HW-5 10 points
Break your HW-4 program up into parts (sub-files).
1) One file will contain the function that loads a file.
Call it hw5-yourname-load.c
This file will also require a header file.
Call it hw5-yourname-load.h
2) One file will contain the function that finds the location
in the DNA data where the FASTA data is.
Call it hw5-yourname-find.c
This file will also require a header file.
Call it hw5-yourname-find.h
3) One file will contain the function that determines and
displays the forward primer.
Call it hw5-yourname-forward.c
This file will also require a header file.
Call it hw5-yourname-forward.h
4) One file will contain the function that detertimes and
displays the reverse primer.
Call it hw5-yourname-reverse.c
This file will also require a header file.
Call it hw5-yourname-reverse.h
5) One file will be the main routine.
Call it hw5-yourname-main.c
This file will also require a header file.
Call it hw5-yourname-main.h
Finally, you will need a makefile that includes:
1) An "all" option
2) A "hw5-yourname-load.o" option
3) A "hw5-yourname-find.o" option
4) A "hw5-yourname-forward.o" option
5) A "hw5-yourname-reverse.o" option
6) A "clean" option
The makefile must use variables for the compiler (gcc or g++) and
the compiler flags (-c and -Wall).
Each option in the make file must include the appropriate dependencies.
Call the makefile yourname-makefile
1. Your program must run in Streibel 115/109 or on shell.aero.und.edu.
2. Your full name must appear as a comment at the beginning of each source
file (including the header files).
3. Your source code must be submitted as a single tarball called
hw5-yourname.tar. I will !!!NOT!!! accept submissions that are not single