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IF Game Specifications

IF Game Specifications
• Reread the 2D game specifications for general things I’ll look for in your game. However, here I’m looking for a story. This, of course, can mean almost anything, but in general the protagonist (usually the player) overcomes obstacles in the course of some quest, and in the end comes some surprising realization about herself or himself, and either succeeds magnificently, or fails spectacularly. • The source for your game should be more than 2000 words. If you do a straightforward spooky house type of story, about eight rooms with about four important objects in each room should be about right. That’s about 250 words per room, which should be enough to describe it and set up some puzzles. • There is no need for a user’s manual for IF. If there are special verbs you use in your game (like “spin the top” or “juggle the mice”) you should provide in-game hints that suggest these actions. The presence of a top should automatically suggest spinning it. Juggling could be suggested more subtly, perhaps with various juggler’s paraphernalia about the room (colored balls and clubs, a unicycle, etc.). They can be locked in a glass cabinet if you don’t want to provide interesting actions for all of them. But then, why wouldn’t you? • Clear out the skein until there are only the “best” paths through your game remaining. Normally this will be only one path, but you could have two or more “correct” endings. Make sure all are in the skein, and nothing else. • Bless the transcript of your best walkthrough. If there is more than one correct ending, pick the best one.

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