Move Forward
B: Move Down
Part 1 [10 marks]: We want to calculate the number of different ways that the robot can get to
point (x,y) from (0,0)
1) Formulate the problem in a recurrence form
2) Use Memoization and reimplement the algorithm
3) Calculate the complexity of the algorithm
Part 2 [15 marks]: Now assume there are cells that are forbidden,
1) write an algorithm that prints a chain of instructions that can help the robot navigate to to
(x,y), staying away from the forbidden cells
2) What is the complexity of the algorithm?
Note that in part A the algorithm needs to return the number of the paths, and in part B, should
print out one solution among possible many of them
Q3. [30 marks+10 Bonus] We are given the description of a game, as follows.Emoji generation Game:
The players agree on a set of symbols (marked in red) and a set of emojis. Player A designs a set
of “replacement rules”, and an ordered list of emojis. Player B should generate the given list by
applying the replacement rules. For example:
The players agree on these symbols: {␣, ■, , ●} (␣ is mandatory and should always be one of the
symbols) and these emojis {! ,☹ ,# ,☹ ,$ }
Player A: Generate this list $ ! $ # ☹ $ using the following rules
R0: ␣ → ■▲
R1: ␣ → ■■
R2: ■ → ▲●
R3: ■ → !
R4: ■ → ☹
R5: ▲ →▲■
R6: ▲→ ●■
R7: ▲ → #
R8: ▲→ ☹
R9: ● → ▲▲
R10: ● → $
Player B:
Start from R0 and replace the blank with:
Replace the first symbol using R2 and the second symbol using R5
Replace the first symbol using R6, and last symbol using R2
Now from left to right, apply the following rules on every symbol:
R9, R3, R9, R7, R8, R10
$ ! $ # ☹ $We have the following restrictions on the set of the rules:
1) You should Always start from Blank Symbol, ␣
2) The left side should be a symbol (red shapes)
3) Right side can be only 2 symbols or 1 emoji
4) You can apply any rule any number of times to replace a symbol
Design a program that given a set of rules and the list of the emojis, returns one possible chain of
rules that can generate the emojis list. Follow these steps to solve the problem:
A) Using a tree representation, try to capture and understand the recursive nature of the
B) Explain how it exhibits optimal-substructure
C) Design the steps of the algorithm, (verbal but step by step and clear explanation is
E) [10 Bonus marks]: Write a bottom up pseudo code
Hint: This problem is more similar to the matrix chain problem, however it is slightly different,
which makes it a bit more complicated.
You are allowed to search and properly give reference for the following problem, however
do not copy, but give your own interpretation:
Q6 [20 marks] . Just because almost all the problems we solved in last few weeks exhibited
optimal substructure, we cannot always assume it! Find at least two problems that optimal
substructure does not apply, and clearly explain the reason.

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