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Extra Credit Problems- Gradient Descent

Extra Credit Problems
1. Gradient Descent and Stochastic Gradient Descent. Suppose we have training data
, yi}
i=1, with xi ∈ R
n and yi
is a scalar label. Derive gradient descent and SGD algorithms
to solve the following `1-loss optimization:
 yi − x
i w
a) Simulate this problem as follows. Generate each xi as random points in the interval [0, 1]
and generate yi = w1xi + w2 +i
, where w1 and w2 are the slope and intercept of a line
(of your choice) and i = randn, a Gaussian random error generated in Matlab. With
m = 10. Repeat this experiment with several different datasets (with different random
errors in each case).
b) Implement the GD or SGD algorithm for the `1-loss optimization. Compare the solution
to this optimization with the LS line fit.
c) Now change the simulation as follows. Instead of generating i as Gaussian, now generate the errors according to a Laplacian (two-sided exponential distribution) using
laprnd(1,1). Compare the LS and `1-loss solution compare in this case. Repeat this
experiment with several different datasets (with different random errors in each case).
2. Classification and the SVM. Revisit the iris data set from Homework 3. For this problem, we will use the 3rd and 4th features to classify whether an iris is versicolor or virginica.
Here is a plot of the data set for this restricted set of features.
We will look for a linear classifier of the form: xi3w1 + xi4w2 + w3 ≈ yi
. Here, xij is the
measurement of the j
th feature of the i
th iris, and w1, w2, w3 are the weights we would like
to find. The yi are the labels; e.g. +1 for versicolor and −1 for virginica.
a) Reproduce the plot above, and also plot the decision boundary for the least squares
b) This time, we will use a regularized SVM classifier with the following loss function:
(1 − yix
i w)+ + λ(w
1 + w
Here, we are using the standard hinge loss, but with an `2 regularization that penalizes only w1 and w2 (we do not penalize the offset term w3). Solve the problem by
implementing gradient descent of the form wt+1 = wt − γ∇f(wt). For your numerical
simulation, use parameters λ = 0.1, γ = 0.003, w0 = 0 and T = 20,000 iterations. Plot
the decision boundary for this SVM classifier. How does it compare to the least squares
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c) Let’s take a closer look at the convergence properties of wt
. Plot the three components
of wt on the same axes, as a function of the iteration number t. Do the three curves each
appear to be converging? Now produce the same plots with a larger stepsize (γ = 0.01)
and a smaller stepsize (γ = 0.0001). What do you observe?
3. Projection matrices. A square matrix P is called a projection matrix if P
2 = P.
a) Prove that if P is a projection matrix, so is I − P, where I is the n × n identity matrix.
b) Prove that if A has linearly independent columns, then A(ATA)
−1AT is a projection
c) Prove that if {u1, . . . , uk} are orthonormal vectors, then u1u
1 +· · ·+uku
is a projection
4. Baseball pitching machine. You’ve just built your first prototype for a baseball pitching
machine and now you’d like to model the trajectory of the baseballs launched from the machine. You have a GPS tracking beacon at your disposal so you attach it to a baseball, launch
it, collect data, and repeat. Unfortunately, the GPS device is crude: it records distances and
altitudes (xi
, yi), i = 1, 2, . . . , n, but the data are noisy and you only get a few samples per
launch. The data points after several launches are shown in the figure below.
a) You expect the true baseball trajectory to resemble a parabola with equation y = px2 +
qx + r for some choice of p, q, and r. An example of such a curve is shown as a
dotted line in the figure. Describe (1) how you would formulate this as a least-squares
problem to find p, q, and r that best fit the data you’ve gathered and (2) how you would
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solve this least squares problem. Note: This is not an idealized problem! There are
aerodynamic effects in play so don’t assume anything about physics (e.g. knowledge of
Earth’s gravity). All you have is the data!
(continued on next page)
b) Suppose you know your baseballs are being launched from an altitude of y = 1 (when
x = 0). How should you modify your least-squares problem to account for this?
c) In addition, your machine is oriented such that the baseballs are launched at an angle
of exactly 45 degrees. How should you modify your least-squares problem to account for
5. Visualizing least squares. Consider the problem of finding x that minimizes kAx − bk
A =
and b =
a) What is the solution ˆx to the least squares problem above? Also compute the corresponding optimal projection ˆb := Axˆ and optimal residual ˆr := b − Axˆ.
b) Make a plot of R
showing the subspaces range(A) and range(A)
⊥. On your plot, also
include and label the vectors b,
ˆb, and ˆr.
6. A microbiology experiment. We have cultured a new bacterial strain and we would like
to predict growth conditions under which the bacteria express a certain gene. We perform
several experiments where we vary the abundance of two key nutrients and then measure gene
expression. The results:
number (i)
Relative abundance
of nutrient 1 (pi)
Relative abundance
of nutrient 2 (qi)
Expression of the
target gene (yi)
1 +0.5 +0.5 +1
2 −0.5 0 −1
3 0 −0.5 −1
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The nutrient abundance is normalized, so a value of 0 is average, positive values indicate
increased levels, and negative values indicate decreased values. For the gene expression, +1
means the gene was expressed and −1 means the gene was not expressed.
a) Find weights w1 and w2 such that yi = sign(piw1 + qiw2) for every experiment i. Plot
the points (pi
, qi) ∈ R
2 along with the decision boundary determined by your chosen
Hint: you should be able to do this by inspection; no calculations are needed!
b) We perform a fourth experiment in which p4 = −0.1, q4 = −0.1, and y4 = +1. Explain why it’s no longer possible to find w1 and w2 that achieve perfect classification as
before. Suggest a simple modification to the classification rule that allows for perfect
7. Properties of the SVD. Here is a 3×2 matrix A along with its singular value decomposition:
A =

8 19
−2 14
20 10

 = UΣV
, with: U =

2 1 −2
1 2 2
2 −2 1

 , Σ =

30 0
0 15
0 0

 , V =
3 −4
4 3#
All parts of this problem refer to the specific matrix A above.
a) List four properties that make this a legitimate SVD. You do not need to verify all of
these properties; just write down what the properties are.
b) The SVD is not unique. Write down an SVD for A that is different from the one above.
By different, I mean that at least one of the matrices U, Σ, V is different from the ones
c) Find a nonzero vector x ∈ R
such that when you compute the product y = Ax, the
amplification factor kyk/kxk is as small as possible. Also state the corresponding
amplification factor.
Properties of the SVD (cont’d). These problems refer to the same A as in the prev.
d) What is the rank 1 matrix that approximates A in the sense of minimizing the Frobenius
norm? In other words, find the X ∈ R
that solves
minimize kX − AkF
subject to: (X) = 1
e) Consider the least squares problem of finding x ∈ R
that minimizes kAx − bk where A
is the matrix given in the start of this problem. Describe the set of all vectors b such
that the least squares solution has a zero residual (in other words, Axˆ = b).
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f) Again consider the least squares problem from the previous part. Describe the set of all
vectors b such that the optimal least squares solution is ˆx = 0.
Alternatively, A is full column rank so saying that ˆx = 0 is equivalent to saying that
Axˆ = 0. So in other words, the best approximation ˆb ∈ range(A) to the vector b is zero.
This implies that b ∈ range(A)
⊥, and so b must lie in the subspace determined by the
last column of U.
8. Trade-offs. We are trying to find an x ∈ R that is (i) close to 1 and (ii) not too big. We
formulate this as a one-dimensional L2-regularized least squares problem (with λ ≥ 0)
(x − 1)2 + λx2
a) What is the optimal ˆx (as a function of λ)?
b) For the optimal ˆx, carefully plot the trade-off curve with ˆx
2 on the x-axis and (ˆx − 1)2
on the y-axis. Hint: chose a few λ values and connect the dots.
c) Suppose we use the same solutions ˆx as above but this time we plot the trade-off curve
with |xˆ| on the x-axis and |xˆ − 1| on the y-axis. What is the shape of this different
trade-off curve, and why does it have this shape?
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