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EXPERIMENT #8 SOC with USB and VGA Interface in SystemVerilog

ECE 385
SOC with USB and VGA Interface in SystemVerilog
In this experiment you will write a protocol to interface a keyboard and a monitor with
the DE2 board using the on-board USB and VGA ports.
You will connect the monitor to the VGA port and the keyboard to the USB port and
depending on the key pressed on the keyboard, a small ball will move and bounce in either the X
or Y direction on the monitor screen
How the USB Keyboard Works
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) standard defines the connection and communication
protocols between computers and electronic devices. It also provides power supply to the
connected devices. Due to the compatibility with a wide variety of devices, the USB standard has
become prevalent since its introduction in the 1990s.
A USB cable has either a type A or a type B port on its ends. A USB port consists of four
pins: VDD, D-, D+, and GND. Figure 1 shows the configuration. The VDD and GND pins are
power lines, and D- and D+ are data lines. When data is being transmitted, D- and D+ take
opposite voltage levels in a single time frame to represent one bit of data. On low and full speed
devices, a differential ‘1’ is transmitted by pulling D+ high and D- low, while a differential ‘0’ is
a D- pulled high a D+ pulled low.
Pin Name
1 VDD (5V)
2 D3 D+
Type A Type B 4 GND
Figure 1
The USB port on the DE2 board is equipped with the Cypress EZ-OTG (CY7C67200)
USB Controller, which handles all the data transmission via the physical USB port and manages
structured information to and from the DE2 board. CY7C67200 can act as either a Host
Controller, which controls the connected devices, or a Device Controller, which makes the DE2
board itself a USB device. In this lab, we will be using CY7C67200 as a Host Controller.
A USB keyboard is a Human Interface Device (HID). HIDs usually do not require
massive data transfers at any given moment, so a low speed transmission would suffice. (Other
USB devices such as a camera or a mass storage device would often need to send large files,
which would require bulk transfers, a topic not covered in this lab.) Unlike earlier standards such
as PS/2, a USB keyboard does not send key press signals on its own. All USB devices send
information only when requested by the host. In order to receive key press signals promptly, the
host needs to constantly poll information from the keyboard. In this lab, after proper
configuration, ISP1362 will constantly send interrupt requests to the keyboard, and the keyboard
will respond with key press information in report descriptors. A descriptor simply means a data
structure in which the information is stored.
Table 1 shows the keyboard input report format (8 bytes). In this format, a maximum of 6
simultaneous key presses can be handled, but here we will assume only one key is pressed at a
time, which means we only need to look at the first key code. Each key code is an 8-bit hex
number. For example, the character A is represented by 0x04, B by 0x05, and so on. When the
key is not pressed, or is released, the key code will be 0x00 (No Event).
Byte Description
0 Modifiers Keys
1 Reserved
2 Keycode 1
3 Keycode 2
4 Keycode 3
5 Keycode 4
6 Keycode 5
7 Keycode 6
Table 1
A more detailed explanation of how the keyboard works (and all the key code
combinations) can be found in the INTRODUCTION TO USB AND EZ-OTG ON NIOS II
(IUQ). The USB 2.0 Specification and the HID Device Class Definition (refer to the ECE 385
course website) are two documents that define all the behavior of a USB keyboard.
How the VGA Monitor works
For detailed explanation on how the VGA monitor works, please refer to the lecture
slides and section 4.10 of the DE2-115 User Guide available on the ECE 385 website. Additional
information can also be found by doing a web search.
Some sample codes are given on the ECE 385 website which generates the horizontal
sync, vertical sync, horizontal pixel and vertical pixel location.
Instructions for the lab
The goal of this circuit is to make a small ball move on the VGA monitor screen. The ball
can either move in the X (horizontal) direction or the Y (vertical) direction. (Remember that on
the monitor, Y=0 is the top and Y=479 is the bottom!)
When the program starts, a stationary red ball should be displayed in the center of the
screen. The ball should be waiting for a direction signal from the keyboard. As soon as a
direction key (W-A-S-D) is pressed on the keyboard, the ball will start moving in the direction
specified by the key.
W - Up
S - Down
A - Left
D - Right
When the ball reaches the edge of the screen, it should bounce back and start moving in
the opposite direction.
The ball will keep moving and bouncing until another command is received from the
keyboard. When a different direction key is pressed, the ball should start moving in the newly
specified direction immediately, without returning to the center of the screen. NOTE: The ball
should never move diagonally, and once set into motion by the initial key press, should never
come to a stop.
Sample SystemVerilog code for the ball is given on ECE 385 web site. The sample code
only implements the bouncing of the ball in the Y direction. You must add support for motion in
the X direction and response to keyboard input.
Please do not take this lab lightly! Working with the VGA and Keyboard is a big
time sink.
Summarizing, complete working code for a ball, moving and bouncing in the Y direction,
can be found on the ECE 385 website. You have to add the following features:
• A keyboard entity that outputs the code of the last received key (Completed USB tutorial
with additional logic)
• Motion and bouncing in the X and Y direction
• Immediately changing the ball's motion using the direction keys (W,A,S,D) (The ball should
respond to the scan code)
• All of these functions should work in any sequence without having to reset the circuit
Your top-level circuit should have at least the following inputs and outputs:
General Interface:
KEY[0] : logic -- Reset for any initialization purposes
CLOCK_50 : logic -- 50 MHz clock input
HEX0, HEX1 : logic [6:0] -- Makecode output in HEX
VGA Interface:
VGA_R : logic [7:0] -- Red color output to the VGA
VGA_G : logic [7:0] -- Green color output to the VGA
VGA_B : logic [7:0] -- Blue color output to the VGA
VGA_CLK : logic; -- 25 MHz pixel clock for DAC chip
VGA_SYNC_N : logic; -- Sync signal for DAC chip
VGA_BLANK_N : logic; -- Blanking signal for DAC chip
VGA_VS : logic; -- Vertical Sync Signal to the VGA
VGA_HS : logic; -- Horizontal Sync Signal to the VGA
CY7C67200 Interface:
OTG_INT : logic -- CY7C67200 Interrupt
 Bidirectional ports (inout)
OTG_DATA : logic [15:0] -- CY7C67200 Data Bus 16 Bits
OTG_ADDR : logic [1:0] -- CY7C67200 Address 2 Bits
OTG_CS_N : logic -- CY7C67200 Chip Select
OTG_RD_N : logic -- CY7C67200 Read
OTG_WR_N : logic -- CY7C67200 Write
OTG_RST_N : logic -- CY7C67200 Reset
SDRAM Interface for Nios II Software:
 Bidirectional ports (inout)
sdram_wire_dq : logic [31:0] -- SDRAM Data 32 Bits
sdram_wire_addr : logic [12:0] -- SDRAM Address 13 Bits
sdram_wire_ba : logic [1:0] -- SDRAM Bank Address 2 Bits
sdram_wire_dqm : logic [3:0] -- SDRAM Data Mast 4 Bits
sdram_wire_ras_n : logic; -- SDRAM Row Address Strobe
sdram_wire_cas_n : logic; -- SDRAM Column Address Strobe
sdram_wire_cke : logic; -- SDRAM Clock Enable
sdram_wire_we_n : logic; -- SDRAM Write Enable
sdram_wire_cs_n : logic; -- SDRAM Chip Select
sdram_clk : logic; -- SDRAM Clock
NOTE: For the partial credit, you may add LEDs, hex displays, switches, and/or buttons
to the above lists.
The bulk of this lab can be broken down into six distinct tasks.
1. Defining an appropriate Platform Designer setup for interfacing the NIOS II Processor
with the CY7C67200 chip
2. Putting together the top level entity in system Verilog to include all the files given to you
(including color_mapper, vga_controller and ball)
3. Writing a hardware I/O wrapper to tri-state the NIOS II driven data bus and to handle
setting the CY7C67200 control pins
4. Filling in the two stub methods, IO_read and IO_write, with the appropriate code to
correctly read and write a single register on the CYC67200 chip
5. Fill in the two stub methods, USBRead and USBWrite, with code that uses the register
reads and writes in step 3 to properly read and write the CY7C67200’s RAM
6. Edit to satisfy the requirements described in the instructions section above
To elaborate on the difference between steps 4 and 5: in step 4, you are defining a way to write
to one of the four registers in the register bank (HPI_ADDRESS, HPI_DATA, HPI_MAILBOX,
or HPI_STATUS) on the CY7C67200 chip, while in step 5, you are defining the proper sequence
of writes and reads to use those registers to access the CY7C67200’s memory.
You will be using Platform Designer setup from your previous labs for step 1. Your task is to
define PIO’s (parallel input output connections) so that the NIOS II can interface with your
System Verilog hardware I/O wrapper to control the CY7C67200 chip that handles USB input
and output. Keep in mind that the NIOS II needs to be able to both read and write data (so your
data PIO may be best setup as an in/out). You should need a PIO for each of the following at the
least: address, data, read, write and chip select. You need to look at the datasheet to figure out
what direction and width the PIO’s need to be. (I would recommend using an inout instead of
bidir for the data port)
For step 2 you would need to download the files from the website and connect them together and
to input/output pins as required. You should read the VGA Tutorial to understand how to connect
the VGA controller. The incomplete Hardware Tri-state Buffer is provided in
Step 3 consists of defining a hardware I/O wrapper in System Verilog that handles the
connections between the PIO’s coming from the NIOS II processor to the pins that control the
CY7C67200 chip. Note that the data bus will need to be tri-stated, as it can be driven both by the
NIOS and by the CY7C67200 chip.
Step 4 will mainly rely on you properly interpreting the provided timing diagrams for the HPI
(Host Port Interface) read and write cycle timing. You won’t necessarily need to concern
yourself with issues of setup and hold times (as they are very small compared to the time a single
cycle of our processor takes), but more the general sequence of setting changes (i.e. in what
order do address, chip select, read, and write changes for a typical HPI read and write). There is
an image of the write cycle timing diagrams below which has been taken from the data sheet for
your reference, you can find the read cycle timing diagram in the CY7C67200 datasheet.
Step 5 is where you define how a single read and write of data from the CY7C67200 chip
memory occurs. This relies on an understanding of what the HPI_ADDRESS and HPI_DATA
registers on the CY7C67200 chip do.
For step 6 you will need to add if/else conditions to take care of all the other cases, i.e. right and
left edge conditions and key command conditions.
Demo Point Breakdown:
This is the breakdown for partial credit, if you can get the keyboard and VGA controller working
together perfectly with all the conditions met, you will get full demo points without having to
demo the individual steps.
• Display the last received key (scan code) from the keyboard (1 point)
• Somehow show that the ball can move in X as well as Y direction without
reprogramming the FPGA (perhaps by using switch inputs as stimulus) (1 point)
• Somehow show that your keyboard code can identify the 4 different directions and light a
different LED for each direction (1 point)
• Get the ball to respond to the keyboard (1 point)
• Somehow show that the ball can bounce when moving in the X as well as Y direction
without reprogramming the FPGA. Ball does not move diagonally (1 point)
Follow the Lab 8 demo information on the course website.
1.) Refer to the Design Resources and Statistics in IQT.29-31 and complete the following
design statistics table.
Memory (BRAM)
Static Power
Dynamic Power
Total Power
Document any problems you encountered and your solutions to them and write a short
conclusion. Before you leave from your lab session submit your latest project code including
both the .sv files and the software code to your TA on his/her USB drive. TAs are under no
obligation to accept late code, code that doesn’t compile (unless you got 0 demo points) or code
files that are intermixed with other project files.
2.) Answer the following questions in the lab report
• What is the difference between VGA_CLK and Clk?
• In the file io_handler.h, why is it that the otg_hpi_data is defined as an integer pointer
while the otg_hpi_r is defined as a char pointer?
In your lab report, you should include but not limited to the following:
• An introduction;
• Written description of the operation of your circuit;
• Written purpose and operation of each module, including the inputs/outputs of the
• Written description of the USB protocol and the required changes to the provided files.
• Block diagram with components, ports, and interconnections labeled;
• Answers to post-lab questions;
• A conclusion regarding what worked and what didn’t, with explanations of any possible
causes and the potential remedies.

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