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Exercise 5 (Week 6)- Goldilocks & the 3 Software Engineers

CSCI251/CSCI851 Advanced Programming

Laboratory Exercise 5 (Week 6)
1 Task One: Warm–up exercises
1. A makefile is provided, with associated files. Try using it. What is wrong? Fix it. Have a look at
Makefile RACAH too, it’s an example of a makefile supporting compilation for multiple platforms.
2. Debug: Debug-A.cpp. The output should be
ID # 111
Name: Alice Anteater
Salary: $23.45
2 Task Two: Goldilocks & the 3 Software Engineers: Part One
You should work in groups of two or three for this task. Describe the data members and methods associated
with classes and objects necessary to model the story "Goldilocks and The Three Bears". A copy of
the story is in the file Goldilocks.txt.
3 Task Three: A beginner class
Write code Basic.cpp with a class definition for the class Basic. The class should have a single private
integer field and a single function, either a public constructor or, if you don’t know how to implement a constructor, a public function. The constructor or function should simply display the message ”Constructing”.
Include a main() function to demonstrate the instantiation of one Basic object.
4 Task Four: Not so private
1. What is this doing?
Comment out the illegal lines and play around with the impact of changing variable types in places.
class thing {
int value1 = 5;
void display(){cout << value2 << endl;}
int value2 = 77;
int main()
thing A;
cout << A.value1 << endl;
cout << A.value2 << endl;
cout << *(&A.value1 + 1) << endl;
cin >> *(&(A.value1) + 1);
return 0;
2. Here goes a similar restriction broken...
class thing {
int value1 = 5;
const int value2 = 77;
int main()
thing A;
cout << A.value1 << " " << A.value2 << endl;
cin >> *(&(A.value1) + 1);
cout << A.value2 << endl;
return 0;
5 Task Five: A basic class
In the lab for Week 4 you were supposed to write a Dog struct. Modify this so you have a Cat class. Again
you can use functions or a constructor. You can use them in main() to demonstrate the class operates
correctly. Here goes some sample output.
Cat: Tigger is a Fluffy unit.
The cat’s age is 3.
License fee: $10.
6 Task Six: A less basic class
Create a piece of code Bonus.cpp. This should contain a class Staff with the following:
• Data fields holding a staff number, last name, first name, base salary, sales made, staff class, and
the bonus for which the person is eligible.
• Constant static fields holding the bonus rates per sale, as a percentage of salary, in accordance with
the following array:
Sales Class A Class B Class C
0 − 20 0.03 0.02 0.005
21 − 50 0.05 0.035 0.015
51+ 0.075 0.055 0.04
• Include a static function that displays the bonus table.
• Include a function setFields() to set all the field values on the basis of the staff number, last and
first names, base salary, sales made and staff class.
• Include a function computeBonus() to determine the bonus earnt.
• Include a function display() to display all the information for a staff member.
• In the main() function you should display the Bonus table, construct a couple of Staff objects, use
setFields() for each, passing whatever fields you want to demonstrate the functionality and finally
run the display() function for each. Note that after setFields() runs the bonus should have been
In writing the code you should consider carefully whether data fields and functions should be public or
private. You should call the fields by appropriate names.
There is an example of output in Sample.txt.
There is no need to make the output particular flash in terms of aligning columns exactly
and so on.
7 * Task Seven: Analysis of typeid().before();
You are determine the purpose of the before() member function of typeid. The syntax is as follows:
You should determine what before(...) does, in particular in the context of the types
int, float, double, string, char, long int, char[], bool.
and some ADT’s that you define yourself. Call them W, X, Y and Z or something similar.
What difference does forward referencing make?
c Luke McAven, SCIT-EIS-UOW, 2019.

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