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EXPERIMENT #5 An 8-Bit Multiplier in SystemVerilog

ECE 385
An 8-Bit Multiplier in SystemVerilog
In this experiment, you will design a multiplier in SystemVerilog for two 8-bit 2’s
compliment numbers and then run that multiplier on the DE2 FPGA board.
You will use a simple add-shift algorithm to multiply two numbers. The algorithm is very
similar to the pencil-and-paper method of multiplication except the final step for 2’s
Complement numbers depends on the sign bit. Consider the following example to calculate 8-bit
00000111 (7, Multiplicand) x 11000101 (-59, Multiplier)
00000111 7 (multiplicand)
x 11000101 x (-)59 (multiplier)
00000111 (-)413
-00000111xxxxxxx Subtract (or Add 2’s comp of 00000111)
1111111001100011 (2’s comp of result=0000000110011101=413)
Let us see how to perform multiplication using the add-shift method that you will use to
multiply the contents of register B and switches S, leaving the result in registers AB:
Initial Values: X = 0, A = 00000000, B = 11000101 (achieved using ClearA_LoadB
signal), S = 00000111, M is the least significant bit of the multiplier (Register B).
Function X A B M Comments for the next step
Clear A,
LoadB 0 0000 0000 11000101 1
Since M = 1, multiplicand (available from
switches S) will be added to A.
ADD 0 0000 0111 11000101 1 Shift XAB by one bit after ADD complete
SHIFT 0 0000 0011 1 1100010 0 Do not add S to A since M = 0. Shift XAB.
SHIFT 0 0000 0001 11 110001 1 Add S to A since M = 1.
ADD 0 0000 1000 11 110001 1 Shift XAB by one bit after ADD complete
SHIFT 0 0000 0100 011 11000 0 Do not add S to A since M = 0. Shift XAB.
SHIFT 0 0000 0010 0011 1100 0 Do not add S to A since M = 0. Shift XAB.
SHIFT 0 0000 0001 00011 110 0 Do not add S to A since M = 0. Shift XAB.
SHIFT 0 0000 0000 100011 11 1 Add S to A since M = 1
ADD 0 0000 0111 100011 11 1 Shift XAB by one bit after ADD complete
SHIFT 0 0000 0011 1100011 1 1 Subtract S from A since 8th bit M = 1.
SUB 1 1111 1100 1100011 1 1 Shift XAB after SUB complete
SHIFT 1 1111 1110 01100011 1 8
th shift done. Stop. 16-bit Product in AB.
In the ADD state, the values of A and S are first sign-extended to 9 bits, and then
summed together. The 9-bit results (not including the Cout) are then stored into XA. In the
SHIFT state, the entire 17 bits of XAB is arithmetically right-shifted by one bit.
When M = 0, an ADD does not need to be performed. In that case, the ADD cycle can be
omitted or a zero can be added to A. In addition, since we are using a 2’s complement
representation, we need to consider negative numbers. If A is negative, then XA will contain the
correct partial sum and the sign will be preserved since the shift operation will perform an
arithmetic shift on XAB. If B is negative (the most significant bit = 1), then M will be 1 after the
seventh shift (see the example above). In that case a subtract operation is performed since the 8th
bit of B has negative weight with 2’s complement representation.
The 9-bit Adder/Subtractor should be designed using Full Adder primitives that you
create. In other words, do not use the available SystemVerilog arithmetic operations “+” (add)
and “-” (subtract) for this experiment. In future, you may use these operations in your designs.
You should design your control unit such that it executes one multiply operation when
the Run press button is pressed. You can use symbolic states for the state machine in the
controller for this experiment. You will need to have a Reset input that will reset the controller in
the initial/start state. An incomplete block diagram of the circuit is shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Incomplete Block Diagram
Your circuit should have the following inputs and outputs:
S – logic [7:0]
Clk, Reset, Run, ClearA_LoadB – logic
AhexU, AhexL, BhexU, BhexL – logic [6:0]
Aval, Bval – logic [7:0]
X –logic
To perform a multiplication, you will first load the multiplier to Register B by setting the
switches (S) to represent the multiplier and pressing the ClearA_LoadB button. ClearA_LoadB
button should also clears the X and A registers. Then you will set the switches (S) to represent
X A[7:0] B[7:0]
Run ClearA_LoadB
Clr_Ld Shift
A[7] 8 8 8
S[7] 8
the multiplicand and press the Run button. ClearA_LoadB should be released before Run button
is pushed. Once the Run signal triggers the multiplication, the circuit should complete the
multiply operation regardless of the status of Run signal. The circuit should stop once the
multiplication is done and the correct result should be displayed by outputting AB on the hex
displays. Another multiply operation can be triggered by releasing the Run button and pressing it
Your circuit should support consecutive multiplications to receive full demo points. Note
that neither ClearA_LoadB nor Reset buttons will be pressed between consecutive presses of the
Run button, so your circuit needs to clear X and A before the next multiplication execution starts
to get the correct results.
Demo Points Breakdown:
1.0 point: Functional simulation completed successfully
1.0 point: Correct operation of the Clear_A_Load_B function on the DE2 board
1.0 point: Correct operation of the Multiplication function on the DE2 board. (++, +-, -+, --)
1.0 point: Correct operation of consecutive multiplications on the DE2 board. (like -1 × -1 × …)
1.0 point: Execution cycle responds correctly (exactly one execution per press of the “Run”
A. Rework the 8-bit multiplication example presented in the table form at the beginning of this
assignment. Use Multiplier B = 7, and Multiplicand S = -59. Note that this is different than
the case when B = -59 and S = 7.
B. Design, document, and implement the 8-bit multiplier in SystemVerilog.
You will need to bring the following to the lab:
1. Your code for the 8-bit multiplier. You can bring the code to the lab using a USB storage
device, FTP, or any other method.
2. Block diagram of your design, with components, ports, and interconnections labeled.
3. A simulation of your design showing at least one full multiplication. You should set the
radix of the Switches, Aval, and Bval signals to signed decimal for readability. (Radix is
set by right-clicking on a signal and selecting Properties.)
Follow the Lab 5 demo information on the course website.
Pin Assignment Table
Port Name Location Comments
Clk PIN_Y2 50 MHz Clock from the on-board oscillators
Run PIN_R24 On-Board Push Button (KEY3)
ClearA_LoadB PIN_N21 On-Board Push Button (KEY2)
Reset PIN_M23 On-Board Push Button (KEY0)
S[0] PIN_AB28 On-board slider switch (SW0)
S[1] PIN_AC28 On-board slider switch (SW1)
S[2] PIN_AC27 On-board slider switch (SW2)
S[3] PIN_AD27 On-board slider switch (SW3)
S[4] PIN_AB27 On-board slider switch (SW4)
S[5] PIN_AC26 On-board slider switch (SW5)
S[6] PIN_AD26 On-board slider switch (SW6)
S[7] PIN_AB26 On-board slider switch (SW7)
AhexL[0] PIN_AA25 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX2[0])
AhexL[1] PIN_AA26 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX2[1])
AhexL[2] PIN_Y25 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX2[2])
AhexL[3] PIN_W26 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX2[3])
AhexL[4] PIN_Y26 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX2[4])
AhexL[5] PIN_W27 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX2[5])
AhexL[6] PIN_W28 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX2[6])
AhexU[0] PIN_V21 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX3[0])
AhexU[1] PIN_U21 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX3[1])
AhexU[2] PIN_AB20 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX3[2])
AhexU[3] PIN_AA21 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX3[3])
AhexU[4] PIN_AD24 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX3[4])
AhexU[5] PIN_AF23 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX3[5])
AhexU[6] PIN_Y19 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX3[6])
BhexL[0] PIN_G18 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX0[0])
BhexL[1] PIN_F22 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX0[1])
BhexL[2] PIN_E17 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX0[2])
BhexL[3] PIN_L26 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX0[3])
BhexL[4] PIN_L25 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX0[4])
BhexL[5] PIN_J22 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX0[5])
BhexL[6] PIN_H22 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX0[6])
BhexU[0] PIN_M24 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX1[0])
BhexU[1] PIN_Y22 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX1[1])
BhexU[2] PIN_W21 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX1[2])
BhexU[3] PIN_W22 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX1[3])
BhexU[4] PIN_W25 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX1[4])
BhexU[5] PIN_U23 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX1[5])
BhexU[6] PIN_U24 On-Board seven-segment display segment (HEX1[6])
X PIN_F17 On-Board LED (LEDG8)
(Assignments for Aval and Bval are intentionally omitted. These outputs are included primarily
for simulation, where reading the hex display outputs is not practical. Similarly, reading the
outputs of your circuit in binary is not as practical as reading them in hex. You are free to reuse
the assignments from Lab 4 for these signals, if you wish.)
1.) Refer to the Design Resources and Statistics in IQT.30-32 and complete the following
design statistics table.
Memory (BRAM)
Static Power
Dynamic Power
Total Power
Come up with a few ideas on how you might optimize your design to decrease the total
gate count and/or to increase maximum frequency by changing your code for the design.
2) Make sure your lab report answers at least the following questions:
• What is the purpose of the X register. When does the X register get set/cleared?
• What are the limitations of continuous multiplications? Under what circumstances
will the implemented algorithm fail?
• What are the advantages (and disadvantages?) of the implemented multiplication
algorithm over the pencil-and-paper method discussed in the introduction?
In your lab report, should hand in the following:
• An introduction;
• Rework the 8-bit multiplication example;
• Written description of the operation of your circuit;
• Written purpose and operation of each module, including the inputs/outputs of the
• State diagram for your controller;
• Schematic block diagram with components, ports, and interconnections labeled;
• Annotated pre-lab simulation waveforms (4 simulations: +*+, +*-, -*+, -*-);
• Answers to post-lab questions;
• A conclusion regarding what worked and what didn’t, with explanations of any possible
causes and the potential remedies.

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