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Exercise 2: Linear Classifier and SVM

Practical Course: Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
Linear Classifier and SVM
1 Ordinary Least Squares
1.1 Body fat
The data set bodyfat contains several body measurements that can be done using a scale
and a tape measure. These can be used to predict the body fat percentage (body.fat
column). Measuring body fat requires a special apparatus; if our resulting model fits well,
we have a low-cost alternative. The measurements are age, weight, height, BMI, neck,
chest, abdomen, hip, thigh, knee, ankle, bicep, forearm, and wrist [?].
1. Create a function olsfit which takes a matrix X ∈ R
n×m of samples and a vector
y ∈ R
n of outcomes for each sample. The function should return the ordinary least
squares (OLS) estimate of the coefficients βˆ (including the intercept).
2. Create multiple models that predict the amount of body fat based on one of the
features mentioned above, respectively. For each model create a scatter plot which
depicts the data and the model.
3. Create a single model that contains all of the features mentioned above. Which
features have the highest/lowest coefficients?
2 Logistic Regression
2.1 Weighted Least Squares
Weighted Least Squares (WLS) is an extension to least squares, where each sample is
associated with a weight wi
. Accordingly, the weighted least squares estimate is defined
βˆ =
XTWT y, (1)
where W is a diagonal matrix containing the weights (Wii = wi).

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

−4 −2
Figure 1: Example of different estimates of coefficients for several iterations of IRLS. The
solid line indicates the final fit, dotted lines fits of iterations one to five.
2.2 Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (IRLS)
The maximum likelihood estimate for logistic regression is defined as
βˆ = arg max
log(πi) + (1 − yi) log(1 − πi), (2)
where πi denotes the probability P(yi = 1|xi) defined as
P(yi = 1|xi) =
exp ?
β0 +
j=1 βjxij?
1 + exp ?
β0 +
j=1 βjxij?. (3)
In comparison to least squares, there is no closed form solution to this problem, therefore
one has to find estimates iteratively. A common approach is to iteratively compute a
weighted least squares fit until converge, called iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS).
The weights wi of the diagonal matrix W are defined as wi = πi(1 − πi) and the working
response z ∈ R
n as
z = Xβold + W−1
(y − p), (4)
where the vector p ∈ R
contains the fitted probabilities πi
. This leads to the following
weighted least squares problem:
βnew =
XTWz, (5)
where the right side of the equation is evaluated at βold.
These equations get solved repeatedly, since at each iteration the vector p changes, and
hence does W and z. Typically, the convergence criteria is based on the deviance (−2 ·
log-liklihood) and is defined as
|deviance(βnew) − deviance(βold)|
|deviance(βold)| + 0.1
< 10−8
2.3 Likelihood-ratio Test
The likelihood-ratio test can be used to determine if considering additional features in
the model results in an increased performance. The test statistic of the likelihood-ratio
test D is defined as
D = −2 log
likelihood reduced model
likelihood full model !
. (7)
Under the null-hypothesis that the reduced model performs as well as the full model, D
is χ
2 distributed with degrees of freedom (df) equal to the difference in the number of
features considered. The resulting p-value gives an indication how likely it is that the
result of the likelihood-ratio test arose just from chance. If the p-value is smaller than
0.05, the full model provides a significant benefit over the reduced model.
The test can be applied to assess the significance of all features in a logistic regression
model. To obtain a p-value of the i-th feature in the model perform a likelihood-ratio
test between the reduced model (i-th feature removed) and the full model. Repeat the
process for all features in the model to assess the overall quality of the model.
2.4 South African Heart Disease
The data set SAheart is a subset of the Coronary Risk-Factor Study (CORIS) baseline
survey, carried out in three rural areas of the Western Cape, South Africa. The aim of
the study was to establish the intensity of ischemic heart disease risk factors in that highincidence region. The data represents white males between 15 and 64, and the response
variable is the presence or absence of myocardial infarction (chd) at the time of the survey.
The data consists of 160 cases, 302 controls and 9 features. The features are systolic blood
pressure (sbp), cumulative tobacco in kg (tobacco), low density lipoprotein cholesterol
(ldl), adiposity (adiposity), family history of heart disease (famhist), type-A behaviour
(typea), obesity (obesity), current alcohol consumption (alcohol), age at onset (age)
[?, ?].
1. Create a function lrirlsfit, which takes a matrix X ∈ R
n×m of samples and a
vector y ∈ {0; 1}
n of outcomes for each sample. The function should return the
maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the coefficients βˆ (including the intercept)
and the log-likelihood of that model. Use the function wlsfit provided by us to
compute the WLS fit and initialize βˆ with all zeros.
2. Create a logistic regression model for the SAheart data set.
a) Create a model that contains only the intercept (null model), i.e. no features
are considered.
b) Create multiple models each considering a single feature. Note that famhist
is a categorical feature which has to be converted to numbers first.
c) Create a function likelihood_ratio_test implementing the likelihood-ratio
test which takes the log-likelihood of the full model and the reduced model. The
function should return the p-value and the test statistic D of the likelihood-ratio
test. The p-value can be calculated using the call gammainc(D/2, df/2, ’upper’).
Use this function to compare the single feature models to the null model. Which
feature yields the most significant improvement over the null model?
d) What do the estimated coefficients tell with respect to the odds of suffering from
myocardial infarction? Make sure you consider the p-value of the likelihoodratio test as well.
e) Create a model which considers multiple features by starting with the null
model and adding one additional feature at a time. To determine which feature
to add, use the p-value as returned by the likelihood-ratio test. Extended
models with one additional feature, where the p-value is greater than 0.05,
should not be considered. In each step choose the model with the smallest
p-value. Continue until all features have been selected or the model cannot be
improved significantly any more.
3 Kernel Ridge Regression
Ridge regression is an extension to ordinary least squares by adding a regularization term
to the loss function. It is defined as
(yi − x
i β)
2 + λkβk
, (8)
where the value of λ 0 determines the amount of regularization. By replacing β with
i=1 αixi we obtain

yi −
i xj

+ λ
i xj (9)
As in support vector machines, we can use the Kernel trick to make ridge regression
non-linear and at the same time avoid explicitly transforming features. By specifying
k(x, x
) = φ(x)
T φ(x
), we obtain the objective function of Kernel Ridge Regression:

yi −
, xj )

+ λ
, xj ) (10)
Estimation of α can still be achieved in closed form with αˆ = (K + λI)
y, where K is
the Kernel matrix with Kij = k(xi
, xj ). The decision function then becomes
f(x0) = Xn
, x0). (11)
1. Create a function kernel_ridge_fit, which takes a matrix X ∈ R
n×m of samples, a
vector y ∈ R
n of outcomes for each sample, and a kernel function. kernel_ridge_fit
should return the estimated vector α ∈ R
n and the mean squared error on the training samples.
2. Create a function kernel_ridge_predict, which takes the matrix X used during
training, the vector α, a matrix Xt of samples for testing and their respective
outcomes yt
, and a kernel function. The function should return a vector of predicted
outcomes and the mean squared error on the testing samples.
3. Apply your implementation of kernel ridge regression to the Aqua-all.csv data set.
The first column denotes the outcome y, the remaining columns the features.
a) Plot the mean squared training error of the first 100 samples obtained from
kernel_ridge_fit for λ ∈ {0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 10000}
and the following Kernel functions: linear, polynomial (c = 1, d = 2), sigmoid
(γ = −0.001, c = 1), and RBF (γ = 0.001). The x axis should denote the λ
values in log scale and the y axis the mean squared error.
b) Use the remaining 97 samples to test all models trained above and plot the
mean squared test error obtained from kernel_ridge_predict. The x-axis
should denote the λ values in log scale and the y-axis the mean squared error.
[1] John Verzani. Using R for Introductory Statistics, page 296. Chapman and Hall, 2004.
[2] J. Rousseauw, J. du Plessis, A. Benade, P. Jordaan, J. Kotze, and J Ferreira. Coronary
risk factor screening in three rural communities. South African Medical Journal, 64:430–436,
[3] Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman. The Elements of Statistical Learning, pages 122–124. Springer, second edition, 2009.

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