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Exercise 2: Block Transpositution

Exercise 2: Block Transpositution
CIS5362 Write two programs that compile and run on 

Program 1: target name = prog2_1
Reads from stdin, writes to stdout. 
Flags: -p to pad
    -u to unpad
    -b<n for block length n
Reads stdin in binary format.
With the -p (pad) option outputs the same data in binary format padded to a multiple of n bytes, with n=8 as the default. 
Padding is between 1 and n bytes appended to the end of the data, with the value of each byte (in binary) equal to the number of padding bytes. 
With the -u (unpad) option removes the 1 to n padding bytes and outputs the nonpad data bytes in binary format, or if the padding is incorrect, outputs an error message to stderr and may produce partial or no output to stdout; in particular, the last (partial) block may be output as read, or not output at all. 

Program 2: target name = prog2_2
Reads from stdin, writes to stdout. 
Flags: -e for encrypt
    -d for decrypt
    -b<n for blocksize = n
    -k<filename for file containing the key
Reads in binary bytes from stdin, writes in binary to stdout.
Read n bytes (default n=8) and reorder them according to 
the permutation given in the key file, then output that block of bytes in the permuted order. The input file must be a multiple of n bytes or else an error is output to stderr and the last block (with less than n bytes) is not output. 
The key file is n bytes long that encode (in binary) a permutation of n bytes, with one byte per position, and each byte a unique value in the range of 0 to n-1. 
Encryption (-e option):
The permutation is specified by the position of the key byte, so that the ith byte of input block j is the k(i)th byte of output block j, where k(i) is the binary value of the ith byte of the keyfile, and i ranges from 0 to n-1. 
The permutation is the inverse of the permutation for encryption. Hence, the key file must be read in, then the permutation inverted before applying the transposition. 
Error Checking:
The program must check for error conditions (e.g., missing key file, key file not having a valid permutation of n bytes, not having a multiple of n bytes in the input, etc.), and report any error to stderr in a meaningful way, then exit with a non-zero exit code. 

1) a makefile for all programs and support code that makes the executables prog2_1 and prog2_2 when "make all" is typed
2) all source code (header files, etc.)
3) README.txt file that explains the environmental expectations of the code and lists any bugs
4) Brief textual report Report_2 in text, doc, docx, or PDF format that reflects on how you approached the problem and how you solved any challenges, and what you learned from the assignment.

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