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Experiment 1 Boolen Algebra

Experiment 1 Boolen Algebra

1 Introduction
The aim of this experiment is to recall the axioms and theorems of Boolean algebra and
validate these axioms and theorems using the Verilog.
• Please complete the preliminary work and explain their in detail in your report.
• You are allowed to use ‘&’ (Bitwise AND), ‘|’ (Bitwise OR), and ‘∼’ (Bitwise
NOT) operations. Other operations such as ‘ˆ ’, ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘<<’, and ‘>>’
are forbidden.
• More complex experiments will be later experiments, so you can not use always,
parametric modules, switch case, and if else etc. in this experiment.
For your questions: Abdullah Ekrem Okur (
2 Preliminary
• Revise the axioms and theorems of Boolean algebra.
• Prove the given equalities below by using the axioms of Boolean algebra. Please
specify which axioms you use.
– a + a · b = a
– (a + b) · (a + b
) = a
• Determine and prove the duals of the equalities defined above.
• Calculate the complementary expression (F
) for the function F which is defined
as follows (F = a· b+a
· c) by using De Morgan theorem and draw the logic circuit
for both expressions (F and F
• Simplify given logical function and draw the logic circuit.
– F(a, b, c, d) = ∪1(1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14)
Experiment 1 Boolen Algebra
3 Experiment
Part 1
In this part, you are requested to implement AND, OR, NOT modules which you will
use in the following experiments. You are not allowed to use these operators in the
following parts, you can only use these modules when you need them.
Part 2
In this part, you should design and implement the logic circuits for the given expressions
below by using AND, OR, NOT modules which you designed in the first part. Then, you
should simulate it for each different combination of input and validate the correctness
of your implementation.
• F1(a, b) = a + a · b = a
• F2(a, b) = (a + b) · (a + b
) = a
Part 3
A theorem is given as: (a + a · b = a).
First, determine the dual of the given theorem and then, implement the functions for
both sides of the dual theorem using AND, OR, NOT modules which you designed in
the first part. Please validate the truth of the theorem by comparing the changes in the
outputs using simulation.
Part 4
F3(a, b, c) = a · b + a
· c is given.
Firstly, determine the complement of the given function (F3). Then, implement the
circuit which realizes the complementary function (F
). Please validate your implementation by using the truth table and simulate it for each different combination of
Part 5
A basic logical function (F4) is defined as follows.
F4(a, b, c, d) = ∪1(1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14)
First, simplify given logical function and implement the simplified expression using AND,
OR, NOT modules which you designed in the first part. Please validate your implementation by observing the outputs for each possible input.
4 Report
Prepare your report using the guidelines and the report template which are posted on
Ninova e-Learning System. Please report the preliminary work in detail. Your report
should also include the following materials:
• Circuits diagrams of the expressions which were implemented during this experiment.
• Function tables (or truth tables) of the implemented expressions.
• Simulation outputs of each part.
Additionally, if there were any complications which affect your performance during the
experiment, please also indicate these difficulties in your report.
5 Submission Policy
• You should upload your experiment codes and report on Ninova, and please, do
not send your experiment files via e-mail.
• Please submit 2 Verilog Design files for the experiment codes. One of them contain
modules’ codes, the other one consists of simulation codes.
• Your reports must be written with Latex format. Latex report template is available
on Ninova. You can use any Latex editor whichever you want. If you upload your
report without Latex file, you directly get 0 as your report grade. You should
upload both .pdf and .tex files of your report.
• Please do not forget that late submissions are not accepted.

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