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Exercise 7 Clustering

Practical Course: Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
1 The K-Medoids Algorithm
The K-Medoids algorithm is an extension of the K-means algorithm. Instead of ?nding
the centroid of every cluster, K-medoids ?nds the data point that has the minimal average
distance to every other point in the cluster. This change leads to several advantages for
clustering, including allowing to use dissimilarity measures other than the Euclidean distance
and being more robust against outliers. Using K-medoids, it is therefore also possible to
perform clustering with only the dissimilarity matrix available. In 'data1.csv' it is a matrix
describing the dissimilarities between residents in an area with di?erent nationalities. Please
implement the K-medoids algorithm and perform a 3-cluster clustering with it on the data.
You can visualise your clustering result using the Matlab function 'cmdscale'. Please submit
the implementation and the clustering result (i.e., it is not required to visualise the result but
you need to submit which data points belonging to clusters 1, 2 and 3).
2 Determine the Number of Clusters
Choosing a proper number of clusters is important for producing meaningful clustering results.
The elbow method is one of the most popular for determining the number of clusters. It
starts with two clusters, and by increasing the number of total clusters one at each step, it
?nds the number with which the increase of inter-clustering variation or the decrease of the
intra-cluster variation decreases signi?cantly. This corresponds to the point in the plot of
inter/intra-clustering variation over the number of clusters and it is called the elbow point.
'data2.csv' contains a 2D data set consisting of several clusters (every column is an observation
while every row is a variable). Please implement the elbow method and use it with the Kmeans algorithm to determine the most meaningful number of clusters. Please submit the
implementation, the plot of the inter/intra-clustering variation (choose either inter- or intraclustering variation) over the number of clusters and the number of clusters determined by
the method.
3 The EM Algorithm
The expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm is an algorithm for estimating model parameters in the maximum likelihood manner. Instead of directly estimating the parameters, the
EM algorithm alternates two steps, namely expectation and maximisation, to iteratively approach the local optimum of the log likelihood function. One of the most popular application
of the EM algorithm is to estimate the parameters of Gaussian mixture models, where the
mixture models cluster the data. 'data3.csv' (every column is an observation and every row
is a variable) contains some data describing human heart left ventricle (LV) morphologies
from healthy people and patients with a speci?c cardiac disease. A diseased LV usually has
a morphology signi?cantly di?erent from a healthy one. Firstly, please implement the EM
algorithm to divide the data into two clusters and estimate the corresponding Gaussian parameters. Secondly, given that the data in 'data3.csv' is the result of principal component
analysis, is it possible to simplify the clustering? If possible, compare the result of the simpli-
?ed clustering with that of the ?rst question. Please submit the implementation of the EM
algorithm, the clustering and estimation results for both questions.

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