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Assignment 0 - Recursion

Programming Assignment 0 - Recursion
The purpose of this assignment is to give you some practice working with recursion. Overview For this assignment you’ll write a program to find solutions for the Knights Tour. using brute force (just trying all possible solutions) The program should prompt the user for the following: ● a board size (square) from 3x3 to 7x7. (8x8’s and above take too long using brute force) ● a starting position (row,col; 1,1 is the upper left corner) Sample Output It should show all the solutions. A sample run would look something like this: Welcome to the Knights Tour solver! Board size (3-7): 5 Starting position (row, col): 5,1 Thinking.... Solution #1: 23 10 19 14 25 18 05 24 09 20 11 22 13 04 15 06 17 02 21 08 01 12 07 16 03 ... Details You can define a fixed size array and just use the portion you want. It should be initialized with a number that is not a valid move (like 0 or 99); Each instance of the recursive function call needs it’s own copy of the board-to-date. Since arrays are always passed by reference, and we need to pass by value (to get our own copy), the simplest solution is to define the board array inside a class (or structure) because classes can be passed by value. Assuming you defined a board struct or class (with all public members) which contains a twodimensional array representing the board and an integer representing the board size, the recursive function description and prototype will probably look like these: //================================================================ // Description: // Recursively solves the knights tour using brute force. // Prints any solutions if finds. // Args: // board (I/O) - the board we’re working with // (board with previous moves and size) // row (I) - the row we’re going to attempt to place the knight on this move. // col (I) - the column we’re going to attempt place the knight on this move. // currentMoveNumber (I) - the move we’re making // (1=first placement, 16=last placement on 4x4 board) // Note: row and col may be invalid (<0 or =boardsize) // or already taken (<currentMoveNum) // Returns: // The number of solutions the given board and move leads to //=============================================================== int solveKnightsTour(Board board, int row, int col, int currentMoveNum=1); Very Important Stuff Program should be well written and function properly. The best one(s) gets a cookie. (note: image is for illustrative purposes only; actual cookie may look different and be considerably smaller). All programs should follow the class's Coding Conventions Submit the following: ● Your .cpp file ● The executable

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