Traffic Light Controller Implementation on Arduino UNO
1. Purpose
The purpose of this experiment is to introduce the user to the following items:
• Basic operation of the Arduino UNO board
• C programming on Arduino
• Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of Arduino
• Traffic light controller logic
The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize the student with the basic operation of the Arduino
UNO board and Arduino IDE. Students are asked to implement traffic light controller on the
Arduino using C programming. A simple LED and pushbutton circuit must be built on the
breadboard to be interfaced with the Arduino UNO board.
2. Component Requirements
• 1 x Arduino UNO board and USB cable
• 2 x Red LED
• 2 x Yellow LED
• 2 x Green LED
• 2 x Pushbutton
• 6 x 220 Ohm & 2 x 10k Ohm Resistors
• 1 x Breadboard
3. Background
A. Arduino is an open-source computer hardware and software company, project, and user
community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller
kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in
the physical world. Arduino board designs use a variety of microprocessors and controllers.
The boards are equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be
interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits. The boards feature serial
communications interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on some models, which
are also used for loading programs from personal computers. The microcontrollers are
typically programmed using a dialect of features from the programming languages C and C+
+. In addition to using traditional compiler toolchains, the Arduino project provides an
integrated development environment (IDE) based on the Processing language project. [1]
B. For complex, modern traffic lights, often, the use of a microcontroller to handle all the timing
functionality of the light is essential. Coordinating the three main signal lamps for each
direction, left and right turn arrows, and walk and don’t walk signals is not an easy task. It
may also be beneficial to alter the timing of the light based upon traffic sensors and time of
day. Handling all this functionality is simply too daunting a task for simple logic circuits. In
addition, the programming capabilities of a microcontroller allow the timing to be altered
relatively easily when necessary. With this said, there are some simple applications in which
the cost of developing a micro-controller system and its corresponding software would
simply not be justified. For these situations, a simple sequential logic circuit may be
constructed to provide all the required functionality.
B-1. Simple Two-Way Intersection
The first logic that will be designed for this laboratory experiment is one for controlling a
traffic signal at a very simple intersection. Consider an intersection of a north/south road and
an east/west road, as shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1 – Illustration of the intersection for the first traffic light controller.
For this first, very simple problem, each traffic signal only has three lamps: green for
proceed, yellow for changing, and red for stop. A timer alone governs the changing of these
lights and no additional sensor information is obtained regarding traffic flow or any other
operating conditions. In addition, consider that the north/south road is busier than the
east/west road; therefore, it is desirable to give longer green lights to the north/south road.
The north/south road may be given ten time-unit green lights, while the east/west road is only
given five time-unit green lights (for the purposes of this laboratory, a time-unit may be
assumed to be the length of one clock cycle of a chosen frequency). Just as with a typical
traffic light, when one direction is given a green light, the other direction must be given a red
light. For the transition from green to red, a yellow light is given to the directions that had a
green light previously, for a duration of one time-unit. Finally, when the yellow light
transitions to red, all four directions are provided with a red light for one time-unit, allowing
for a margin of safety in the event someone decides to run the new red light. This
functionality is summarized in the following flowchart.
Figure 2 – Flowchart for the simple traffic light controller.
B-2. Two-Way Intersection with Traffic Sensors
For the second circuit to be developed in this laboratory experiment, consider that the
previous traffic light no longer satisfies the needs of the traffic patterns on these two streets.
If the traffic flow on the north/south street increases drastically while the traffic on the
east/west street remains very low, the timing that was provided in the previous section could
produce undesirable delays on the north/south road. If there are no cars waiting for the red
light on the east/west street, there is no reason to change the north/south signal from green to
red. When a car arrives at the east/west traffic light, the same timing presented in the
previous section may be initiated. In order to achieve this functionality, automobile sensors
are inserted at the intersection as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3 – Illustration of the intersection with the automobile sensors added.
The addition of the automobile sensors allows the traffic light controller to adapt to changing
traffic patterns. This will allow the north/south street to have an unrestricted traffic flow if no
cars are waiting at either of the cross-street traffic signals. The functionality of these
automobile sensors, in conjunction with the traffic light timing, is summarized in Figure 4.
Figure 4 – Flowchart for the traffic light controller including automobile sensors.
4. Statement of Problem
In this lab experiment, the students will be introduced to the Arduino Microcontroller and its
Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Students are required to build a simple traffic light
controller system with the Arduino UNO development board. A circuit with LEDs and
pushbuttons will be built on the breadboard as the peripheral device of the microcontroller. It
will also familiarize the students with programming in C language to control microcontrollers.
By completing this laboratory experiment, students will gain confidence in building more
complex embedded system in the future.
5. Procedure
1. Download and install Arduino IDE from https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software.
Arduino IDE supports Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
2. Follow the instructions in Appendix A to learn how to simulate a circuit with the Arduino
UNO R3 controller on TinkerCAD. Scheme your own circuit and simulate the traffic
light controller system presented in B-1 Simple Two-Way Intersection of Section 3.
Background. Include results(screenshots) in your report.
3. Write a program for the Arduino UNO development board, following the behavior and
logic presented in B-2 Two-Way Intersection with Traffic Sensors of Section 3. Simulate
it in TinkerCAD. Include results(screenshots) in your report.
PART A – Introduction to Arduino and its Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
In this part, you will familiarize yourself with Arduino and its IDE by go through a step-by-step
1. Digital I/O usage
The digital I/O pins on the Arduino allow you to connect sensors, LED, BTN, and various
peripherals. Learning how to use them will allow you to use Arduino to implement a lot of
useful designs. There are 3 basic functions that are related to digital I/O operations.
In Figure 5 is a schematic that contains a LED as the digital output and a push button as the
digital input. We will use this circuit to get to understand how these three functions work.
Please build the circuit on the bread board and connect it to Arduino UNO development
board according to Figure 5. The resistor used for LED is 220 Ohm to limit the current draw
for the digital pin. The pull up resistor used for the push button is 10k Ohm.
Figure 5. Arduino Circuit with Push Button and LED.
Follow Appendix B and load the following program to the Arduino UNO to learn how
digitalWrite() work.
void setup()
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)
Load the following code to Arduino UNO to learn how digitalRead() work.
void setup()
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(7, INPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
PART B – Traffic light controller implementation on Arduino UNO
1. In this part, you are going to implement the traffic light controller of a Two-Way
Intersection described in B-1 Simple Two-Way Intersection of Section 3 Background.
Using the schematic from your prelab, build the circuit on the breadboard. Since the
traffic light on the same direction are identical, we use 6 LEDs to build the circuit for the
traffic light controller. Use the following table for pinout setup of these LEDs.
Digital Pin 2 OUTPUT Red North/South Direction
Digital Pin 3 OUTPUT Yellow North/South Direction
Digital Pin 4 OUTPUT Green North/South Direction
Digital Pin 5 OUTPUT Red East/West Direction
Digital Pin 6 OUTPUT Yellow East/West Direction
Digital Pin 7 OUTPUT Green East/West Direction
Load the program in below Sample Program No.1 to the Arduino UNO. Show your result
in your report. You are required to record a short demonstration video and include it with
your submission to the Blackboard. (If file size of the video exceeds Blackboard’s
limitation, upload to your Google Drive, and provide a link to your video)
Sample Program No. 1
// North_South LEDs
#define r_ns 2
#define y_ns 3
#define g_ns 4
// East_West LEDs
#define r_ew 5
#define y_ew 6
#define g_ew 7
//time_base define the running speed
//Set it to 1000 is in real time
//Set it to a smaller value for debugging
#define time_base 500
void setup()
// put your setup code here, to run once:
// initialize all LEDs as output
pinMode(r_ns, OUTPUT);
pinMode(y_ns, OUTPUT);
pinMode(g_ns, OUTPUT);
pinMode(r_ew, OUTPUT);
pinMode(y_ew, OUTPUT);
pinMode(g_ew, OUTPUT);
void ChangeLedValue(byte number)
digitalWrite(r_ns, bitRead(number, 5));
digitalWrite(y_ns, bitRead(number, 4));
digitalWrite(g_ns, bitRead(number, 3));
digitalWrite(r_ew, bitRead(number, 2));
digitalWrite(y_ew, bitRead(number, 1));
digitalWrite(g_ew, bitRead(number, 0));
void LightSequence()
delay(time_base * 10);
delay(time_base * 1);
delay(time_base * 1);
delay(time_base * 5);
delay(time_base * 1);
delay(time_base * 1);
void loop()
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
2. In this part, you are going to implement the traffic light controller of a Two-Way
Intersection with Traffic Sensors described in B-2 Two-Way Intersection with Traffic
Sensors of Section 3 Background.
For easier implementation, the vehicle sensor will be replaced by the push button. When
the button is pushed, it represents for cars detected. Using the same circuit finished in the
above Part 1, you can add two push buttons to the circuit. With the modified circuit, you
must write the C code to implement the program logic that is described in Figure 4. Use
the following table for pinout setup for the push buttons.
Digital Pin 12 INPUT Automobile Sensor on West
Digital Pin 13 INPUT Automobile Sensor on East
Finish the code, load it to the Arduino UNO board. Show your result in your report.
Record a short demonstration video and include it with your submission to the
6. Discussions and Post-Lab Implementations
1. A schematic diagram of your hardware design and a fully commented listing of the traffic
light controller program. (5 pts)
2. Write a brief discussion on (a) what is an(the) Arduino, (b) what Arduino can achieve and
what is the shortcoming. (At least 200 words). (5 pts)
3. Implement a proximity recognition system using an LED light and an ultrasonic distance
sensor with LCD display in TinkerCAD. Your program should print object’s distance
from the ultrasonic sensor on the LCD display. Also, an LED light should be used to
indicate object’s proximity where the LED light gets brighter as the object gets closer to
the sensor, and LED light gets dimmer as the object moves away from the sensor. A
schematic diagram of your hardware design, a fully commented listing of the program,
and screenshots of the results must be included in the lab report. (15 pts)
4. Implement an extended version of B-2 Two-Way Intersection with Traffic Sensors of
Section 3 by adding a left turn signal for all intersections. Provide a modified flowchart of
Figure 4 in your report. Also, provide a schematic diagram of your hardware design and a
fully commented listing of your program. Your implementation must be achieved on the
Arduino board (not TinkerCAD). Record short demonstration video and include it with
your submission to the Blackboard.
[1] "Arduino," https://www.arduino.cc
[2] "TinkerCAD", https://www.tinkercad.com
[3] “Arduino UNO hardware information”, https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-uno-rev3
[4] “Arduino Tutorials”, https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/HomePage?from=Main.Tutorials
[5] “Lab 1 Tutorial Video by Guojun Yang”, https://tinyurl.com/ECE442-Lab1
Appendix A.
Instruction for Simulation in TinkerCAD
1. Go to the website: https://www.tinkercad.com
Register for Autodesk account using your Illinois Tech email address
Click “Circuits” on the left panel
2. Click “Create” -> “Circuit” -> “+ Component” and add “Arduino Blink” from the “Starters” Tab.
3. Go to “Code Editor” and disable “Block” function since we don’t want to program it using the
block diagram. Read the C code to gain a better understanding of the program flow.
4. Click “Start Simulation” and observe the result.
5. Following the same procedure, simulate “Button”, “Debounce” from “Starters”. Practice with
the tool to gain a better understanding of building peripheral circuit and programming the
6. Refer to the B-1 Simple Two-Way Intersection of Section 3 Background and build the circuit in
TinkerCAD. Use the code from Sample Program No.1 from Part B of Section 5 Procedure and
simulate the circuit.
Appendix B.
Load compiled code into your Arduino UNO device
1. Click the icon to open Arduino IDE
2. Set the proper development board (Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno")
3. Select the proper COM port for your board
4. Type the code from the Table into IDE. Compile your code with the button and upload it to
the Arduino UNO using button